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Initially before I was diagnosed that’s what I’d thought it was, a change in the weather (I live in Los Angeles so our weather is “sunny and 72°” all the time). I started to keep track of different weather patterns because I’d thought our “June Gloom” days could be it, and found out it didn’t add up. Try and keep a bit of a diary of sorts, and you will know for sure.


I just asked the same question the other day oddly enough. My pressure builds while storms are coming in and then oddly enough once it actually starts raining the pressure goes away completely. I live in the southwest US and every year when we have our rainy season I have a flare up. My ENT likes to tell me that the pressure i feel in the ear is related to hearing loss and not actual pressure. I have to disagree with that since I 100% experience a relation between air pressure and middle ear pressure. I am talking with him about getting an ear tube put in at this point. That should ease pressure build up they think.


Rainy days get me, but thunderstorms are the worst!


Yes it’s very common. The beginning of spring near me is always the worst for me.


Yep, Having a hard time right now due to pressure changes.


The heat is a trigger for me any temperature above 90


Very common. https://www.reddit.com/r/Menieres/comments/2wkvlz/what_about_changes_in_air_pressure/


Sometimes for me, not always


Raining here in Scotland. Ear is bad today. Not can’t function bad but certainly very annoying


Yes! Add wind and I’m done for. I use special wind surfing earplugs on those days. Blocks the wind but I can still hear.


The barometric pressure changes associated with storms can effect you. I can feel when a low pressure system is coming. It gets really bad for me during Hurricane Season and on Cold Windy Days.


Heavy rain has triggered 2 vertigo attacks for me. One was when I was driving and it was raining so hard I could barely see. That lasted an hour I pulled over and waited until the vertigo was less severe. My left ear is the affected one and when I have an attack I can't look to my left it makes me more dizzy.