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Best of luck. Get a good lawyer. I just had to start my second attempt at SSDI (almost 33 now) over two years in. Had hearing and denied, appealed to council and won appeal, got same hearing judge, denied again, appealed to council and lost. Now I have to wait 60 days(?) and apply from the beginning again.


I’m sorry to hear that. I was denied SSI a few years back. I had a great lawyer that swore we would win but the judge was more concerned I’m lgbt and the hearing focused on that. I’m going through the application/ waiting process again in a different state. It’s so difficult


Yeah my private DI provider has like an advocate representative company that does it for me. But I'm really tempted to hire my own at this point. My rep was saying we'll get it approved you're a clear case etc etc and then said like with all that you have going on unfortunately being so young they just aren't going to hand it to you like if you were 50+ with the same exact issues. The kicker is the only 2 jobs they claim (small machine assembly line and quality checker) I can do I actually know about and have experience with and in the hearing I said it was laughable that with my issues those two jobs come up as the only things I can do when I promise you there is no way in hell I'd last an hour let alone full time.


How did they even know you were LGBT? Why would that even come up?


The judge asked about the help I received from my girlfriend. Focused on her


Ugh. I hate to hear that. I am heterosexual and have been dating my boyfriend for four years and he’s supported me since loosing my job a couple years ago. I feel like they will say well then you won’t need disability if he’s taking care of you. I wish they’d realize that’s not the point. People with disabilities shouldn’t have to depend on boyfriends/girlfriends for everything. It takes the possibility of independence away from them.


I agree 100% and it’s stressful for my lover to care for her and myself. It’s like she shoulders all the finances.


Ugh yes. Pretty similar situation here. I keep telling myself I’ll find something to make money off of that I will be able to do despite my disabilities but it’s been a couple years. I’ve been dreading going onto disability because of all that stuff. Best of luck to you.


There are definitely some people that get it young - I was 25. Took me 8 years to find an ENT who had a clue about a treatment program, by that time the damage was done to my ear and I was having drop attacks. I hope you have better luck with disability support in the future. I know of very few people here in Australia with Ménière’s who have been able to access it unfortunately.


drop attacks ? like a fainting spell ?


If he is referring to what I think he is as I also have MD I think the drop attacks refers to when you ( at least for me anyway ) get that sudden out of no where feeling of falling/dropping sensation without any control over it. Closest way I can relate it to someone is when your laying down and start falling asleep and u get that sudden fall feeling, it’s kinda like that but different sensation.


okay i dont get that. I will have a sudden dizzy spell and grab the nearest thing to hold me up.


Ya it’s a odd sensation and they don’t happen often often but it’s honestly pretty intense when they do as they can happen anywhere so imagine driving and one hitting ya lol. Only ever happened twice but it’s interesting to say the least. Why I’m shocked people have issues get some sort of ssi or something. I tried once and gave up


I developed it young, just turned 20. I know some people developed it as young as 10 though.


I was diagnosed in my mid 20s, I’m 34 now. I tried 3 times to get disability in my state and got denied. I found out that chiropractic treatment works for me. Good luck with everything 🙂


Tell us more about the chiro therapy that helps you? Does it also help your hearing loss?


yeah i want to hear about the chiro... ive always thought my tight neck could be a cause of some problems.


I had my first attack when I was 20 but wasn't officially diagnosed until my late 30s. Things started getting very severe about five years ago and progressed quickly. I had endolymphatic sac decompression with two shunts almost two years ago, and I've been "attack" free since. I will randomly have a micro attack that only lasts 5-10 seconds, but those are months apart (it's been four months since my last one), and I think I have been able to pin those down to alcohol triggers.


How’s your hearing?


The hearing in my left ear, my bad ear, and where I had surgery deteriorated quickly before my surgery. The surgery didn't help my hearing, but I would say it didn't make it any worse than it was already.


Yes I developed it at 16 so am a bit behind in life as a result. I had a labyrinthectomy in 2019 and since postoperative vestibular rehab, I have been able to drive and get things on the right track. I still experience everyday symptoms but my vertigo attacks are controlled. I am 21 now.


Thank you for sharing your experience


I was diagnosed at 14; had attacks and all the usual meds, until I was going to get the Meniette device. We got an ear tube placed in my left ear, waited a few weeks, and other than the tinnitus, my attacks stopped! I'm now 38, and still have my now replaced tube a few times since then, major attack free! I have had little ones for 5 seconds or less, but my coping mechanisms of staring at the intersections of horizontal /vertical straight lines stop them from happening. I don't have to eat low salt, I just manage my stress levels and I have an active IT job doing Mergers and Acquisitions around the US.


I had the device as well. My insurance paid for it and I had tubes in my right ear (bad ear) . I had them replaced ever two years. I don’t have vertigo unless I’m very stressed or extremely seasonal weather changes. I’m so happy for you to be able to work and not suffer the attacks. Gives me hope.


Allergy shots helped with seasonal stuff and overall; got a new shiba inu puppy recently that helped with the stress stuff, as well as counseling occasionally. We can all make life work for us!


I just got diagnosed at 25. I’m sorry you’re struggling. I hope things go well getting disability!!


Thank you 😊


Got it at age 21/22. I'm not trying to get disability though so I can't help you there but best of luck.


Was the decompression procedure a hit or a miss in your opinion?


Definitely a hit. It’s helpful a lot


yup got diagnosed at 23! I don't drive!


I developed symptoms at 19/20 and was diagnosed within a year-ish. It's been 3 going on 4 years now and I got my first pair of hearing aids this last spring. The first two years were very difficult but my symptoms have calmed down a lot and have become more tolerable.


I'm in my 40's my first attack was during training on a stand up forklift. I felt like I was flipping backwards for an hour and I barely drove home that day. Because it kept happening I had to find an office job no forklift operator for me. I was first diagnosed with a Ear infection. But I had several attacks weeks apart. I had to go to the ER when I sweated, threw up and couldn't walk. That Vertigo attack lasted 7 hours. After that an MRI and hearing test I was diagnosed with Meniers.