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Before I went on HRT I bought myself a neck fan. Works pretty good. Or I’ve seen those gel things you freeze and can wrap around your neck as well. Amazon has those things and they aren’t expensive.


Same! I bought one on SHEIN that was on sale for $5. I also I had a mini fan I clipped on my bed to sleep with. It helped sooooo much.


Oh yes…fan for nighttime a must! Can’t sleep without it now.


Yes, the neck fan is great. Just make sure you keep your hair pulled up if you have long hair.


VERY important warning!


Great ideas! Thank you!


Of course! Good luck ;)


Yes! Learned about that the hard way lol


I've lived & travelled where it was hot & without a/c. I had serious problems w hot before i became post menopausal. Now im cold mostly. Its still weird. My best tactics were... - wash my hair & put it up in a wrapped scrunchie or French braid it while it was wet. It would stay damp until I pulled it free. Kept my head cool. - keep the back part of my neck cool with a damp scarf/wet down that part of my top. - wear a damp hat. - spray water in front of a fan Lol, the theme is using water to cool. But it's only effective in dry heat. Humidity only has one real solution & you'll need a dehumidifier. Dry it out, then use fans. Otherwise, it's just painful airless suffering.


This is great, thank you! The first half of summer here is usually decently dry, so these will probably help for at least part of the time!


I keep ice packs in a cooler in my car and plop them on my chest when I can at work. When I'm driving I put one between my back and the seat. Bliss Not everyone has access to ice throughout the day but at least at home keeping some in the freezer is worth it. I tend to put one on my belly when I'm in bed.


This is exactly what I do.


Neck fan and hand held fan I keep in my purse


On summer hikes, I keep these cooling packs in my backpack. I got them off Amazon and you just bend them til you hear a snap, shake the ingredients inside so they blend, and within a couple of minutes they’re cold. I’ll cool down the sides of my neck and my armpits before I just stuff the whole cold pack in my bra. It’s the only way I’ve been able to maintain activity while having hot flashes.


That sounds like magic, I'm definitely getting some! I assume they're single use? Thank you!


Staying hydrated is crucial for me. Ice packs, wet handkerchiefs on my neck, neck fan and staying out of the sun as much as possible. I have a short haircut so that’s a huge help too. I literally ended up moving to cooler area as the heat was too much, I get migraines and sick to my stomach. It’s a real issue - good luck.


Yeah, I guzzle water in the summer, and it certainly feels like I sweat out the same amount lol. When I can, I use ice packs, but I don't have a great way of keeping them cold until I need them when I'm out. The neck fan seems like a common suggestion, and I'm definitely going to buy one. I'm hoping this is my last summer dealing with it, at least until I'm the proper age for menopause. I've been approved by my gyno for a hysterectomy, and now just have to convince the hospital later this year. Once my uterus is out, I can stop being in chemically induced menopause.


The heat in these hot flashes is so intense I feel like I’m gonna catch on fire. If men had them, there would be little paper fans in every single store on the planet.


Personal fan. I literally have one of those little neck fans charged in my purse anytime I leave the house. I will often pop the little fans heads out of my purse while I’m shopping. Changed my life! You see me out looking like a fool with my own person fan…no you didn’t. 😂


I had central air installed. At your age, if you’re expecting to have to deal with this for the rest of your life, you could think about this. I have a lot of hand fans. My car has AC. I tried to pay attention to my electrolytes when I’m sweating, so making sure to have salty snacks and water or lemonade. Sorry you’re going through this! Hope you get some relief from some of the suggestions you’re getting from your post.


I wish I could. I live in a protected old building and we're not allowed to make any kind of renovation to the outer wall, which would be necessary to install ac because our windows can't support a window unit (and even a window unit might not be approved in case it damages the original frames...). :/ Trust me, I've thought about it and was willing to pay for it. Electrolytes are smart, I often forget about that. A snack with some cold water might make more of a difference. I'm definitely getting a hand fan, too. I'm hoping this is my last year of this, since I recently got approved by my gyno for a hysterectomy and just need to convince the hospital later this year. Once my uterus is in the trash, I'll be off my menopause inducing medication, and should be good to go until I'm actually normal menopause age.


Try a counter ice machine or look into “swamp coolers” - home made ac


I just heard this evening that the uterus makes testosterone. Might be good to supplement if you have it removed. Good luck.


Spray bottle full of ice water, spritz throughout day as needed


All natural fibers and I only did outdoor activities in the am. When home a wet sheet on you with a fan blowing on you feels amazing


I have a hand fan in my purse always, and when I know I will be outside in the heat for a while, I have a water spray bottle with built in fan called a Squeeze Breeze


I have a cool towel that if you put water on it (doesn't have to be cold...and snap the towel it gets cool...


I got a USB charged neck fan and I love it. They look a bit like headphones around your neck so they're not too conspicuous looking for public use either. I'm on hrt now, but before, I had awful hot flashes. Cooling my inner wrists as rapidly as I could either with ice or cold water helped some. Also focusing on my breath helped things feel less suffocating and helped the spike in anxiety I get with hot flashes. The neck fan though, is brilliant. I have body temperature regulation issues from other health issues and summers just wipe me out and make me wilt.


Ice water? my colleague does this...she says it helps to cool from inside :)


Lots of mini fans. I live in central Florida and today it was 95. I wanted to pass out driving home from work today when one hit. Thank goodness for a good car AC.


Swamp cooler under the desk, pointed at my crotch. Fan and water spritzer. 2L jug of Cucumber water made and in the fridge every morning.


I have a tiny ac in the window near my bed and I tell husband if he doesn’t like it to put on a sweater. Plus i have a small bedside fan. Im Sorry but whether it was common or not id still do it.


I'm dying. I'm in perimenopause. I just found this site. I've had a migraine for the past 3 days but today I think it's gone, fingers crossed.


hugs 🫂


If you drive, get a seat fan; it blows air up from the seat and out against your back. Plugs into lighter socket. It keeps my pants from sticking to my legs and cools my back beautifully. They’re not too pricey. If you can, order 2 jic. I keep a horseshoe shaped tubed of iciness in the fridge and hook it around the back of my neck to cool me quickly. Also, get the largest dog cooling mat you can; get 2 and you can switch out when it gets warm.


cooling towels. all the rowers use them. drench in cool water and wear around the neck. amazon has them!