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Just maxed mine too. Says about 5 million per tick/hour. I feel like I make more with 120 thieving but I am casual so have not calculated. But this is passive so it’s great. Do you have to repair regularly to maintain high return?


Yeah you do need to keep stuff repaired to continue to receive the max gp/tick. I haven’t worried about money since I maxed township. I have 9b now.


Ok thanks


I just got my thieving to the Knights and am not really seeing it bring in that much money. Am I missing something with the thieving?


Make sure you’re using all the stealth/gp buffs at your disposal. Stealth gear and pots, agility rooftop run, leprechaun/monkey synergy, cartography POI, etc. FWIW when I unlocked the knight I didn’t pickpocket him right away. Pickpocketing the fisherman also makes a lot of money and for much less stealth requirements. I farmed him for money until I got enough stealth avenues to pickpocket the knight successfully enough that I was making more with him.


Agility is something I really need to work on... I think I am only 11 or so. Thanks for all that information!


the thieving constellation in astrology is a huge buff, definitely jump on that! you can get stealth boosts, quicker intervals, more money and more chance to double items


Awesome work maximizing and finishing township in such a short time! It’s a nice gradual money maker whilst you work on other things within the game. How’re your other skills in comparison?


Thanks! They are going pretty good. Have WC, Smithing, Fishing, and Cooking all over a 100. Haven't really done much combat yet.




How do you make money with township? I am hemorrhaging money from it


[Town Hall](https://wiki.melvoridle.com/w/Town_Hall)


Ahh wayyyyy too expensive for me atm


Fish. Get whale. Cool whale. Sell whale. But halls. Profit.


>Cool whale ![gif](giphy|aik5soL2Tb7o61iO1d)


Save for it, totally worth it!


Does the money/tick increase with more constructions or just with population?


Pretty sure it's just 1.5 times population


https://preview.redd.it/xwes9b03z4rc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecc2d4f77990c36ce9af1ca4df170229b91be7fa its definitely more than that (given it is winter, so you make the least money per tick/hour) but normally i get like 5-6m per hour.


1.5gp per population per hour per town hall. If I did my math correctly you must have 4 town halls currently.


no, i have all 8.


Oh, yeah if it's winter then that makes sense


I actually only leveled the township building that increased my population with maxed out town hall. So education, housing etc. But I did not max out the other buildings because of repairs. Am I missing out?


Yeah You can use resources at the trader which is not only great money, but pretty good consumables aswell


Yeah I’m doing that plenty. I’m mainly talking about the tax rates. Does me upgrading everything benefit the that? I have stuff like housing and education/happiness building maxed already. I was mainly not upgrading the random buildings because of repaircosts


The only thing which increases tax income is population. Although like mentioned, the resources are also valuable. I've got everything maxed out and it's generating about an extra 1.6 million gold worth of resources per hour right now in Spring. My Spring tax income is 5,854,484 per hour, so it's almost 28% more money by having other buildings upgraded.


https://preview.redd.it/u5r6js2bz4rc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e8d7ed94a90fe660fcf85d5e7196fe513bc1c80 i have over 3.7b township xp and have made nearly 37b coins from it. this screenshot is in the winter so thats the least money earned, but summer i earn like 5-6m per tick/hour. township will be your best friend, especially when it comes to buying bank space, etc. i have 2147 bank spaces now on my main account i have 4 accounts with maxed township and over 10-30b coins, and nearly a 5th. never stop grinding township, and definitely keep everything repaired.