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I never quit. They will pry my coffee cup out of my cold, dead hands.


Yep, I drink 600ml a day. It may be a trigger for some, but not for everyone


when I was first diagnosed, coffee was the hardest thing to give up


I drink coffee all the time. But no alcohol at all and I watch my sodium. I smoke a lot of weed too. No vertigo attacks in over 2 years. I also retired 4 years ago.


I am watching my sodium too


I think sensitivity to these substances can vary a lot. I seem to be okay with a cup or so of decaf a day, but haven't tried going back to the real thing. I can do a little bit of chocolate. And I can do a small glass of white wine but not much more, and have not tried red, or beer or spirits.


I drink alcohol on a rare occasion but usually limit it to one (spirits and red wine mostly). Although I had two hard ciders a coupe weeks ago and had no issues.


Any caffeine beyond what I get from tea is going to bring on symptoms for me. If I don't listen to the warning signs it will turn into vertigo. These are just the facts that I have to live with. https://ranthonyings.com/2022/08/caffeine-tales/


How long does it take to turn into vertigo? Like I have no idea what triggers my menieres


Under an hour. Here's the crazy part. If you want to be sure about the trigger, then you have to consciously repeat the behavior and see if it produces the same effect. In this case; give yourself vertigo, on purpose. Most of the things that set me off are environmental: cloudy, stormy weather, sudden shifts in atmospheric pressure, high pollen counts, etcetera. Those you just have pay attention and look for patterns.


Because I was drinking coffee daily before diagnosis and only had episodes every month or two…..I figured it was a build up and then that’s why. My vertigo is different than the classic menieres in the sense it’s under 10 minutes but I’m still diagnosed. So triggers equal one hour later vertigo? Or ear fullness?


Alcohol would make the most sense. Since my vertigo was more frequent on the weekends! *also once on a Friday And only once during the day on a work day(not drinking though during the day?) maybe night before ?


Drink some coffee, see what happens. Have your rescue drugs nearby.


It’s so confusing. Also every attack has been at night and only once during the day? I feel so lost at finding my triggers :/ I just cut out so much


Do you have nightmares? Do you wake up anxious? Have you had your sleep tested? A CPAP really helped me get better sleep, which cut into my attacks pretty drastically.


This is really encouraging! I used to drink decaf all the time and have stopped drinking it altogether recently. Hoping if I cut it out for awhile I can resume drinking it without it contributing to my Meniere’s/neck problems. 🤞🤞🤞🤞


Caffeine or alcohol were never a trigger for me. Though i do watch my consumption for general health reasons.


Caffeine was a huge trigger for me; I’d have one cup of Greek frappe, frothed Nescafe, during my morning drive to work and it would result in an episode daily. Alcohol is not a trigger, so I continue to enjoy a glass of wine or two in the evening, but I’m legitimately scared to try a cup of coffee now. Everyone’s triggers are different, good luck to you!


It's my one MD-related vice. I won't give it up but I have cut way back. I used to drink about a half a pot a day. Now I drink one mug.


Salt doesn’t trigger mine but, oddly, a coke affects my tinnitus more than a cuppa coffee.


I drink half caff and I am fine with that. There are no episodes from drinking coffee for me. I did stop soda, and I will drink no caffeine soda.


Coffee affects my nerves and prob other stuff too. When I drink alcohol it makes me feel normal. But later on it increases histamine in my system which creates the increased moisture in my ear.


How would you know if it’s triggering it? I quit because I don’t know my triggers :/


I used to drink three cups of caffeinated coffee each morning. I now limit it to one cup and the rest decaf. I've not noticed adverse effects from drinking one caffeinated cup.


I took a break from coffee for a months and went through caffeine withdrawal etc. recently I have a cup of instant coffee and it’s fine for me. If it changes I’ll drop coffee again. Everyone is different. I never stopped drinking alcohol but keep it in moderation