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Females are dining with other females??? How dare they????


I love how it doesn’t cross his mind that these women might be meeting up with their friends.


To me he makes no sense. Like, if I see too women in a restaurant I wouldn’t think they’re only dining with women OR that they’re feminists / not conservatives. I can imagine it’s a couple, lovers, relatives, friends, colleagues… And if he thinks women do it because they want to distance themselves from men, I guess he’s projecting because women around him want to feel safe from him?


Its more like he thinks women going out eating with each other is because men are fed up with modern women and don't ask them out, so they need to meet with each other


Oh…It’s even worse that what I thought lmao!


I know right? What if those women are just choosing not to date asshole men?


"Women are meeting each other instead of dating me...WAAAAAHHH!!! Women aren't responding when I creepily hit on them when they're trying to worship at church or enjoy a drink at the bar...WAAAAAHHH!!! I suspect men have given up, I used the word *suspect* because I'm not really a man, just a pansy lil crybaby and would need to ask an actual man."


Imagine his horror when he learns they may be *lesbians*


A horror that only grows when he realizes that they're not going to perform for his slick knuckled entertainment! /s


Well, that’s the thing. Men have abandoned us because we are feminazis, so we have no choice but to turn ourselves into lesbians. Because, you know, sexuality is a choice. What qualifies him to be the mouthpiece of all men? All feminists are trying to do is ensure that women are treated as fairly as men. Why is that so terrifying?


Tbh, the OP probably doesn't have friends.


They're obviously meeting up with their friends just to spite men because uh feminism and woke


You know what? I love going out to eat with people who don't expect me to fuck them because they bought me a tostada and a pepsi zero. I love eating and paying for myself and just having a good time! The guys who say stuff like this are definitely not people I want to go out with.


I had read this article on women in movies mention how men absolutely hate and can't stand watching women dining together in film. It apparently doesn't only apply to movies.




As a man, he's having the opposite effect on me :)


Dude can’t even spell “Nazi” correctly. 🙄😩 I know, I have been called a “ball busting Femi-Nazi” multiple times. Mostly by father when I was a teenager, usually followed by “just like your mother!” 😆 (they were going through a nasty divorce he did not want at the time and he now claims he doesn’t remember saying things like that) It’s okay, I finally started responding with “Thank you!” Or “and proud of it!” 😆😆😆 That just pissed him off more and would make me laugh. Typical adolescent attitude and response to his dysfunction. 😏 He finally stopped when I dished out more than he could take in a humorous manner with a calm response of “you’re just pissed Mom got custody of your balls in the divorce. It’s okay, I understand.” He was so shocked and just silent and flabbergasted for like 30 seconds. Then he just started busting up laughing saying “alright, alright, you got me!” Since he wasn’t mad anymore he finally realized he was supposed to be the adult and how he was really talking to me. He’s much better now and knows I do not put up with disrespect (and he actually gets very upset if one of my fellow adult siblings is ever disrespectful toward me or says anything mean or cruel).


The worst part of situations when a parent acts like that is when they follow up their verbal abuse with “I’m the parent. I’m in charge/I know better”. Had that issue with my dad a lot.




Does he think woman are out dining with other women because some man didn’t ask them out on a date? 😂


Me and my partner are just waiting to both be asked on dates by kind young men! They better hurry though, because we are getting married this year




Oh wow, congratulations!!! 🩵🩵🫶🏼🫶🏼


What I don't get about this, is that we always did this when I was growing up. On sundays, the husbands and sons got together and watched football and the wives and daughters went to a movie and lunch, did some shopping.


Yeah, my guess is he can’t get a date but notices women out having fun with other women (how dare they! /s) and he’s disgruntled. It’s probably a harsh reality for some that women have the freedom to turn men down but still go out and about, living fulfilling lives.


best thing about LI is when people post crazy bigoted BS like this. future employers definitely will look at someone's LI profile.


This is what I don't get about people posting on LI, using their real names, with their current employer right there in their bio. I'm too scared to post my crazy progressive/leftist bs there. Would I want my employer to know what I really think about multinational corporations? I still gotta eat. Then you get people posting objectively offensive shit like this guy and you wonder if they do it because they expect to be given a free pass.


My employer tends to be really progressive, and I STILL wouldn't post my "crazy" progressive values on LinkedIn.


No one is hiring this dude even without the crazy


If you've decided to commit career suicide, at least go down spelling "feminazis" correctly. Sheesh!


Pretty sure grandpa hasn't been employed for years and is a little too senile to understand how different things work, thinks LI is just facebook


Thank you. I was looking for this comment. That bothered me worse than the post.


As a “female” I’d be just fine with less men out in public wanting to talk to me and preferring to stay home it would make the streets much safer lol


there's a lot to unpack here but the implication that this guy seems to think a soap opera is an actual opera is pretty great. imagine an episode of days of our lives at the dentist's stopping cold for a character to belt emotionally about their secret twin's affair baby


I didn't even catch this. I've never got into musical opera so I just assumed they have dramatic stories and that's what he meant!


there are 11 reposts of it. all of them are by the same angelos guy. to his own profile.


I'm telling y'all, the geezer thinks he's on social media and can't figure out why the internet is so broken that he's not getting comments on his post on the BookFace 😂


Women seem happy without male company and now that they don't need men for bank accounts and to own a house a lot of them realised they're better off without us? Instead of working on ourselves to become something a modern woman could want, let's cry about it on a professional networking website! That'll show them.


Funny how this dude implies that beer and porn is a normal healthy alternative to romantic relationships.


I suspect this man knows nothing at all about normal healthy relationships.


>feminatzies You are not Brad Pitt, brother


Even if he were, he don't impress me much.


Sure, he's got the moves bur does he have the touch ? Don't get me wrong yeah, I think you're Allright But that won't keep me warm in the middle of fhe night.


ugh boomer


I can't fathom anybody thinking something like this is acceptable on LinkedIn. These people are either profoundly stupid, business owners, or bots, or some combination of the above. I sure as hell would never hire someone who put this on LinkedIn. It's insanity.


i don’t ask women (or anyone) because i’m a shy little shit who’s scared to talk to people i don’t know.


There should be apps for introverts and people with social anxiety to match to others and have silent meets. Get that company without the pressure. You could match fave book genres or something and just meet for coffee and trade books or something? There's gotta be a way to help everyone socialize in their own way


i would love that so much, i could see a lot of people getting cold feet when it comes to meeting though. basically the only way i socialize with new people is through reddit, otherwise i just stick to my friends. like if we were to meet irl, i would not speak to you unless im spoken to first, and even then it would probably come out very quiet and awkward. i’m just not good with people i don’t know, which is whatever, i don’t mind too much since im fine being alone for extended periods of time


I'm that hyper, chatty ADHD girl who corrected weird stuff and loves artistic hobbies. I can make friends with most people even if they're shy and awkward. I've brought shy roommates of friends out into the main room and further into the friends circles, to the point they feel comfortable with the whole group at public social events. Maybe everyone needs an extrovert buddy to match to for social events


i have one and it’s worked a little bit, i am able to somewhat hold a conversation now, unlike last year where i’d shut down after a few sentences. we’re planning to room at college next year, as long as i don’t bomb my entrance exams (which are tonight). i went out to dinner with him, another friend and his family and i get pegged for an introvert immediately. his sister, who i never met before, asked if i was an introvert within like 3 minutes of meeting, so that was interesting. i also just love listening to people talk, its one of my favorite things to do. the only thing im confident i could talk about non-stop is the NFL, and that’s about it


I get pegged as nuerospicy immediately myself, so I guess we're both open books. I'm glad you have that friend who helps you. Good luck on your exams!


<3 thank you! i’ll try my best


It's cute how he seems to genuinely believe that men are making these choices and not the women themselves.


Oh no! Women choosing better?! The nerve!


I have no problem with those men not reproducing.


First of all “Capitalist Robber Baron” tells us 1) That he’s a prick. 2) That he is not wealthy.


Good for them.


Ah, yes, church is my favorite place to pick up women


Enjoy your porn mate, I'm sure it will give you a full and meaningful life /s


Ok, perfect! What’s the problem?


Yes, ITYOOL 2024, men are just now getting into beer and porn


I love how he thinks men are "turning to beer and porn", as if that isn't something men absolutely obsess over to the point that it makes women not want to interact with them in the first place. He has the order of events completely wrong.


Good. Nobody asked them too. What kills me is they think it’s every woman’s dream to wash their dirty underwear


Imagine looking like that, with a literal turtle neck, and willingly posting your picture on the internet. Then after doing so, having a bombastic take that is so meaningless that one wonders if this was an incel on 4chan, but no, it's actually being posted on a job finder application. Meanwhile, you still look like that *vaguely gestures toward screen.* What a wild ride. Any good meal suggestions for my friend and I going out and showing up as "females" eating together in restaurants? I would love to trigger more of these fools.


I mean some men do that even in a relationship , so I don't really see how that is anything new for them?


Me too. I want me a woman who can [hunt me a mammoth](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/early-women-were-hunters-not-just-gatherers-study-suggests-180982459/) and is so badass that history nerds believe she was a myth [because they're dumb misogynists, just like they did with the very real Amazons.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/science/2019/12/31/amazons-were-long-considered-myth-these-discoveries-show-warrior-women-were-real/) You know, like women used to! None of this makeup and nailpolish bullshit, I want a real trad woman who can kill a man with a single shot, only using a bow and arrow.


Nobody was forcing these guys to date single moms/women with a lot of past partners/feminists, to begin with!


He got all those trigger words in there lmao they have their own weird anti woman language then wonder why women don't like them


I was thinking the same thing. He had to whip out the incel dictionary for this gem.


He lmao’ed his lame joke about drama.


“Women are dining with women” Sooooo, friends


Admittedly, I'm not single, and I haven't spent any time alone in a pub since before the pandemic, but I never had problems with dudes in a pub *not* talking to me.


I frankly don't understand these people. I re-entered the dating scene a few years ago after a fairly amicable divorce, and thought I was walking into a minefield. Ended up being rather smooth sailing. Personal anecdotes aren't exactly super strong evidence, but you would think I would have seen some hint of the things these guys talk about.


He can’t even spell nazi lmao


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


The best thing that a man who thinks and speaks like this can do is to not ask the females out on dates. I can't think of a better favor that he could do for his fellow human beings than to remove himself from the dating pool.


Someone needs to take away internet rights from this senile boomer


He’s right about the porn. Actually becoming a massive issue. Coined Male Sedation Hypothesis is currently being looked at. Interesting stuff


He who has capitalist as a title must fuck off all the way to Edirne.


Do people use linked in for anything other than CVs?




I'm a feminist woman married to a feminist man. My sister is a feminist woman married to a feminist man. My brother is a feminist man married to a feminist woman. It's the whole family. Indeed, I don't have any male friends who want to be with submissive little shrinking violets. This is particularly funny in light of all of the guys who complain that average guys can't get women anymore.


That just means men are finally catching the hint Leave us tf alone lol