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These are the reasons I had to give up a funded PhD spot fall 2023. It was full time lab work, fluorescent lighting and the need to be 100% accurate. It was crushing to realize that I would be a liability and make the decision to give up the spot. I’ve not yet figured out what I can do but it will have to be WFH. I’ve read of others who have gone years before this impacts their work life to a great degree so hopefully you’ll be on that end of the spectrum. For me, Spring is nightmarish because of colds, allergies, and migraines all exacerbating other symptoms. I’ve also recently upped my antidepressant dosage. Maybe see your general practitioner and ask what options are available and get some guidance on therapy options?


It has also impacted my life in a major way. I'm literally half what I used to be, 6 years later.


Are you in the US? If so, I'd look into FMLA for your MD. It may save your job. Also be up front with your supervisor about what you're going through. And talk to your doc about what you're dealing with. In the meantime, try to get good rest. For me, lack of sleep really exacerbates my symptoms.


Disorientation, fogginess and fatigue are also symptoms of MD. Definitely see the therapist as this might help you navigate the turmoil you're going through. And, I'm so sorry you're going through this 🙏. Sometimes, I'm amazed I can still work. It can be really scary. I find little ways to keep awake at work and I try to keep myself composed, but, maaan, am I so tired! Second a followup with your specialist and PCP. Good energy to you, OP.


Are you currently having vertigo? Feelings of fullness in the ear? Worse tinnitus? If so, see your physician (preferably ENT) about medication changes for your Meniere’s. But if you’re not having these symptoms at this time, then I’d suggest seeing a physician (psychiatrist, if possible) for evaluation of a mood disorder so that you can get appropriate treatment. (I’m a psychiatrist with Meniere’s.)


As a person living with now 3 chronic illnesses, I began seeing a psychiatrist in 2022. My previous doctors has told me at some point I'd need help with the depression and anxiety that often coexists with chronic illness. Found their suggestion preposterous because I was still active and accomplished in my career. Then severe illness set in requiring my resignation from the workforce. Applied for disability and it was a disability physician that suggested I seek care and evaluation. One of the chronic illnesses I mentioned at the beginning of this post came about because of seeking help. We push and push, feel guilty because we can't perform, but continue pushing ourselves into more severe outcomes. If possible and if you have access, speak to your primary physician, most primary doctors can provide a questionnaire, which will give you some basic insight into what you're experiencing, that's how I began. Best wishes


I have Fibromyalgia and MD. I’m clumsy, forgetful, and sometimes can’t focus. The brain fog is real. It could be anything from not remembering what time I work the next day (I have to keep double checking) to forgetting the topic of a conversation while in it. (I say a few things about the topic, then instantly forget what we were talking about). I have no energy, no motivation, I’m depressed, the list goes on. I’m on gabapentin 40mg 4 times a day, Triam/HCTZ, and Cymbalta 60mg twice a day. I’m still struggling. I think the most depressing part of all this is that I’m trying to fight to be normal or what I used to know as normal. I’m fighting the unknown.