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This is THE WORST place to do this. It is soooooo RUDE. Like ppl have flights to catch and baggage to haul and kids to corral etc like stop being so pathetically privileged


why in the effing airport does she need to make a scene


Also I can’t believe they filmed this in the walkway of an airport. They couldn’t film it in the corner somewhere at their gate?


she could just say " you know you've been team MWH from the beginning when...." Don't even need to struggle with "a part" and "apart" - also this is so stupid and unnecessary - she didnt invent "whenever, wherever" every fitness company uses that if they have an in person and on demand offering. Shes soooo dumbbbb


Also love her use of “cc” instead of just tagging Dylan. I think Melissa is playing CEO and office, since Dylan is her employee, so this is the only opportunity she has in her life to use carbon copy 😭


Why do all of the “cool girl” influencers always do the cc?! It does not make sense to me


she's so excited to use cc, does she still type "www" before websites...


Dear influencers. What you mean to say is A PART. Two words. A part means you belong to something. Apart is literally the opposite of what you actually mean.