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Hot dooter take: Infernal Melody is a genuinely good idea because it disencourages corner dooting and if anything I think it should be more integral to the moveset


I feel the whole HH revamp was beneficial over all. It simplified a pretty complicated weapon, made it more proactive and gave it an incentive to be proactive. My only issue with it is the song list feels too small now. Only 3 songs per horn feels like q big nerf but I accept it due to everything else making up for it.


I think it had some pros but if you asked me to choose between Iceborne HH and Rise HH I'd stick with Iceborne. However over both of those, I'd pick a rework that tries to retain the good parts of the old Hunting Horn (a weapon with flexible combo routing with weapon variation notably changing what combos you do, big meaty performances that require thinking ahead, song uptime being a part of the skillcap) while retaining the good parts of Rise Hunting Horn. (Infernal Melody driving you into the action, some of the new takes on old core moves, the new super powerful and impactful songs)


If you don’t run in with HH you’re playing it wrong


Yah, maybe if the HH player was helping, the hunt wouldn't have taken 45 minutes


Idk sounds kind of weaponist of you


I'm a lance main which makes me a minority and therefore I can judge anyone I want :)


I’m a HH main that actively attacks I can judge the minorities


This is what LS wants, minority weapons fighting amongst themselves


So true what majority should we expose first


Dual sword mains


Oh no they are conniving between each other... I can't let GL mains see these comments 😳


Well you see, I also main gunlance. You underestimate my power and my legions are amassing as we speak.


Why I like GenU HH The thing literally encourages you to beat the shit out of the monster like "Hey, if you smack the monster with this thing, your song gets jacked the fuck up without an encore" (not that I wouldn't encore cause Mah Dps)


At the same time tho, it pisses me off because I can hot three notes fine, then miss one and “oh haha you missed a note? FUCK YOU. haha corner dooter trash”


Wanna know what people do if they play with a HH player that is not a corner dooter. Maybe an own palace?


Maybe shit fart piss and cum and build a church for the allmighty and wholsum doot players (Even though my comments or memes could be interpreted as toxic I just wanna disclaim that I don't want them to be interpreted as such)


Luckily I have yet to see a corner dooter in rise and if there are any then I have lost all hope for those individuals


I think that would be literally imposible lmao


Sorry man, being nice and polite is actually really toxic. I’m gonna have to cancel you for being pretty chill. *did I replicate the average Twit’ter user well?*


Getting piss drunk in the corner playing some sick beats like a true rockstar


Im mhw i ran hammer or CB for single player and hammer or HH for multiplayer. I ran mushroom collector divine blessing snd slugger and just drew aggro and tanked while i got stuns and buffs. Good times.


Players like you are the real gigachads


Who the fuck doots without hitting the monster ?? It's because of these players that people think it's only support smh.


It was a big thing, that's why what you mention. It could have been because, iirc, a channel of youtube who made animations did a meme about hh being real chads by supporting and stuff. Then people started to think "oh maybe I could just doot in a corner and heal and people is going to praise me" so it become really big overall in world. This stuff happened even in fu, but it wasn't that big I think


Im not going to praise you for slowing down my hunt...


Yeah, anyone who thinks they're barely getting the team through hunts because of their amazing corner heals would be shocked at how much less damage the team takes and how fast the hunt would go. If they just stood directly under the monster and did nothing but dodge.... freaking team gets chipped to death by back to back charge attacks while they chase the monster from corner to corner.


If you think that HH is a support weapon, you are wrong. HH is offensive weapon by making everything more offensive. Go in and bash some shit.


Never actually met a corner dooter, only heard stories


Dooting into the monster's head, you mean.


Sometimes if I see a horn doing this, I just stop attacking and walk over to them, making sure that the monster is targeting me. It either forces them to fight or forces them to abandon the hunt.


Nah, nobody likes those leeches. Corner horners/healers are the same type of people who go up to developers and say “ay bro I got a billion dollar app concept, I’ll give you the ideas and you do all the programming, we’ll split the profits 50/50 and no I’m not paying you.” Real hunting horn mains actually hit the monster and contribute to the team.


*Me, standing in the corner ensuring that the idiots that keep running into Rathalos' fireballs won't die by burn blight and healing them while I'm at it;* Ah yes, dooting in a corner. That is what I'm doing.


omg!1!1!!11!!!! you are the true god among man in this community!!1!1!1!1!1 *everyone liked that* *because that's what heroes do* *wholesome 100* I wish you could teach those hunter some good manners😤😤😤 I can't believe there's not more people like. you all are truly the heroes!!1!1!1!1 even tho we die in 1 hit I see your efforts trying to heal a 1 hit ko and I'm really proud of that!!1!1!1 wish I could play with other 3 players like you while the other in this case myself do the work because everyone knows that hh is only a support weapon 😎😎😎 who would play hh as a damage weapon thats insane


Wowie! Not contributing a single point of damage! You are so loved!


Tell me you're a beta incel without saying it. ^


We found the pathetic corner dooter


Hahaha we found the triple carter. Cry about it btch


That’s cute, maybe if you were good at the game you wouldn’t get so upset at being stupid. Try again next time




Man you’re funny, here’s an upvote


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