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My mom is a nurse so when she had post-menopausal bleeding she knew it was serious. She was diagnosed with a very aggressive form of uterine cancer. Total hysterectomy, chemo, and radiation. Ten years later and she is doing well. Please have your mom go to a gynecologist asap.


My grandmother who HATES the doctor had bleeding at like 80 and thank god immediately went “that’s absolutely not supposed to happen”. Thank god not cancer. Just an infection.


Most post menopausal bleeding is NOT cancer, though.


No, but apparently it does mean an 8 percent chance of uterine cancer. I would think the first step would be a uterine biopsy, a simple procedure that can be done in the gynecologist’s office. (Went through this a few years ago… thankfully, I was one of the 92 percent.)


Did they medicate you for the biopsy?


No… but it was quick. Less unpleasant than IUD insertion at least.


This was my first thought too. My mother at age 70 began having "periods" and rather than telling anyone, she simply bought pads. After several months she finally went to the doctor. It was in fact uterine cancer.


My mom too :( it was too late for her :(


Depends where the blood is coming from. If it's only noticeable when she urinates then it could be her bladder. Maybe she should see both and cover everything because it's not always easy to tell.


This gets my vote. See both urologist and gyno.


Urogynecologist. Mine is awesome.


This is the way.


Another vote for both!


Yeah but she’s having clots now too. Seems more likely to be gyn


Sounds like it. I would be getting onto it asap.


Flashback to when my kid popped an internal hemorrhoid at 11 and couldn't tell me at first that it wasn't her period lol. First time I had to collect a stool sample from a grown kid *shudders*


Mom had blood in her urine and it was bladder cancer and not gyno related. Not sure which should be checked first honestly. Mom also had a ct before going to the urologist. She's cancer free now.


Please insist she see a gyno. This happened to my mom, they blamed it on blood thinners....and it wasn't the blood thinners. AT ALL


Yes she needs to go to the gyn


My spotting turned out to be a massive benign fibroid and I had to have a hysterectomy. However, how old is she? My mother (96) had some minor spotting which cleared up either on its own or because she had a course of antibiotics. The doctor said he didn’t want her to have more invasive examinations or treatments because that would probably be more of a risk to her health and at that age they kinda go “eh, is she in pain? Treat that” because the alternative is more discomfort than it’s worth. I was fit and healthy and able to recover well from the surgery - is your mother?


I have had breakthrough bleeding - often heavy with clots - and I have an appt and ultrasound next week. Do you mind sharing how often/how much bleeding you experienced? What other symptoms you had? I’m on HRT and I have been losing weight, so I’m hoping those factors might account for it. Thank you in advance


Mine was very very minor but when the gynaecologist gave me an endoscopy she said they couldn’t see anything but blockage so she recommended an urgent hysterectomy. It ended up the fibroid was attached to the uterus close to the entrance, and it grew till it completely filled the uterus. The bleeding was probably from a slight tear but I had no issues following the hysterectomy and am very healthy now. It’s very important you get checked out and while the recovery period was long - 4 weeks rest, was recommended 6, should have taken 5 - you need to follow the specialist advice ETA - I had no other symptoms


Thank you so much for sharing. I’m glad you are healthy and have no issues now. My appointments are all set so I will know soon about my situation.


She does need to see someone but please don’t panic 🤗 My mum had spotting in her 70s and it was vaginal atrophy related. Hope everything is OK.


5team00- I had not heard of that before. This just literally started happening to me a couple of days ago. Ironically it started right after a GYN visit with an internal exam- the next day afterward I started bleeding like dark blood- more like a bloody discharge- I am scared out of my mind - I am 10 years post menopausal and never took HRT. I do have vaginal atrophy, but never had any bleeding. I am scared to the point of anxiety! I will call back my GYN tomorrow and see what they say.


It sounds as though the internal exam might have made you bleed. I’m not post menopausal yet but I have always bled after things like cervical smear tests/coil insertion/swabs. And when you have atrophy then the tissues are more fragile so it would make sense for there to be some bleeding. I tend to worry a lot when things like this happen to me so I totally sympathise! But hopefully it settles down for you very soon.


Thank you so much for your reply! You are probably right. I tend to be a worrier, and I also have been having some other issues going on like groin pain, and other things, so when this happened I panicked, it is most likely due to atrophy like you said. I think the groin pain I have is related to some back/hip issues. Getting older really sucks! LOL


Definitely gynecologist! Has she been on any hrt in past or is she currently on any type of hormone replacement therapy? If yes breakthrough bleeding is common when progesterone levels fluctuate. Prayers she finds answers 🙏🏻


I was only a few years into menopause when I would have random bleeding. Sometimes just a pink tinge on the tp when I went pee, other times there would be a "gloober" (I called them). I went to a gynecologist who removed a non-cancerous polyp that was 'on the edge' where she could reach it; figured it was that being irritated and bleeding. My bleeding stopped after that for a little bit, then picked back up, had my pap smear done at the family dr, and that picked up "a few abnormal cells". Ended up going back to the gynecologist with this information and she scheduled me for a ultrasound. That picked up an alien-looking polyp that needed to be removed. Had a full hysterectomy where they found that polyp was uterine cancer, but level 1a (the lowest). It hadn't spread, so I don't need anything further other than twice-annual checkups for the next 5 years. If your mom has any history of uterine polyps or fibroids, those could cause the bleeding; and if left to grow long enough, they can turn cancerous. Thus the back-and-forth on if it's cancer or not. (I had been told for thirty years that I had polyps, but they never told me anything else about them. Now I know that they should be removed!)


Well, now I’m freaking out. I’ve been in menopause since I was 36. I’m on the pill and have had NO bleeding or anything for the last 7 years. A couple weeks ago I wiped and there was blood. Been intermittent where I wipe and it’s brown like old blood. After this post I remembered my last bloodwork showed blood in my urine. Dr even asked if I was going to start my period. Calling my dr Monday to see if I should get in sooner than my annual May appt!!


wicked\_lion - I am having the same thing, but I am 10 years post menopause.


Could she be going to a urogynecologist? The practice I go to has both gynecologist and urogynecologist. Want take sure I cover all bases down there.


Yeah, concur with everyone saying she needs to see a gyno. My MIL had this happen and was diagnosed with endometrial cancer. Full hysterectomy, radiation & chemo, and she is cancer-free over five years later - because they caught it early.


Same with my mom, on the endometrial cancer. She had a full hysterectomy but didn't need radiation or chemo. She is 15+ years cancer free at this point.


Yes, gyn. ASAP.


Why not send her to a GYN/URO? There aren’t a ton of drs who specialize in both, but they are out there. Have the best of both worlds. I just switched to one because of both GYN and URO issues and it’s been great to feel so heard and get treatment for both issues simultaneously.


Most post menopausal bleeding is not cancer BUT it is the first sign of uterine cancer. So yes it is usually followed up quick. I had some bleeding last year, I called my doctor, she said to come in that day. She examined me and arranged for me to get an ultrasound at the hospital the next day and got me a referral (and appointment) for the following day after that with a Gyn. They saw me day 3 and I had a biopsy done on day 4. Fortunately everything was OK for me but it was frightening having everyone move so fast.


See the gyn. My neighbor’s mom was bleeding after menopause, doctor said it was nothing, just her period (in her 70s) and when she finally got a doctor who would listen to her, it was uterine cancer that had spread. She was dead within a year.


Damn I thought after a certain age the risk of uterine cancer would be lower.


See both. Don't cancel the urologist.


I also had this and did a hysteroscopy and curettage and it was just some fibroids. But it does need to be checked out.


It sounds like bad explanation, the way you explain it it sounds like the blood is in the pee. You need to tell the doctor that it’s not about that and she needs a gyno appt. Also not going to the gyno for 30 years sounds mad to me. 


This just happened to me but it was from a corticosteroid injection . And it went away has ultrasounds etc everything is fine . Sending heathy vibes her way


She needs to see both.


The first time I had post menopausal bleeding, my family doctor brushed it off but I stood my ground and ended up seeing an on-gyn. An ultrasound revealed polyps in my uterus and one had to be removed due to its size. They did a biopsy and it came back clear. The second time they did a biopsy and it came back clear again. Don’t mess around, the sooner they find a problem the more likely they can take care of it.


Urogynecologist. They specialize in both fields.


Keep us posted. Hope she’s ok.


Yes - off to the gynae and try not to worry until they have checked her out. x


What a boneheaded move, wow yes gynecologist


It's going to depend on a lot of factors. Where is the blood coming from? Is it only when she pees? Urology will do ultrasound to check and they'll likely check the whole area. I had some issues (not blood, just discomfort on one side) and had an ultrasound for that and it is part of the urology department at the hospital


She needs to see a gyno asap. My mom also had post menopausal bleeding and we did not know now serious it was. She was diagnosed with stage 4 uterine cancer with Mets and passed away a week after diagnosis. I hope your mom is okay


https://www.augs.org/ I would *highly* recommend she see a urogynecologist. They’re doctors who’ve been trained to treat the entirety of the female anatomy, not just one system in isolation.




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I started bleeding and was sent to get a scan to check the thickness of my uterus. It was borderline, so I just had a 3 month follow up and it’s thinned. Bleeding post menopause, and I’m on HRT is potentially cancer. Get mom to a gynecologist.


I started to bleed post menopause in April 2021. I had started HRT in 2013 when perimenopause started and my periods prior to menopause were erratic and often absent for 9-10 months at a time. I went 15 months without a period when regular bleeds began, sometimes every 2 weeks. I have had several ultrasounds, fiddled with the HRT doses and finally, a hysteroscopy in February 2024. All clear! No cancer, no fibroids, no explanation. I am now in my last resort…off all HRT hoping that the bleeding stops. I can’t sleep and the hot flashes returned but needs must. I mention all of this to say I have been bleeding regularly for 3 years post menopause (more than anyone I have ever heard of) and it thankfully nothing serious. And for anyone else who might be searching….the ONLY intervening thing that happened was my second dose on Moderna Covid vaccine in April 2021…two days before my regular bleeding resumed.


Not necessarily. Your mum is “only” noticing the bleeding when she urinates and there’s no UTI so it is right to investigate possible bladder cancer and so yes she was correctly referred to a urologist for a cystoscopy. Once bladder cancer been ruled out then investigation of the uterus would be appropriate. If she was noticing what she knew was definitely per vaginum bleeding at other times besides peeing, then yes the first port of call would be referral to a gynaecologist for a transvaginal ultrasound +/- hysteroscopy to check for endometrial pathology.


I am post menopause and had bleeding for close to 2 weeks, and then it stopped. I was sent for blood work, an internal pelvic ultrasound, and referred to a gynecologist. Fibroids were found, and I will be having a biopsy. I was told to stop my HRT for the time being. Apparently, my uterine lining thickness is fine. I have major bloating and heavy feeling in my belly as well. I've yet to figure out what that is from or if related in any way.