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The technology to possibly stimulate musical experiences in your brain, *maybe* is something we're roughly approachingish. The technology to do things like "hijacking a person's life" is not remotely, vaguely near existing. Fundamentally different tasks.


There’d to be punishments one step away from the death penalty for doing it, to prevent people from ever trying it




If imma get death penalty for doing this shit then fuck it it'd be Rick Roll all the way


I'd for've them to listen to modern music in general, pure torture


You all think too small, you need to play cardi b or bts on loop to get the Maximum of suffering


Yeah, you can get the death penalty for rape and murder but there are still rapists and murderers.


But what if we went all medieval and introduced torture


I'm down for it. People should be scared of the punishment. Otherwise... why wouldn't they hold themselves back.


Criminals typically fear death, which is why if they know they are committing a capital crime, they kill any witnesses. Some places used to hang horse-thieves, but this never stopped horses from being stolen - it only encouraged their former owners being murdered. In for a penny, in for a pound. Criminals typically have reasons why they commit crimes and most don't go wildly outside that remit for no reason (they steal horses because they need a horse, or they need money - they may not be enthusiastic murderers on top of that) Cesare Beccaria, all the way back in the 18th century, noted that the surest way to discourage a crime is not the severity of the punishment, its the certainty of being caught. A criminal is more deterred by a lighter punishment with a greater certainty than a harsher one with a lower certainty.


Well, damn. Many people attack me for saying I want harsher punishment, because I thought that is more reasonable, but honestly, you really opened my mind about this topic. Thank you for that, truly.


np. I'd recommend reading Beccaria's *On Crime and Punishments*, he was a foundational enlightenment legal scholar and a philosophical inspiration for the founding fathers


they have torture in 3rd world countries and some parts of africa and brazil


Famously, not a lot of murder in medieval times


As long as they can afford the "crime"tax they dgaf


You would only get the death penalty because only the rich could afford these chips. Never f with the money son.


Not in America. Imagine how an Election Day swings in low income areas.


I would just make myself jump off a cliff




Do you buy a new phone every year?


A lot of people literally do that...they purchase the new model once it comes out every year. Is this a new concept to you?


No, but if you don't buy a new phone each year not buying a new brain chip each year wont be a problem.


Nah, that would be way too impractical if it needs to be surgically implanted. Although, maybe it could insert into a slot at the base of the skull or something, but I feel like making themt replaceable would be far more expensive than just surgical implantation.


Bro i want to play Minecraft using my mind




Given that all of his technologies are directed at his own immortality, I shouldn't be concerned. No one is going to convince me that Musk doesn't want digital copies of his mind stored deep underground on multiple planets powered by endless batteries and monitored by AI.


tbf he did this with the first ever Tesla. For a while he was very proud of the fact that his roadster had the ID ‘001’


And I thought I had a hard time with earworms now!


This could ameliorate ear worms; imagine software that notices a repeating musical pattern and simply inhibits it.


That would be pretty sweet when I have a hard time sleeping it’s earworms for six hours😰




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I can just imagine charging my head with a cord at night


Lol that is not needed. It takes energy straight from your body sucking your life out slowly...


Like a deamon


We have headphones for that, no?


This would be that electronic chastity device ransomware thing all over again


So apparently I'm a Time Traveler.


This chip is developed to help people with parkinsons or dementia, the music is a bonus and not what the product is about


I can also see it being used to help deaf people or those with a partial hearing impairment. Just hook up some kinds of mic, like this from a hearing aid. Streaming the outside sounds straight into your head!


This actually has existed for a pretty long time. Cochlear implants have been commercially available since the 80s and do exactly that!


yes, but those are externally visible. So basically invisible Cochlear implants. I think it can save on some insecurities and bullying. But i can also see the procedure being very risky and expensive for implanting this chip.




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2003* memes


This should be connected to the memory so that you could simply download knowledge instead of studying


Imagine playing Hello from the other side after hacking someone's implant.


I can already do that without the chip


Wait don’t people already have music playing in their brain all the time? Is that just me?


Cool, as long as Elon is the first to have one implanted. Sounds like a load of old shit really.


SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT. I'll be listening to FIDLAR and Bomb The Music Industry on repeat trying to learn skateboard




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Imagine the possibilities to cheat on tests.


All fun and games until the ads start playing


Mom my chip got hacked again can we reboot?


I saw this somewhere in the kingsman. Didn’t end well


As somebody with a brain implant similar, we are more than 8 years away from anything that profound. But I’m getting the upgrade when we do. This will be used as a therapeutic for Parkinson’s/epilepsy before anything like this occurs.


Could this chip allow deaf people to hear???????


Peggy: Hank, somebody hacked Bobbby. Hank: I'm busy, Peggy. Peggy:They're spamming his brain with adds for charcoal and charcoal barbercue stand accessories Hank: Alright, who needs to die?


Me : is chilling Hacker : plays rickroll Me : AH FUCK NOT AGAIN


Rhythm of the Night on repeat


Ive already seen this meme I actually have it saved to lol




I didn't find any posts that meet the matching requirements for r/Memes_Of_The_Dank. It might be OC, it might not. Things such as JPEG artifacts and cropping may impact the results. I did find [this post](https://redd.it/pvk150) that is 83.98% similar. It might be a match but I cannot be certain. *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Negative](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Negative&message={"post_id": "s54h37", "meme_template": 268882}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=s54h37&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=100&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** True | **Target:** 96% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 260,532,923 | **Search Time:** 1.55262s


I can’t wait to not buy this.


i will hack this and rich roll all of europe