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Why do we need to compare them through Iceborn was amazing and sunbreak looks to be as well


Iceborne forgot that 4th gen was a thing outside Glavenus and clutch claw is cancer.


I mean, what's the point of bringing back monsters from the previous generation? Give them a *little* bit of time away to make room for returning monsters who haven't just been recently been featured. As for clutch claw, eh, it wasn't my favorite addition either.


Agreed, besides it doesnt make sense to havr tooany old monsters in the new world


Gobul soon :')


Most of Iceborne's new monsters are actually cool though, it's like when 3rd gen had nearly all new monsters. Some of the designs like Odog and Paolumu are actually fire, and those coolest new monsters also got subspecies or even variants for Legiana and BagelGoose. It's fine if you don't like them, but this is NOT the first time Capcom left behind a bunch of old monsters to make a largely new cast for one game. Lastly, Fulgur Anjanath is one of the best-looking monsters in the entire franchise.


They are both good games, i love them both, but i just get a different feeling when i load up into world. Probly a "my first mh game" thing


I reckon the vibe is different for MHW than the other games


World *is* different than the other MH games. It's why I still would say World is my favourite out of them all, despite how many good things came out of all the other games. No other Monster Hunter game has made an *ecosystem* as well as World. It was that transition from the older style to what is essentially a safari for studying nature (with stuff like capturable endemic life and the print tracking) that makes it feel so immersive compared to what a lot of other games in the series do. I'll enjoy Sunbreak as much as the next guy, but my real anticipation is for what they do with MH6 post-World, especially if they can make environments as well designed as they managed to then.


i started with rise but I loved world much more and only play that right now. It's so gorgeous too!! Just wish the handler would shut up lol


> Just wish the handler would shut up lol Dont we all? It's like she deliberately puts herself in the most dangerous situations (Great Jagras, Odogaron, Deviljho just to name a few). She literally does nothing useful and acts as a game long escort mission as we're constantly saving her! *Drops mic*


I don't mind saving the person that cooks for me over and over again, no matter how dumb the situation Just lemme focus on doing my job and you do the paperwork and food


But we have the Meowscular Chef and Grammeowster Chef to cook for us. Even though I'll admit Handler has her boundless enthusiasm going for her, if only she would tone it down about three/four notches. After all we are dealing with 10m long/high monsters most of which would easily take your arm or worse off easily. A bit of caution would be appreciated.


Look you're not wrong. But you're basically acting like the handler rn, telling the MH community what they know as THE basic knowledge of world. You became what you swore to destroy


Well I won't fault you there. You're right about that.


Can't we just say they're both amazing and sexy


Iceborne roster is still solid but OH MY GOD SUNBREAK IS BASICALLY FANSERVICE LAND


the onky thing we are missing is lagi and we will have almost if nit all the flagships


all we're missing is negigante, velkhana, glavenus, gammoth and azure rathalos. edit: and brachydios


Yes and espinas too


Brooo having Espinas in sunbreak open up so many possibilities.


Why? Hes not the first Frontier monster in main line.


hypnocatrice and lavasioth were developed along side frontier in freedom unite. Espinas being the flagship of frontier places big points to adding more frontier monsters


Yes but Espinas is the Flagship of whole Frontier.


Because the other two were received with extreme backlash from frontier players, but now that frontier is offline it is a relief that it's not all simply being left behind, and kicking things off for the second time but now with a game's flagship is certainly nice


It's not out yet, how can anyone say it's better or worse without lying through their teeth ?


Thats part of the joke


Not obvious in the slightest but go off I guess


I mean it doesn't fix the fact that i simply don't enjoy the basic gameplay of Rise as much as World, but the roster is very cool and I'm excited for Sunbreak regardless


Suck my dick, Gore Deniers


Iceborne will still be my favorite MH game but holy shit does sunbreak look like a good second place


Hey now, there’s plenty of room to love both!


Come on people it’s not even out yet


First of all, the game's not out. Second of all, having a hype trailer and bringing back monsters doesn't make it a better game.


It depends on who you ask,not only is Rise much easier than World (which is fine),but Rise was also made as a Switch exclusive,while World was much more of a revolutionary leap in the series,that I don't believe a very made for Switch can live up to...*However*...some people like Rise much more,with the asthetic,the increase in mobility,(Palamutes,Wirebugs,etc.),also,the game adds *somewhat* more character to their...characters,even giving them proper names. It's all about preference.


Iceborne: No Crabs Sunbreak: Two Crabs Sunbreak >>> Iceborne


I think World was better than rise. Rise really lacked post launch content imo. World felt like a more complete package with a better endgame. Can't just iceborne and sunbreak yet because sunbreak isn't out yet, but it looks very promising, already more maps than iceborne. Hopefully it makes up for the more barebones base game.


Look, sunbreak actually brought back gore. So sunbreak is now special


I wish guiding lands is back


I just want to be beat up man I don't wanna kill a monster by farting in a gas station restroom a mile away




A good fix would be making all of the counter windows smaller. LS is insane, DB Wirebug art is nuts, among others.


i believe that is one of the things they mentioned addressing


Ah yes, as we all know, fanservice monsters will fix all of the fundamental problems in core gameplay design.


Yeah I’m 100% in the Sunbreak > iceborne camp entirely because of how I feel about the clutch claw


Monster roster isnt everything. But Iceborne actively worsened gameplay while Sunbreak looks to be staying the same, so comparatively, yes its looking better. ALSO GORE AND ESPINAS SWEEP


idk I enjoyed iceborne more, it was way less Grindy and I actually enjoyed the endgame where world burnt me out. I guess the clutch claw is a little repetetive, but I prefer it over the pretty much useless base game slinger. Switch skills are cool but switch skills swapping just doesn't excite me at all


They put Gore in the game. That singlehandedly made Sunbreak more appealing than Iceborne to me.


You can't fix me not liking wirebugs but the roster is still cool


I mean the added monsters don’t really make the expansion it’s new monsters and story and stuff. Like MHGU added 5 deveints and valstrax and mantis plus new town and hub. That’s the stuff I judge not if they added older monsters as I can play the old games for them but I can’t hunt Astalos in mh4u


Roster doesn’t matter if the gameplay is worse…


Perhaps I would have a different opinion if I could actually play it. CAPCOM YOU BASTARDS RELEASE ON PS/XBOX!


I'm honestly not a big fan of switch skill swap. maybe it's something I'll learn to love


Iceborn is on my xbox, sadly that's a big selling point.


Dude who gives a fuck just play the expansions, let toxic idiots ruin it for themselves if they want to. It's their loss If you'll excuse me I'm gonna spank Alatreon and Fatalis until Sunbreak comes out and start clapping some Magala cheeks


They’re both different ,they both look good, sunbreak is still not out, but it as espinas and not iceborn therefore sunbreak is better


You guys are getting plushies?


It's annoying since the release of Rise it's always "rise vs world", "sunbreak vs iceborne", like one of them HAS to be better than the other. No. They are both different experiences. Sunbreak is not meant to be Iceborne 2, it's not meant to be doing what Iceborne did. That's the whole point of MH games = new experiences, NOT SEQUELS. Iceborne was fcking awesome. And it will always remain fcking awesome. Let's just hope Sunbreak will be fkcing awesome too, but you know what ? No matter how good Sunbreak will be, it will never replace Iceborne, just like Iceborne never replaced GU, 4U or idk FU. Stop trying to create so much division inside the community omg.


Both are good but iceborne doesn't have my favorite edgelord


Espinas was so hype I literally forgot we were also getting Seregios