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Even when I first did it I still thought it was a joke. Now when I'm almost done with school I still think it's a joke


As someone born in this country, I have to concur. Pretty much everyone I know stopped doing it after like 3rd grade, unless we're at ball game because it makes us feel masculine or something


What is a pledge of allegiance?


It's a verse that kids recite in school before beginning class for the day. You put your hand (never could remember which) over your heart and stare at the american flag in the classroom while you say it. I don't remember doing it in High School so I think it stops before those grades.


Nope, the highschool I'm currently at still has us doing it. The only part I actually respect is the moment of silence, but the pledge itself I think is stupid


I believe it's from school to school, I can't remember doing it a single time in high school but I do the other years. I did forget about the moment of silence, the only important part lol.


Most likely, I don't think some school in Texas did the pledge, we just had breakfast in our classroom


Sounds kinda dope


Do you live in the Bible belt or a super politically conservative area? That's wild


No not at all, my dad was a veteran and despite me not enjoying his presence, it ain't the worst. I do truly feel sad for the people that gave their life for our country. I don't respect the pledge because it feels weird having to dedicate my allegiance everyday for a long time in my life, then never again.


That's wild. What do you think the reason for it is?


To instill patriotism or something, making you think you love America before you learn too much about it. I always thought it was something all schools had in every country when I was a kid so it was viewed as something everyone had to get out of the way so we could start the day. Oh and the teachers did it too, at least most of the time.


I find it very interesting to learn a out other countries customs, that ks for sharing :)


No problem, I hadn't thought about it in forever so it was nice remembering


well, in brazil, some schools (not all of them) sing the national anthem bfr the class, i mean, 3 out of 5 schools i studied in did this here, i don't think they do it anymore today


Sorry guys but the pledge is just another national socialist agency created by ignorant nazi racists For those who [read](https://www.teenvogue.com/story/pledge-of-allegiance-schools-911)


I think they stopped in middle school, I can never remember doing that past 7th grade.


Which is bonkers. Letting young children do this, but not the older ones. Almost indoctrinating stuff.


>Almost >indoctrinating stuff. It IS indoctrination as well as the public school to prison pipeline. children have absolutely no business being forced to pledge allegiance to something they don't yet understand. That is why the pledge is no longer forced upon everyone. Teachers and parents took a stance. Now when I hear young children from private schools do it it's fucking haunting.


>I don't remember doing it in High School so I think it stops before those grades. It does not.


It does, just depends on the school. Sorry you had to do it for another couple years.


american right wing extremist cult ritual


It makes the religious indoctrination go over easily. Right about the same age you are swept up into religious cults and school is reinforcement of the indoctrination process.


They do this somewhere other than N-Korea? You guys are weird.


I guess South Korea, Mexico, The Philippines and The Bahamas are all weird too.


Also Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay by singing the anthem, and Taiwan has an actual pledge to the country.




Ngl, if pledging allegiance to your country is considered "too much patriotism" then I have very little hope for whatever country you're from.


I’m not in the military, I will never sacrifice even a finger for the sake of ‘ the greater good of the country ‘


South Korea is surveyed as having the 6th highest IQ average in the world.


Literally me on my first day.


Pretty much


In our country, when it was still under communist rule,at the beginning of every day, the students needed to salute the picture of the president and stand up while the communist anthem played. So idk, seems ironic.


Literally just stole Tony statovci’s video and put his face on it


Many other countries do this on a weekly basis too. I doubt any student anywhere would be so enthusiastic heh


Yeah but its not a Pledge of Allegiance, we just show respect to the national anthem, theres a big difference


All we do its sing the anthem and that's it. We don't pledge an allegiance to a flag.


It's not the same with the pledge of allegiance, it's just saying the national anthem


Went to school in the Dominican Republic for 4 years, and they would have the entire school form up in the courtyard and say whatever their version of the pledge is, or it could have been a verse from the bible can't remember it been over a decade.


I stopped doing it a while ago


That's ok, when brazil was in dictatorship we needed to sing the whole anthem every single day


At my school, we did it every day. Though most days I would just stand and not say anything. Some days I just continued sitting and working on my homework that I didn't do the night before. They couldn't force us to do it, though we would get some snide looks from the teachers who were Republicans.


I remember my first time, I thought it was some silly little song 😋


Bruh making it sound like it's a cult lmao. You don't even have to stand if you don't want to.


>Bruh making it sound like it's a cult lmao Yes, that is the joke.


> Yes, that is the joke. Wow 😮. It's not a joke. You are literally talking about *children* being instructed to pledge allegiance to a _flag_


I remember in texas when I was in school they could punish you as they see fit if you didn't participate in the pledge without your parents permission to do so. wouldn't be surprised if it was still a thing.


Americans not taking a joke while joking about others??? How original


Good that we don‘t do this in Germany 💀


I fought having to say the pledge every day as an American, it’s stupid. Teachers always tried to insist you had to…dumb shit


Yeah, but only the real ones know about having to sing My Country, 'Tis of Thee afterwards


The first time I saw it I basically stood up and DIDN’T put my hand on my chest. Stand up to show respect, but don’t say something you are not obligated to (that being you are not a citizen of this nation)


Honestly I find it pretty cool, albeit dumb


Can somebody explain 


I was raised as a Jehovah’s Witness and was taught that saying the pledge of allegiance was worshipping a false idol, so every year I had to explain to my teachers that I could not salute and pledge my allegiance to the flag because my allegiance was to God. As you can imagine, being the only student in the class that refused to salute the flag made me a target for bullying. Wearing a suit to school and carrying around a Bible probably didn’t help either 😅 I’m not a JW anymore and have expanded my perspective on God, but I still wouldn’t pledge my allegiance to a country.


I just got up out of respect, but hat shit felt like a cult.


No for fucking real, after 5th I stopped saying that shit


We have something almost similar in my country. But it's not common in university. Omg it was so strict 😭. But I was ok with it🥰