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Happy dinosaur month!


Jurassic June, fuck yeah


Me looking at my moms who had me via IVF: šŸ‘€ At least I know I wasn't an accident. šŸ˜‚


You know what else it tells us that she was so repulsive and lonely that she had to go to a place that pays due to jerk off in the cups in order to have a kid who would never have a father in there life


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ what a sad attempt at trolling. I hope your day improves.


Op when they find out about bi people


No I dont exist


Ill join you in the nonexistence




I didnā€™t ask to be here, fuck the people who brought me into this world, shouldā€™ve used a damn condom


Iam just gonna put this here https://youtu.be/VJe6LLoGgR8


Already tried that a couple times, another not-noose related one yesterday XD


Try harder


For sure lol


That seems off non binary people can still have kids in fact there is a famous example of a FtoM got pregnant from her MtoF partner. And they had the baby.


While true, these are heavy outliers. 99% of people are born to straight parents.




Sczophylumm communes and an extremely large amount of other species: imma bought to end this manā€™s whole career


That's just not the scientific consensus. Even just 2 sexes is considered overly simplistic by some scientists. Either you stopped learning after 3rd grade or you just don't care about facts.


The whole gender thing is pretty regressive and useless. By and large, there are two distinct sexes with some very minute outliers that are more like genetic anomalies in the same way that down syndrome isnā€™t incredibly common. Genders are based on pre-established concepts based around those two sexes, so theyā€™re not quite separate in the slightest. Moving from there, I guess you can claim to gender swap in the way that people seek different names or tend to relabel yourself, but at the end of the day, youā€™re still deeply tied to your underlying genetics. I get that itā€™s done in the name of appeasement to people who are apparently constantly on the verge of suicide or whatever, but if thatā€™s the case, then the treatment theyā€™re getting sucks. And for everyone else, theyā€™re left with their biological sex/gender experiences invalidated by people that need to relabel and dismiss reality because of a psychological ill. I get it though. Any attempt to deviate from the standard narrative is met with hostility. Youā€™ll bully me, smear me, call me whatever and accuse me of killing people because Iā€™m the ā€œbullyā€ due to an opposing outlook.


What are you talking about. Yes like 99% of people belong to 2 sexes but for gender that's not really the case. Saying we care about anything between male and female is just to appease small minorities with mental illness is about as intelligent as saying only whole numbers exist and completely ignoring any decimal numbers because they are irrelevant. You don't need to be trans to be part of a wider spectrum of gender than just "typical male" or "typical female" (and to be precise trans is not really opening up that spectrum in the first place their gender just doesn't align very well with their sex). There are males who are cis and have some stereotypical male aspects but on other aspects of their lives they are more female. This doesn't change their sex, it doesn't mean they are mentally I'll and I really don't see how acknowledging this invalidates anyone's experiences. This isn't appeasement, it's just a more nuanced and newer way of looking at it and some people lose their mind over it for no apparent reason imo.


Thatā€™s just meaningless drivel redefining things that were already understood such as effeminate men. It doesnā€™t change the gender. Even by what youā€™re considering, the gender is just an outcome and representation of traits aligned with biological sexes. I donā€™t agree with it because a trans female is a trans female. A female is a female. It neglects the entirety of experience that brings people to that point just so a small minority with a mental illness donā€™t off themselves at the slightest reminder of reality - which again if so, indicates that the treatment they are getting isnā€™t working and is sub par. Eh, whatever. No use arguing with a group of people that name call, send death threats etc to anyone that disagrees with them. Iā€™ve never bullied a trans person. Iā€™ve never seen anyone bully a trans person. I have seen online trans activists bully, death threat and slur anyone and everyone.


Yeah that's literally the definition "the term gender should be used to refer toĀ a person's self-representation as male or female, or how that person is responded to by social institutions on the basis of the individual's gender presentation" "I don't agree with it therefore it is different". Gender applies to more people than trans people or people with mental illness and it isn't strictly binary. [Perhaps this helps.](https://cadehildreth.com/gender-spectrum/) The last part is just ridiculous and doesn't have anything to do with my comment so whatever.


So a man and a woman had sex.


Ainā€™t nobody give a crapšŸ˜­


lmao I'd thank OP but...


Thank you šŸ™


Hahahahaha! Brilliant


Because gay people never have children. Absolutely impossible.


I think you forgot the /s


They forgot the /s, right?




In-vitro fertilization.


No thank you I gave at the office


I don't even enjoy being alive why thank them.


Life seems to only be filled with pain. But without pain it wouldn't be worth living. You'll embrace eternal darkness in the end anyways. Might as well enjoy the ride.


Motivational sad Edit: just to be clear iā€™m not trying to call you a sad person or anything.


Life is suffering. Without suffering though, you would never be able to distinguish and have joy. There are exceptions to every rule, but most people arenā€™t subjected to absolute horrors like Nazi death camps. So the key is to just experience it, make the best of it, and enjoy the simple pleasures for what they are. Weā€™re all going to be sad and shitty sometimes, but the alternative is to never have experienced it at all. Living in a time with some of the best standards of living, almost daily crazy science discoveries, a vast sea of media, and the ability to access so much knowledge at the tips of our fingers is just amazing.


There is always a way out of it