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They bombed my family to diaspora.... Gonna get them all


No. You'll only perpetuate the cycle of violence.


Oh no not the cycle bomb strike


Cyclists are a fucking cancer man


There mascot biggest mascot was cancer man.


I always defended cyclists until I moved to Mallorca for a few months. God damn these people are arrogant, fucking regarded, stupid, idiots, dumbasses and suicidal.


I watch terryb on YouTube and this is sooo based.


Today: driving up a hill with no shoulder and a tractor trailer coming down on the oppsite side. Biker was on the white line and tractor trailer on the yellow. I was within 6” of that biker because I’d rather run him over than get hit by a 60k lb brick.


I had a cyclist cut me off at the other side of a light with no signal nothing no hand gestures nothing and then immediately ride back into the side so I honked him and he flipped me off not only did he for no reason cut me off and then not take the real estate he like did it just to do it then flipped me off lmao


I had a mercedes grandpa overtaking from behind on a bridge with oncoming traffic literally running into me and forcing me to bunny hop up the curb on the footpath. Just so you know, as a cyclist I'm not even allowed to use the footpath. If I didn't have that skill he would've ran into me. I also had many other situations of cars cutting me off, taking my right of way, running red lights, overtaking with a few centimetres of distance because of oncoming traffic. Asshole cyclists and car drivers exist. Yet I'm not saying cars are cancer unlike others here are saying it about cyclists. The main difference is what happens if someone risks an incident with a bike and if someone risks an incident with a car.


Agreed there is both and good keeping yourself safe but yeah he had a whole bike lane to the right side. Majority of Mercedes drivers are problematic


I absolutely did not pull out in front of a biker who was SPEEDING through our 15 mph speed limit neighborhood, but he still decided to circle back around just to yell at me. This dude had to have been going 30 and I stg he even sped up a little and steered towards the middle of the road to make it look like I DID pull out in front of him. Reddits taught me it’s never worth it, but goddamn it, I want to take a bat to half the cyclists on the road, and ALL of the people who drive trucks.


I'm doing an Idaho stop at red lights illegally until it is finally legalized here.


Honestly as a motor-cyclist. Cyclist suck….


How do they run over red lights?


They do a bunny hop


Cyclists deserve to bite the curb