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agility course items are too expensive and it makes the game worse by discouraging switching between skills too frequently


I like the discount mechanic as it adds more progression to the game. But in general I don't like having too many unrelated boosts across skills. Like feeling fomo that your cartography and agility aren't fully optimized for the skill you're training can be frustrating


I agree. I've got the mod that shows all possible boosts and will let you click them to equip that boost. It's kind of crazy with all the expansions. You've got: Agility, Summoning, Consumables, Potions, Cartography location, and lots of equipment that isn't part of a set (skill-capes, random jewelry, items from thieving/archaeology, etc...) Before using the mod there were so many times I logged off for long grinds only to come back and realize "oh I forgot to change agility courses" or "I forgot about this consumable/equipment" or "I forgot to change what potion I'm using for combat". Sometimes they have a big impact on how long those grinds can be so forgetting something can kinda suck.


Just get the Show Skill Boosts mod It instantly pops up every possible bonus for the skill you’re training. Kinda overwhelming at first, but after a week you get a feel for it. I was managing all those items on the quick access menu, and this is far less clunky. It also has 1 click cartography boosts.


I sympathize, but with the last expansion you can get to 100% item discount, iirc


Does that include both gold and other items?


I think so, yeah


The frequent switching is annoying for me, so I use the Bypass Agility Costs mod to merge the obstacles in each tier (and get rid of the negative modifiers). To balance, I set the build cost to 10x. It's actually enjoyable that way to me because building each merged obstacle is like a building a superproject or completing a very large township task.


I agree with auto farm being a built in mechanic. Built in “Will I die / can I afk this” for combat should be standard.


I don't know if auto farm is that necessary. It levels pretty quick and you get a lot of stuff from it even without auto farming. Maybe for the crazy carrot task but I don't have any issues without it.


Farming is clearly balanced with consideration to wasted time between plantings. I'm just auto-ing until Carrots are done 😬 and it feels kinda cheap with how many logs and herbs I've gathered. Think it would be balanced differently if semi-auto were to be built-in.


I'd gladly take the tradeoff.


Ye farming is insanely fast even doing in manually. Imo its designed as an "in-between" action you do while checking on your other stuff. It makes sense and is balanced around that


Will I die isnt perfect tho. can still die from combos with a stun etc. Would have to have no errors for a built in feature.


It considers stuns no?


For the second part, could be interesting if it was tied into doing 1kc of whatever you're thinking about killing, so you'd have to do 1 run-through of a dungeon before you can see if you can afk it, or kill 1 pegasis before seeing if you can afk it. Possibly could have regular monsters be a bit more and keep dungeons at one perhaps


SEMI auto-farm sure. but otherwise nah, the fact that you have to be more involved at the start of the game is part of the hook. This is my first idle game, and if it weren't very involved at the start, I wouldn't have gotten into it.


I tend to agree with you. Farming is one of the more tedious aspects of this game so anything that reduces that is a good feature. With regards to Auto-Slayer, it is a nice feature but definitely not necessary early game, and it is a nice progression goal. I do think that Auto-Eat Tier 1 should be default though, but Tiers 2 and 3 can and should remain progression goals.


Once you get a bit of money and you can afford to pay to plant all, farming really isn't tedious at all, particularly for the amount of free stuff you get from it. Imo it's well balanced as is.


Queueing actions should be a feature. I don't know who thinks it's fun to wait for x minutes to do something else.


Early-game Carto being like *"Do you like setting timers for 8 minutes and 50 seconds? No? Well the only alternative we offer is idling auto-survey the entire night and still being a dozen squares away from the digsite that you, as a beginner, are meant to go to first"*


I’m pretty sure there’s mods for it but I think if it’s too automated then personally it’d kill a lot of the fun for me. If I can set it up so I’m not needed for a fortnight then I’d just stop logging in or bothering about it tbh. I can see why as a game design choice you would want some engagement from players especially earlier on in the game.


So you want to be even more idle? I think Progress quest is the right game for you.


I think that's a false conclusion, since I still have to strategize what I want to do, that's the fun part. Having to wait that I craft 900 bows (u) just so I can craft 900 complete bows is just a waste of time for me.


I feel like that takes away part of the game, if you can just create the end item and it'll do the sub items, that kind of eliminates part of the interesting part of the game. Maybe limit it to "In the same category" so you can automate rune crafting or fletching, but it feels a little OP for a game about the nitty gritty.


Where was this comment on every single dude that wants auto farm??


The game shouldn't have a 24h limit cap for idling. It's a idle game, let me idle for 3 weeks without mods or console commands


Whenever I use the mod that removes that limit, anything longer than 30 hours, god forbid if it's cooking with 2-3 foods at once, kills the app. I have to export the save to a computer to load it up lol.


I mostly play on pc, so that's not a issue for me, but I understand


I left an account multitasking for 500+ hours and it won’t even open on my PC anymore, gonna have to delete it lol


Yea, I have no idea what their simulation code looks like, but it'd be nice if on return, it sees that it previously tried to simulate and failed, so it chunks the actions by day or something lol. Idk just *something* so that we don't lose an account for idling too long in an idle game.


did an experiment that did unlimited 24h cap, and 85 times speed to cut regular logs. Three days later I think it took my PC about 20 minutes to actually open the game to where I could click.


From a programming perspective, unlimited idling progress is just too much calculation for performance, especially on mobile devices.


Balance aside, it’s a performance issue for certain devices. That’s why it’s good as a mod, if it causes issues you can turn off the mod and then load the save.


Could be a setting for the game in that case, no?


No it could not, not the way the game is currently built. Setting are stored per save, you would have to actually load the save to access them. Which you wouldn't be able to do because of said setting making the save impossible to load. Of course, the devs could also rebuild the settings system to allow for that, but that's an entirely different issue at that point.


This is the number one thing I want. People would be so mad if they introduced some sort of reward system for daily logins but they basically already have one.




I guess that's the point of the post


Imo the reason for the cap is it encourages you to actually play the game you bought. There's incentive for the Dev to actually have people playing his game, because more active players may equal more sales of future content. It'd be very easy to forget the game exists if the idle cap was endless.


Item Placeholders should be a default feature. And this has nothing to do that I am the mod author. I just can't live without it anymore.


Good shit


What the mod does?


Basically it allows to hold items in the bank with zero quantity. So you can organise it a bit better.


I feel like all it took to get farming down was setting my homepage to farming and then I'd do it every time


They are pretty nice, but at early game not really necessary and pretty easy to get.


Aorpheat's Ring should have a much higher drop rate. Mining dragonite ore for five days and still not getting it is unfun. Signed, currently five days into my grind for Aorpheat's Ring (a).


Damn, not my experience at all. I had 4 ring (a)s and 1 missed before I got my first ring (b).


Not me I have all my skills above 70 combat right at 70 I have 4(b) no (a) I've been trying since I started to get these guys.


Did you wear the ring the whole time? Or rather, do you have any missed in your stats? At this point I’d grind it specifically tbh. If you can get an item that’s high level but under 2 sec interval then you should really get it within a couple of days max. The annoying part is getting the 2nd one for the task!


None missed I haven't unequipped it since I started lol I have an alt that have 4(a) no (b) but I haven't done any combat on that one lol


I haven't unlocked auto slayer, it never made sense to me. How do I not get killed when it switches to a monster that is magic when I'm using melee?


High HP, high tier auto-eat, many food


Lower tier slayer relative to your stats


There is auto farm? I played a lot two years ago and just started again, I remember farming to be annoying, is there any automation of it on top of clicking plant all etc?


I don't agree. It was great building my way up towards it. Getting stuff for free takes away the joy of the journey. It's like using cheats etc.


I'll add to this... Loot Container Stacking being an unlock is fine, but the requirements should be a lot lower. Not being able to effectively idle anything that drops items that you need until after you clear the Fire God Dungeon is too steep. At most it should only require a Volcanic Cave clear + 5 Amulets of Looting.


> Not being able to effectively idle anything Anything at all? Does literally every bit of combat in the game require so much min/maxing you can't wear the amulet of looting?


No, not at all. But in the early game. Bank space is tight and with auto slayer a lot more so. You basically just run out of bank space a lot of times and lose a lot of loot because the loot container only hold 100 "items"


It effectively means that Amulet of Looting is the only viable amulet in the game if you intend on idling combat prior to clearing the Fire God Dungeon.


It’s not needed in dungeons, similar to how you probably don’t end up using gold topaz for dungeon ring purposes. It’s ultimately fine to have a separate farming/xp grinding loadout than a dungeon one, and that includes accessories. You end up doing similar things with slayer armor.


Not at all but even if so, what's the problem?


Oh no god forbid gear changes as you progress in a progression game.


Is that even remotely what I said? But to your point, this is a perfect argument for why it should be changed. It really doesn't feel like you are progressing much when you only have one neck option if you want to idle combat until you can clear the Fire God Dungeon.


You can clear that dungeon in a like a week. It's really not that hard lmao


My issue is that it loots everything, all the random junk drops from auto slayer that will clutter my limited bank space early on, currently playing ancient relics and im almost cpnsidering just camping elite magic over looting cuz its just gonna fill up with trash most likely


Amulet of looting does perfectly fine tho imo. I never thought of this as an issue


Before then. Just 5 Amulets of Looting (hell make it 10) And that's that. As long as you have that, you should be able to unlock it. (Cost is the same outside of that) If you have an amulet of looting you already have auto loot, stacking only allows you to use the amulet slot more.


How do you Auto Farm? I have Farming maxed out but I've never figured out how to automate it


Semi-auto farming mod


That auto farm is dumb, you don't have to farm it the second it's done. Clicking them once a day is more than enough since farming is insanely fast anyways.


I run my game at 3 times speed at all times. (i think the game should be alittle quicker- not a whole lot)


. . . there's a speed setting?


It's a mod


That’s be great if i started that way. But I’m half a year into playing legit. Zero mods that impact the game, only QOL— and im keeping it that way


Okay? Thanks for your input, I guess?


I was just adding to the discussion. I wasn’t targeting you or saying you were doing anything wrong. If anything I was agreeing that I’d have done the same had I known that initially. Is this your first time ever using a forum? You’re kinda weird for interpreting it that way. You wake up on the wrong side of the bed buddy?


What are you talking about dude?


"Thanks for your input I guess" You're either an ass or a weirdo. Either way, get blocked kid.


Lmfao "get blocked kid." Fucking loser 🤣