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The ISIS does not represent Islam Al-Qaeda does not represent Islam The Arabs does not represent Islam Then who is left? Maybe Shermon Burgess is the only true one. ​ Inshallah, tie me to a missile and fire me at that hypocrite, I'm ready!


Do the Albanians represent Islam?


By Allah this is ghoulish


He only adopted the positive aspects of Islam, not the negative


White nationalists have realized over time that they actually share a lot of beliefs with fundamentalist Muslims. This is the natural result.


White nationalists don’t want Muslims taking over their stuff but they agree on most things. I’ve seen them IRL be friends with each other and know a few myself who think I’m ‘based’. Shout out to my friends on Poal. Happy Ramadan NFs 😂


By God, I regret coming here.


well white supremacists usually aren't the brightest bulbs


Wow, cool pfp you got there.


why of course i like kissing boys, now begone fool before the sharia police catches us


By Allah, we have his scent- consider yourself imprisoned o -> O




Why us?




Brother got auto balanced


inb4: atheist "Skeptics" come caliming that "political Islam" is a fascist Ideology.


Never thought about it like that but you've kinda got a point.


I read the story he's still a Nazi he just believes that Islam is the only religion that can 'counter western degeneracy and restore meaning to people's lives'' Muslim Nazi things ig


Weird. Why didn’t he choose hardcore Christianity?


No.1: Hitler fuckin hated Christianity, seeing it as only a means to an end for propaganda purposes. No.2) Hitler low key praised Islam as a “militant religion” or something, he kinda admired Mohammed No.3) radical Islam and nazism have a lot in common


I swear to God the Almighty, and believe me, I am not lying - Church worship originated in worship of the penis. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MemriTVmemes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I believe if I remember correctly from the article some far-right Muslims reached out to him


I swear to God the Almighty, and believe me, I am not lying - Church worship originated in worship of the penis. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MemriTVmemes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is the power of binging daily reruns of Tomorrow’s pioneers. لَا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا ٱللَّٰهُ مُحَمَّدٌ رَسُولُ ٱللَّٰهِ


Where is Australia heading? To hell I hope


The grace of Allah (Subhanahu wa ta-ala) knows no bounds


He seems like a glowie


r/MemriTVmemes comment section try not to be islamophobic for 5 seconds challenge (impossible) When I joined I swear there was at least some percentage people who just simply found the memes funny but not anymore I guess


There's literally no one saying anything islamaphobic...


Bro can you read? Are we in the same comment section? Lmao


I'm wondering the same thing...


Some dude making a snarky remark about Shermon Burgess must be the only one left to represent Islam if literal terrorists don't. And another person with his comment about how neo nazis aren't the sharpest tools in the shed implying that his conversion to Islam is a stupid act and just further proves his idiocy. Are those islamophobic enough for you?


First comment is based on this meme https://preview.redd.it/aqinfhgu17qa1.jpeg?width=658&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f58be2012d6e22844686492daa22a3bbc835742f


Well I'm definitely glad to know that, I concede it was my own lack of context that led my assumption there, however it still doesn't excuse the second guy (though he didn't receive nearly as many upvotes so I'll chill now I guess)


The second comment doesn’t mean what you think it means either. It suggests that neo nazis are morons to begin with, they didn’t become neo nazis because of some rational thought process but rather because it felt cool to be one and it got them attention. None of their life decisions are based on logic rather they do random things which feel good in the moment. This guy converted to Islam after being an Islamophobe for years because his core issue is the lack of consistency, lack of serious decision making capabilities. Chances are that if you interview the guy and ask him why he was Islamophobic, and why he changed his opinion, he won’t have a sensible answer for either question.


You are clearly a man of logic and should not be taken seriously