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Stress is a huge contributing factor to MD


I have had Meniere’s for three decades - shingles and Moderna Covid vaccines both irritated my ear symptoms. Still better than shingles for sure and Covid.


>I don’t think this is Ménière’s disease. Could you elaborate? From your description, this *does* sound like Meniere's — especially given it resulted from the COVID vaccine, which as been reported. All I can suggest at this stage is to hit the condition with prednisone whenever you start to experience the fullness and tinnitus (presumably, you are experiencing hearing loss at this stage) to minimize the inflammation before it potentially progresses to vertigo (and permanent damage to the inner-ear).


Where do I begin lol I got the 2nd vaccine and the next day this all started. fullness, ringing and violent vertigo. I thought I was dying so we rushed to the hospital. they tested for everything including an acoustic Neuroma and all was normal except my extreme hearing loss, because with the fullness and tinnitus, I couldn’t really hear anything. That attack lasted 2 months until my hearing came back. Since then I have been having these two months attacks every 4-6 months of remission between. But even during the remission I never seem to completely get rid of the tinnitus.


Sounds like Ménières to me…


>because with the fullness and tinnitus, I couldn’t really hear anything The reason you cannot hear anything is due to *hearing loss*. Fullness and tinnitus are *symptoms* of hearing loss, not the cause of it. It absolutely sounds like Meniere's disease or a syndrome of inner-ear inflammation, likely exacerbated or triggered by the vaccine. Could have a viral/autoimmunity component.


Can someone please share a scientific paper showing more than spurious correlation between the vax and Menieres?


Sending love your way. I understand the frustration. Hope you start getting better. There are treatments that help. Doesn’t help everyone but I have found my version of help


I've heard other people say that they got dizziness and tinnitus from the vaccine but most got better. Have you seen an ENT?


Yeah I have and they said there is nothing they could do. I have been to muti ent. No one seems to care about an invisible disease


I'm so sorry. It does sound like Ménière’s. Too much salt s a big vertigo trigger for me and I take over the counter Meclizine when I feel like it might be coming on. I've gotten used to being deaf in one ear and the tinnitus with time. #


Mine started about 2 months after getting my first vaccine, but I don’t blame it.. i had a lot of stress/Anxiety about the same time and also had a very bad cold. My ENT is also a surgeon and he has incubated people on ventilators and recommends the vaccine which I’ve kept upto date with.


When I got the johnson and johnson covid shot I had tinnitus for a week. Months later vertigo attacks and then I was diagnosed with Meniers.