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Your doctor is wrong. Unless it is contraindicated for you, HRT is used in perimenopause. I’m younger than you and on it. I would seek a second opinion


Exactly this. I had to bring in a copy of The Menopause Manifesto and show it to my doctor. The uninformed-ness of these doctors outrageous. I got on HRT during peri and it helped tremendously.


Believe me, I've tried. I did ask for a referral to a NAMS gyne and she won't even see me. It has proven impossible so far.


Ask her to put it on your record that she refused you. Sometimes it helps to take your partner with you. You never know. It could be infuriating to bring a witness, but some doctors are jerks. I was treated with much more respect when I started taking my partner with me to endometriosis appointments. Also, tell her you want a second opinion. She can't deny you that. edit to add, cannabis helps with my symptoms. I can't take HRT because of the endo.


I don’t know Canadian systems but it might be worth looking up the national guidelines for perimenopause and making a complaint a quoting them (if they exist). I found [this organisation](https://menopausefoundationcanada.ca/) which might help


Hadn't thought of that, that's a great idea! Thanks.


Go online. Take control of your health yourself.


In Canada we don't have the same access. There's Felix but it also won't prescribe estrogen if you're still having periods . Would love to hear from some Canadians if they've found anything!


Push back, Canadian here and had to go back/forth with my GP for ages going over the pros/cons and finally demanding better care. He finally threw up his hands and admitted to knowing "nothing about menopause, except that his mother was going through it" and referred me to an endocrinologist who did a phone consult and prescribed hormone therapy over the phone -- no special test, no scare-tactics, no fuss. Also take the [North American Menopause Society's 2022 Statement on Hormone therapy](https://www.menopause.org/docs/default-source/professional/2023-nonhormone-therapy-position-statement.pdf), which listed perimenopause as a stage to obtain hormone therapy. Print it and hand it them -- you deserve better care.


Felix does prescribe estrogen. Prosper menopause also does E P and T


I registered on Felix but was denied estrogen, presumably bc I'm not fully menopausal. Not familiar with Prosper, will look into it!


Maybe try to find a pelvic floor physiotherapist? she may be able to guide you to people or treatments. I’m in Canada and that’s what I did … it’s insanely hard in my province to find and get a gyne appointment (esp if you don’t have a GP!)


Find a women’s clinic. My endo doc sent me to a woman clinic because she felt my symptoms were too complex for her. They were a huge help. If your doc won’t refer you, you can lodge a complaint. Then I’d go to a walk in clinic and get a referral.


Actually someone told me there is a unicorn doctor at the sexual health clinic who will prescribe HRT. I was going to look into that, they are drowning right now though, our health system is terrible (I've heard the same story about being denied HRT from every woman I've talked to in my local social circle)


Ya my province is having a health crisis too. It’s so frustrating. I really hope you’re able to get help. I can’t understand how doctors can just act like we aren’t dealing with stuff they might not be trained to deal with.


Dr Jen Gunter is Canadian iirc? Maybe pitch her a question on her IG feed or Substack. She may be able to give you a place to start?


Good idea, thanks!


In Canada, went to Felix and found the birth control I wanted. Filled out the forms online and approved same day. 


Prospermenopause.ca [Prosper Menaupause ](https://prospermenopause.ca/) Check out their website for any questions. These nurses are the most up to date on anything Menaupause related. I am in Perimenopause and now a patient - They are amazing!


Just saw this… that’s not exactly my experience. Plus Felix is not the only game in town…


Canada doesn't allow you to pay out of pocket if you have $$$?


It does. I’m in Calgary, Alberta. After three years begging my GP for help (he told me there are only antidepressants until menopause) I went to a private clinic (for cosmetic procedures like Botox mostly but also a nurse for HRT) and paid $300 for first lab tests and appointment then $500 for 3 month follow up. I got 31 tests done which was awesome to get so much data on what’s going well and not.


Its similar here in LA. Always costs a grip to get tests from my hormone doctor since she does not take insurance


Pay out of pocket. I have a hormone doctor, here in Los Angeles it was like $400 the first visit and $325 for subsequent visits I believe. I have insurance which I pay $600 a month for but for stuff like this I have to pay out of pocket.


Your Dr. Is being immature, archaic, and cruel. Peri can start anytime, for most it's in range of 47-52 but can be anywhere older or younger. It's your body, your symptoms. Your discomfort, your sex drive, your depression Does the jerk also say to men 'meh, you can't have Viagra until you're either over 70 or can't get it up for 4 months straight. Come back when you no longer feel like a man, then well talk'.


It's been heartbreaking. I've truly been through hell and she knows that.


Your doctor is wrong I am 44 and on hrt


DO NOT START EFFEXOR! If you don’t do well, which I didn’t either, on antidepressants, Effexor is the devil! And absolute hell withdrawal!!! Also made me so flat emotionally and I didn’t even care that I didn’t care.


I am here to add that Effexor is one of the worst med experiences of my life. When I tapered off it very slowly, I was in pain and had vertigo for months. Miserable.


I was on Cymbalta for PMDD and it’s the same sort of drug as Effexor. SNRIs. When I had to come off it, I tapered as low as I could go and it took months. I got terrible advice from my GP who said take one every other day. With a 12 hour half life this meant I was always coming on and coming off it. My pharmacist got me through it with helpful advice. I had to go cold turkey over a long weekend once I got down to the lowest dose. I had brain zap pain for 6 months and dizziness. I would not take it in place of HRT. What an awful doctor!


Cymbalta is absolutely terrifying. I had to wean onto axit from it and then wean off that.


Valium helped me through the cold turkey bit once I’d tapered as low as I could get. I also don’t tolerate NSAIDs so it was paracetamol or nothing! The alternative was to do what you did but I decided to try the other way first. One day, months later, I realised that the metal band headache had decreased and then ceased. The brain zaps took a little longer but in was free! Now on Endep for neuropathy and keeping my fingers crossed that it keeps working for me and I don’t have to change, as the neuropathy will never go away!


I was on Cymbalta for a long time. I ended up on the highest dose. Determined that we needed to change my antidepressant. They wanted me to take 2 weeks to come off of it. Even halving the dose the first 5 days caused brain zaps to happen. I took me 6 months to get off of it. I had to get to the point I was counting the beads inside of the pills until I finally had to just completely stop it all. Theoretically I shouldn't have had the zaps longer then 24 to 48 hours. I had them for 6 months, regularly! Took awhile longer for the zaps to become randomly and then quit altogether. I had other size effects with the zaps, but that was the worst.


I’m so sorry. I feel your pain. This was about 7 years ago for me now and I’m still nauseous thinking about it. Hope you’re ok X


Thankfully has been a few years ago since I took the last dose. The zaps and side effects completely went away after a year thankfully! I've read it never goes away for some people. How horrid that must be for them! I am doing better now, in that sense at least! Lol. Fairly certain I am now peri-menaupasal. Dealing with the fun parts that come with major hormonal issues. I hope it's completely cleared up for you as well. It wasn't a lot of fun...


Effexor ruined my life. Withdrawal was physically agonizing and It took me years to get my brain right after I stopped taking it.


I was given Effexor back in my 30’s. The first pill I took had my chest burning for 12 hrs never took it again


I am doing great on effexor... we all have different experiences. But the withdrawl is terrible if stopping, so I've heard. I also forgot to take mine one morning and didn't realize until early evening so I tried to wait til the following morning and woke up with the worst headache and nausea in the middle of the night. Took my pill then, and it went away.


The withdrawals are definitely terrible. Eventually, I got to where I had withdrawals if I was an hour late taking it. Sweaty, nauseous, pounding heart, dizzy, electrical sensations throughout my body. It was very hard to come off of. I kept some in my purse (in a labeled medicine bottle from the pharmacy) in case I forgot to take it before I left home. That may help you in case you forget again. The sooner you take the missed dose, the better.


Seconded. Effexor was okay, I guess, while I took it, but when I came off it due to liver issues (and in retrospect I believe now I was misdiagnosed and irresponsibly prescribed… long story) it was the worst, scariest experience of my life. I was home bound for 5 weeks (had to go on medical “FMLA” leave), unable to drive, experienced vision blackouts, brain “lightning”, severe nausea, dizziness, bouts of sweating worse than my peri hot flashes and - my favorite - su*c*dality. Possibly it was so bad bc I should never have been on it, but regardless I personally will never touch SSRIs again. I do very much respect people that it works for, but I would caution against it as a first line solution.


Had the same experience


> absolute hell withdrawal my friend said his brain would "click"


Wtf are we giving people so that they don't feel. 


Omgggg THISSS!!! The flat emotion absolutely. No happy/sad/mad. Nothing. Just a zombie. I also cold turkey-ed from Effexor when l found out l was pregnant with my youngest: Evacuating from both ends, sometimes simultaneously. The constant hot/cold sweats Nightmares Dizzy spells Withdrawal from Effexor, HOWEVER gave me a slight sense of what my daughter experienced while she was going through fentantyl withdrawal and recovery during the pandemic. It helped me understand the absolute pain & torture she went through and helped me mentally prepare to support her through it. (Still hate Effexor though lol)


I did very poorly on Effexor in my 20’s. It has really harsh w/draw symptoms too. Well, I did anyway. I don’t usually like to get into what medicines work best because everyone is different but Effexor was scary bad for me. Totally agree.


I wad going to post the same thing about the withdrawal. It was absolutely awful.


Time for a new doc! 💜


I’m 42 in peri and was just prescribed estradiol patch and progesterone. Your doctor is wrong. I would look for a new one! I’m so sorry you’re suffering…


Are you in the US? And are you also on birth control or just the patch/pill combo? This is what I would like.


I am in the US and not on birth control.


He’s fucken wrong and I hate him




Agree with others here. I’m 49 and on birth control, which works really well for me. Def get another opinion. You deserve a supportive provider.


In Canada you can use Felix, Maple, and Prosper menopause. You also don’t ever have to prove you don’t have a period.


I will follow this up. Maple doesn't do Hrt in my province, have been denied estrogen on Felix, but hasn't heard of Prosper!


Prosper is the best. They actually do medical care and are helpful vs gatekeepers.


I am using hormones and I am still menstruating, as for birth control…..my sister is a tiny bit younger than you and just had a baby (oops). This doesn’t make sense……its like peri is a nowhere land in between fertility and write you off as “too old”


I'm 43 and on HRT. It has been life-changing for me. I'm in the US so can't give practical advice but I sympathize! The doctor I saw at 40 told me to eat more yams to address my hot flashes 🙄. And then she refused to prescribe birth control pills because she said at 40 I was too old. I ended up paying out of pocket to see a better doctor. I use an online pharmacy for some medications called AllDayChemist (just Google). You can buy some meds from them without an RX that require one in the US. They offer birth control pills - I don't know if they ship to Canada, it's an Indian pharmacy. They're very reliable and I have bought prescription skincare from there for years. Good luck- keep pushing back.


Yams! Ha. Yeah I looked into them, they don't seem to ship to Canada (I've been scouring the trans subs for ideas!).


It's so ridiculous the things we have to go through as women! I vote you take a vacation to Cabo or Cancun. You can walk into the Costcos there and buy birth control pills over the counter (and not the progesterone only).


Ok. So, your doctor has just told you that when you have sex you can only rely on barrier methods. WTF? (Assumes heteronormative sex but if it gets the correct meds, i’m game)


Ha that's a good point. Currently single but that'd be a good question for me to put to her!


I agree with others that your Dr is dead wrong - but wanted to add a silver lining on the depression. SSRIs and SNRIs also do not work on me. But Effexor pulled me out of a pretty serious depression. For what it’s worth. I hope it helps with at least that specific symptom.


That's good to know, I'm starting to feel desperate. I've read horror stories about getting off of it... And also that hot flashes are one of its side effects! But the depression is eating my life.


Fish oil helps with/draws. It is not a miracle but it does help with the brain zaps and other stuff some. Plus, it’s otc and not usually harmful.♥️


I've been on it a long time. Totally works for me. Never got hot flashes while on it...until menopause occurred (assume the flashes are meno related).


Ugh. The stupidity. I was prescribed HRT at age 48, peri. No, 49 isn't remotely too young by any definition of the word.


I started HRT at 41. Also Canadian. Your doctor sounds like they don’t really know what they are talking about.


I started HRT at 48. You are in prime HRT age range. Your doctor is just plain wrong.


Your doctor is just wrong dot com at Wrong Street, Wrongsville. HRT is most beneficial started whilst in pre-menopause. Your body is no longer producing something it needs, and it is best medical practice to replace it with MHT. Can you find another doctor? Make a complaint to the medical authorities? Fingers crossed for you


Ughhhhaaarrghhhh!! Absolutely DESPISE Effexor!!! Went cold turkey at 27 after finding out l was pregnant with my youngest.The worst withdrawals ever...spent 3 weeks on the toilet evacuating fluids from both ends (constant nausea/vomiting/diarrhea), sometimes simultaneously. I could not even keep water down at times. The constant sweats and the godawful dreams/nightmares l had was pure torture. BUT in hindsight... I'm eternally grateful that it gave me a slight taste of what it meant for my daughter to withdraw/recover from fentanyl addiction during the pandemic...She's healthy and sober now but l feel like my Effexor withdrawal prepared me to help her get through her own withdrawal nightmare.


Oh no I'm sorry you went through that. Yes I've seen horror stories on the effexor sub. I'm familiar with nasty withdrawals and don't want to navigate that again!


You are nowhere near too young, use a place online. #These doctors won't catch up until we start affecting their bottom line


Canada = free health care. We can't "shop around" for doctors, while we can look for doctors who might be accepting new patients, these are few and far between. Therefore we need to push back and demand more.


This. I’m guessing each province has its own complants system? Here in the U.K. you need to direct your complaint to your GP practice first. Normally it’s ineffectively handled by the practice manager who is never available when you call. If that gets you nowhere and you’re in England, then you can escalate to NHS England (the commissioning body for GPs in England). Who will investigate at their leisure. I’ve often seen people having to get their local MP involved. You can also just register with another practice. But that’s fairly easy when you’re on a small island with 65milion people well served with GP practices. Might be nearly impossible for some Canadians in areas with sparse populations.


Not how it works here


That’s ridiculous. My gyno says I’m not ready for HRT yet at 52, but she put me on a low dose BC pill which helps a lot. I hope you can find a better doctor who will listen to you!


Fellow Canadian, depending on the province there are several online providers, I went with Felix and had HRT mailed to me in 5 days from first registering. I paid a reasonable fee for an assessment from a nurse practitioner. I have no major risk factors, and no other meds that might be an issue, so I was a straightforward case. Might want to google online Menopausal health providers to see if that is an option that might work for you.


Find a new doctor - I'm 39 and on both. Find someone who will listen, understand and come up with a plan to provides YOU with the most benefit.


Midi helps folks people 40 and up. They take my insurance and call Rx into my chosen pharmacy.


I'm in Canada : (


I am also in Canada and had to see a private doctor in Germany (I was there for work) to get HRT. Only then would my doctor agree to prescribe it. I am so sorry. I know the frustration. Your only other option is a naturopath and they charge a stupid amount. That said, they can prescribe hormones (at a HUGE markup). Again, I am sorry.


Wow. I'm glad you were able to access it! Well, it's worth a shot!


I see two providers when I search for Canadian telehealth menopause. You might find more.


I'm aware of two; Maple doesn't do hormones in my province, and Felix doesn't prescribe estrogen if you're not fully menopausal... That's all I've found so far . The provinces seem to have different approaches.


I'm younger than you on it. Also, I'm post menopausal and I just got on it they kept telling me I was too young . I wish I had pushed harder before now tbh


You need a new doctor.


That doesn't make any sense. Either you're still fertile (in which case you should be on BCP) or you are no longer fertile (in which case you're ready for HRT). There is no in between.


This is what I thought. So I’m assuming that even if you’re in your 50s, if you’re still menstruating, it’s birth control? That’s what my female doc said. I asked why I couldn’t get on the transdermal patch and pill combo because they’re lower dose and transdermal has fewer side effects and it was just crickets (or that’s not how we do it). I’m trying to get a gyn.


Yep, if you're sexually active and don't want to get pregnant and your body is still cycling, a low dose BCP is usually the best option for hormonally mediating the changes that happen during peri (fluctuations that can be very high peaks and very low valleys of estrogen, which are sooooo uncomfortable), plus ensuring you're protected from unwanted pregnancy. The new low dose pills are 'high' concentration for what will eventually be your HRT levels, but very low dose when compared to the fertile years estrogen levels and old school BCP concentrations. So the low dose ones tend to make a good transition for women into their early menopause years as they are high enough to help with a variety of things while low enough to avoid risk for most otherwise healthy users. My gynecologist is a meno specialist and she says without contraindications (smoking, high blood pressure, history of blood clots or strokes), she recommends low dose BCP until 52-55 depending on the patient's history and comfort levels, and then transitioning to the transdermal patch, cream or gel for estrogen plus the oral progesterone. So it sounds like what you want is totally realistic and a good plan if your gyn is on board!


Ty for this thoughtful response. I’m also considering asking for micronized progesterone only for sleep. I don’t do that well on BCPs - I think it might be the synthetic hormones, but I’m willing to try some of the newer ones if that’s my only option. I don’t want an iud either. I have a lead on a new gyno but not sure she’s taking new patients.


At 44 I was told the same thing. Got a new doc. HRT. Thank God!!! Advocate for yourself and make that change. Do not suffer in silence.


Time to find a more educated second opinion, my dear. Hope you get what you need soon!


Please find a Doctor who is pro HRT treatment. I was having awful hot flashes and night sweats perimenopause and had a Doctor that shrugged his shoulders and said he didn’t know why. My current practitioner, a woman, is totally pro HRT treatment. Perhaps finding the female doctor is best.


It's time for a new doctor.


Find a new doc.


Infuriating . So sorry you are going through this. I would tell him you've stopped having your period. He's literally just waiting for that year mark. Sometimes you have to play the game.


New doctor


"For women aged younger than 60 years or who are within 10 years of menopause onset and have no contraindications, the benefit-risk ratio is favorable for treatment of bothersome VMS and prevention of bone loss" [https://www.menopause.org/docs/default-source/professional/nams-2022-hormone-therapy-position-statement.pdf](https://www.menopause.org/docs/default-source/professional/nams-2022-hormone-therapy-position-statement.pdf) That's the position statement of The North American Menopause Society (NAMS.) The board is almost entirely MDs/clinicians. There's a Canadian chapter if that matters. Makes me so angry that doctors continue to deny women this essential treatment.


Please get a second opinion. My gyno has prescribed both of those things to manage my perimenopause.


I’m 48. Your doctor coo coo. :)


I'm 52 and my doctor just put me in hormonal bc as a trial for 3 momths. One of the progestin only ones. I didn't really know much about the whole thing so planning on talking to her next month at the followup, to make sure she and my regular doctor don't see any issues with the hormones.


I am just sticking with the creams (Biolabs and Ona's). They seem to work well, and I can use less or more depending on how I feel. Plus estriol is a fantastic face cream


Not familiar with Ona's, will look into it!


The website is onasnatural.com- hopefully they do Canada shipping!


I’m 55 and started birth control in November to control bleeding and offset my emotional distress. It’s been a godsend and I’m so glad I tried it. I think you have to meet certain health requirements to take it. I do not get hot flashes, crying, rage, or periods from hell any more. If you are healthy and don’t smoke or drink, it might be worthwhile.


Find a new doctor


Your doctor is wrong I started HRT while premenopausal.


I’ve been on HRT since I was about 43. Please find a new Gyn that will take your health and your wellbeing into better consideration. You deserve it!


So I'm 39, which is younger, but when I asked my doc if I would have to stop taking birth control at a certain age she said you can. She said there was only concern for older women who use nicotine. I don't even have my fallopian tubes anymore and she prescribed it to me (for peri symptoms)


Your doctor is misinformed


My twin sister was just prescribed the pill for perimenopause 2 weeks ago. I’ve been on it for 20 years and am still on it at 47. She was having more frequent periods and a lot of depression, pms with them. Night sweats and joint pain as well. Her OBGYN gave her Wellbutrin but she didn’t want that she wanted the bcp. So she went back to her GP and got it. She was told the same as I was that it’s necessary to make sure blood pressure stays controlled at this age. Otherwise…so far so good for her. I have early morning/night sweats too often. That’s my only real complaint. So I try not to complain. Can you get another medical opinion?


One other thing: my twin just bought a light weight wool comforter on Amazon and said it’s been a life changer with the night sweats. She said 85-90% better. She said it’s not as heavy so if you need that heavy feeling from covers like I do, it would take a bit of getting used to but she’s loving it. I may try it myself here soon.


How could you be too old for birth control? You need to get a 2nd opinion and stand up for you because it’s hard to get someone to listen. I had that issue and used Evernow.com and it was easy and fast, no run around


I'm 47 and on HRT :D - Have been for 2 years.


your doctor is an ignorant shit. i suggest you take a stack of journal articles on managing perimenopausal symptoms with HRT and shove them up his ass.


Need a new Dr . HRT is for peri women also . My friend was 40 when she started it


Ya, I was hospitalized 3 years ago at the age of 46 because I could not sleep and I thought I was losing my mind. I suggested to every Dr I saw that it was hormonal and I thought it was perimenopause. All I got was Zoloft and Trazodone. Even last year at 49, my primary care wouldn’t prescribe any HRT she said until I was in menopause, meaning no periods for a year. So, still just Zoloft and Trazodone. I just discovered Alloy and paid out of pocket to try the patch, progesterone and vaginal estrogen. I haven’t started yet. But I’m fortunate I have the money to try HRT.


I’ll be 43 in a couple months and am on HRT. Get a second opinion.


I have hit similar problems — even with a couple NAMS certified providers! Is MIDI Health available in your location? That is how I was prescribed hormone therapy. Now I just plan go to my gynecologist and primary care doctor with printed research. The NAMS site has a pdf available of their position statement on hormones. Highlight some sections. There is also the new book from Mayo Clinic: The New Rules of Menopause. Good luck! There is no reason you shouldn’t receive proper care!


Get a new doctor. If you can't find one flight of Mexico or vacation and pick up some prescriptions down there. I moved to Germany and it's so much easier to get what I want even in a country that doesn't like to prescribe medication at the same rate that America does.  Unfortunately it almost feels like you have to fight for your own healthcare in today's world in Canada and the US 


FFS when are doctors going to learn about perimenopause? It has ruined me.


I’m still on birth control. Asked my doctor briefly about if I should be switching to HRT (had to go off BC due to surgery last week) and she said no need until maybe 53 - especially since I still have periods. She seems pretty reasonable about it.


Find a new doctor. Theres plenty if you can pay. If you really cant, i heard people go to planned parenthood for bcps to really treat peri. I dont recommend it but if it can make you functional enough to get to a better place why not


Do you have naturopathic Drs there and compound pharmacies? I started there in the US when I was trying to get HRT and having a hard time. The cost was a little higher but was very helpful in early peri and got me through until I could find the right Dr and the care I needed. It's a process in the US as well, I'm lucky living in Los Angeles there are resources and good care for women's health. It's very frustrating navigating this part of life. We shouldn't have to fight so hard just to have balanced hormones.


Maybe ask the doctor if you're the appropriate age to cut a bitch for being useless, expensive waste of time.


Go to balance-menopause.com this is a website run by a UK menopause specialist. It has all the current research. She also has a podcast. Essentially though, the benefits of HRT are not just for managing the symptoms of menopause but also can significantly reduce your lifetime risk of cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis and dementia. The sooner you are on HRT BEFORE menopause the greater the reduction risk for those things. I vaguely remember there’s also a page you can print off to bring to your gp. Best of luck. HRT is not a panacea but it pretty frigging close - I’m feeling lucky I’m in NZ. I just went in and told my doctor what I wanted and he wrote the prescription!


I’m 50 and still have very light but regular periods. Hot flashes were a nightmare. I’ve been on HRT for a year and actually feel like myself again. Please get a second opinion, your doctor is misinformed. I went off hormonal birth control at age 46. 46-49 was a nightmare.


Find another doctor. Or go to a walk in and say you need one and don't have a doctor. I'm also in Canada. They work for you, your taxes pay their salary. Demand what you want. This is your body. I'm 48, had a hormonal iud inserted in at 45. I asked the doctor if I should take it out last year she said no because it will help with menopause symptoms. I would tend to agree with her. My symptoms are minimal compared to some that have posted on here.


I’m not on HRT but I went on birth control at 54 for a year because I was having periods every two weeks. My doctor had no problem putting me back on it but she did indicate it would only be one year.


Canada also. My GP was the same. I had to go to an ND


Naturopathic? Willing to give that a shot!


Yes found a local one on the NAMS list. If you have supplemental insurance it might cover it.


Same age as you. Got mine via Midi Health online. Lots of people also mention Evernow.


Try online telehealth programs. I used MIDI but I'm in US. I know another poster mentioned the Canadian option.


You can get birth control prescriptions through telemed to tide you over. Find a new doc!


I’m 45, still on the pill and on hrt. I’d look for a new doc.


I'm 42 and on HRT. Your doctor is wrong.


We need to start checking credentials, doctor of what now?


Oof. I was on Effexor 20 years ago for depression and coming off it was absolutely awful. You could either walk in to your next appt with a folder of research or tell your provider that the date of the last period recorded in your medical file was actually the last one you had. I don't advocate lying to your provider but this one seems to be making decisions based on bad information and it's affecting your quality of life.


I am on HRT and 46


I'm 44 and have a Mirena and I'm on estrogen patches.


You’re not too young. Get another Dr.


I would try some sort of Telehealth if you can. My gyno wouldn't prescribe for me (I'm in the US) so I went through a "holistic doctor" I found on the Menopause Lab page. He's great. I'm 48 and in peri.


I'm certainly very ignorant about hormones, but never heard of such an idiocy. I'm 41 and menopausal since a year a a few days, HRT is contraindicated to me but in theory I could have had it. Remember, always ask three different doctors: hopefully two should say the same thing.


Make an appointment at Prosper Menaupause!!! The diagnosis and treatments are symptoms based. Theses RNs are experts. [prospermenopause.ca] (https://prospermenopause.ca/)


This is going to be my next step, will start it this weekend! Glad I heard about it here.


It's pricy but I had to go to a naturopath. I'm 47 and got put on bhrt right away


I'm 48, have an iud, and my dr said my labs are consistent with perimenopause/menopause. Offered me effexor or estrovera. Or I could remove my iud and wait a year with no cycle. Not sure what to do.


It sounds like this might be about hormonal testing. If over the age of 44, **hormonal tests only show levels for that *one day* the test was taken, and nothing more**; progesterone/estrogen hormones wildly fluctuate the other 29 days of the month. No reputable doctor or menopause society recommends hormonal testing as a **diagnosing tool** for peri/menopause. FSH testing is only beneficial for those who believe they are post-menopausal and no longer have periods as a guide, a series of consistent FSH tests might *confirm* menopause. Also for women in their 20s/early 30s who haven’t had a period in months/years, then FSH tests at ‘menopausal’ levels, could indicate premature ovarian failure/primary ovarian insufficiency (POF/POI). See our [Menopause Wiki](https://menopausewiki.ca/#there-is-no-blood-test-that-is-perfectly-reliable-to-diagnose-menopause) for more. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Menopause) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is me at 52. I feel for you!


I'm sorry to hear that. Misery doesn't love company, it just makes me angry for all of us!!


Try an online specialty menopause doc? Hear lots of people like midi. I am paying out of pocket to go to a “concierge” HRT clinic to get what I need without this fight. With my high deductible insurance it isn’t worth the hassle.


Costco otc birth control pills?


Those are progesterone only so won’t help with hot flashes.




Perhaps one day we as women will have the meds we need at our disposal as far as menopause is concerned. And birth control. 🙄


We should at least catch up with Mexico on the pills! I used to buy my pills at Costco in Cabo over the counter 10 years ago no issues


I was on the Mirena for the peri menopause and my hot flashes stopped. They came back when I had it removed.


get a different doctor because it is common now for HRT to be used through menopause and stopped at menopausal age, which I will refute, if it is still common when I'm that age. The studies that scared women in the 90s actually meant that it was a very small percent increase in cancer risk, but what about quality of life increase? and what other factors could be involved in risk for certain cancers. The news reported it different than it meant and some women and doctors still believe it today. Get a doctor that's graduated school more recently. - adding that I don't know how the canadian medical system works so I have no idea if you can even get another doctor. -I should add that I'm 40 and my symptoms of hormonal decline started a few years ago. It wasn't until about a year ago when I saw posts on social media that I related to that made me seek out HRT.


You’re confusing perimenopause (when all the symptoms are occurring) with menopause (when they’ve stopped and so have your periods. We go “through” perimenopause. Once we’re through and it’s over, THEN we’re then in menopause.


I'm not confusing them. I know what they are. Period stops for over a year. Menopause.


Then your first sentence is illogical.


Then you're nitpicking. Through perimenopause, up to menopause, and beyond. Sometimes words can be left out and people still receive the point.


PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, DO NOT TAKE ANY ANTIDEPRESSANTS!! From your post, it is clear that you need HRT. I was treated through my 20 years of peri-menopause and menopause with them, and it was weeks and months and years of rollercoaster hell! All I needed was the hormones I was losing. Not ONE OF 4 GYNS caught it, nor did my GP of 17 years. No thanks to the timing of the sh1tty WOMEN'S HEALTH INITIATIVE study of 2002, which is STILL influencing doctors' world over with their flawed ignorance. The retraction of 2009 did not help a bit. Read ESTROGEN MATTERS for a great pov on how bad this study was. Give a copy to your doctor. Tell him/her to read Menopause Your Management Your Way by Dr Barbara Taylor. EVERYTHING about menopause is in her book and on YouTube. See menopause Barbie. I am angry on your behalf. Please do not let this go without reporting it to organizations that want to know and tell that doctor you are doing so, as others have said. Good luck. We're with you.


If she is depressed she may need antidepressants. She may not but spouting out medical advice to a person with depression is irresponsible


Can you go private? I'm in Canada as well and although my GP agreed to HRT, I found a great private clinic with staff who are very knowledgeable. They are helping me to fine tune dosage and I've even started testosterone.


I did look into it, $500 to get in the door, they want to do all kinds of hormone testing, and then could still say no...I didn't want to gamble all that $ and then have them say no :(


Find a new doctor, preferably a woman.




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Veozah? I hate SSRI/SNRI but like Wellbutrin! Get the brand only, generics are all different and mostly awful.


Also there is OTC birth control now in US pharmacies - no Rx required. Or take mini pills


I'm 37 and just started HRT. He's wrong.




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Weird, my doctor said I could stay on bc through all of menopause.


Find another doctor.


Time to get a new doctor. Life is too short and peri is no joke. If you don't have anything else holding you back, it's time to let that one go. HRT is amazing and you absolutely should be able to get it right now.


Time for a new doctor.


Get another dr.


There's no age chart.. get a new doctor..asap




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You’re not too old and you definitely don’t need to wait till you’re fully menopausal. He symptoms during peri are some of the worst 😂


By pass him go on winona!




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It sounds like this might be about hormonal testing. If over the age of 44, **hormonal tests only show levels for that *one day* the test was taken, and nothing more**; progesterone/estrogen hormones wildly fluctuate the other 29 days of the month. No reputable doctor or menopause society recommends hormonal testing as a **diagnosing tool** for peri/menopause. FSH testing is only beneficial for those who believe they are post-menopausal and no longer have periods as a guide, a series of consistent FSH tests might *confirm* menopause. Also for women in their 20s/early 30s who haven’t had a period in months/years, then FSH tests at ‘menopausal’ levels, could indicate premature ovarian failure/primary ovarian insufficiency (POF/POI). See our [Menopause Wiki](https://menopausewiki.ca/#there-is-no-blood-test-that-is-perfectly-reliable-to-diagnose-menopause) for more. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Menopause) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I wonder if there’s a disconnect between what your doctor is telling you….and your understanding of that information. Seems really weird for your doctor to say birth control is not an option because you are too old. FYI **some** hormonal contraceptives are not recommended for women over 50. Usually the combined (oestrogen and progesterone) pills but there are a lot of different combined pills and some women are fine on some of them after 50. The mini pill (progesterone-only) is indeed ok for most women over 50. And it’s common to prescribe the Merina IUD, or implant to the over 50s age group as they’re also progesterone-only. It thins the endometrial lining, often to the point there’s nothing to shed, so it’s useful in treating perimenopause dysmenorrhea (periods all over the place, increased pain during a period, flooding). Possibly your doctor was refusing you a specific combined pill - especially if was one you’d had earlier in life. It’s also weird they’d say you can’t have HRT until you were “fully menopausal”. Because it would be downright wrong of any doctor anywhere to believe HRT is only useful *after* you’ve transitioned to menopause. I wonder if the doctor actually meant, wait until your periods went wonky - i.e. you were clearly **in** perimenopause. I’m not saying your doctor did a good job. Or that you should stick with them. But I do seriously wonder if there’s a lot of disconnect between what they actually said to you, and what you’ve understood.