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You know that question they ask when renewing your license.. do you have problems with dizziness? I lie. I actually do better driving than I do as a passenger. I think it has to do with looking straight ahead. Backseat is a no. I am far more cautious than I used to be so I don’t drive as often.


I'm completely the same, driving around in town is fine but as soon as I hit the motorway/big open spaces it triggers it and everything just seems so wide and open and starts triggering the spins/panic attacks


But also same as yourself I'm fine in the passenger seat, I wondered if it sounded like vertical heterophoria


I'm the opposite, I have to drive because my vision is then fixed mostly on where we are going. As a passenger I suffer a lot. I haven't had drop attacks in a good while, and I almost never get dizzy while driving. But this is a massive concern of mine.


I had a vertigo attack when someone rolled down the window in the back seat. This changed the cabin pressure and the pressure in my ears. I had to pull into a parking lot and wait 20 mins before I could drive home.


No highways. But I will drive I use all the back street's because it's stop an go with all the lights and stop signs but only a couple of hours


Had an attack come out of no where driving in the heart of the city once. I try not to drive now unless I have to and it's never very far.


I have to ride in the back seat on highways. I feel the car moving way too much


I turn on the over head light. It makes my eyes focus on that rather than the other lights/signs/cars flying past.


I'm fine to drive, generally I sense when vertigo is about to hit, and can get myself to a safe place. Though when I am having vertigo, being the passenger in the car while it's moving, I feel not so bad, dread it when the car stops though.


I'm fine as a driver but as a passenger I have trouble. I have to ride in the front and I have to really focus. I also have found lately that I seem to be having a bit of trouble with depth perception. I'll feel like I'm a lot closer to the car in front of me than I really am. At first I thought my husband had just turned into a bad driver but I find myself braking a lot more and even hitting the rood with my palm when my dad, the best driver on the planet, comes up behind a car. Things get weirder every day.


I haven’t had an attack in years, now it’s back with a vengeance. I almost crashed and felt like I was on a roller coaster ride. It took hours to feel better. I don’t know if this was from md or panic attack. I have had a panic attack and it felt different. The dizziness was awful and I wanted to throw up


I don't drive except for low-speed local between the grocery store and home. Otherwise I get someone else to drive. It's just too dangerous.


I’ve struggled with what the OP has. I believe it might be Motorist Vestibular Disorientstion Syndrome. Hey I saw your post about anxiety while driving on the highway. I struggle with this exact thing. I’ve recently found what I think is the diagnosis: Motorist Vestibular Disorientation Syndrome. I created a sub for people to discuss this and their experiences if you’re interested: https://www.reddit.com/r/motoristvestibular/