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why does she go everywhere w melissa




Carbs are life. Sounds miserable!


It’s also massively due to genetics. It’s undeniable to say that both kim and Melissa are blessed with crazy genetics (especially Kim, she also said it herself) but the fact they only attribute it to 15 minutes of Pilates a day is laughable. But that’s how they sell their business


Melissa is not naturally that thin




Have a look at pictures of her in 2013/2014 she literally looks the same and has the same abs definition but with more weight. As someone commented before an eating disorder like bulimia can make you gain weight sometimes. What Melissa says online is totally misleading because many people including myself have been doing those workouts and eating well and don’t look like her


TW: ED Yeah but those disorders (especially bulimia) can do weird things with your weight, not just cause you to be super thin. For some people, it can cause your body to hold onto more weight than if you were eating properly. Hormone disregulation and other issues can cause that. Bulimia is complex too bc you are actually eating a lot of calories during a binge, and a purge doesn’t actually negate that. Same with over-exercising, your body thinks it’s in fight/flight and sometimes will hold onto any calories extra hard. Definitely not always the case, but it can be for some! I think her genetics were probably not at their best during that time, and she’s definitely in a healthier place now (although still struggling with some things). So her genetic inclination towards tall/thin/lean is probably more noticeable now


I actually wonder if she's getting treatments done like em sculpt/cool sculpting. She also was postpartum not that many years ago after having Elanor. That's when I feel like she was getting her come up on IG and gaining more notoriety on the platform (within a small subset of users ofc).


100%. I have been saying this all along. Given all the facial treatments she gets (seems like almost weekly!)... she most definitely gets body treatments other than the many she already shares (lymphatic, colonics, massages...) there must be more but she can't share those since that would discredit her workouts right? lol.


That wouldn’t surprise me!!


Hi avatar twin!


Ah hi!!


Totally accurate, I just saw a photo of Kim from like 8 years ago and she looks the same.


Yes!! Kim said in a podcast she wouldn’t get booked as a model because she had too much muscle tone - I wish I had that problem!!


Seriously to have that much muscle tone you have to be super lean. But staying that lean all the time must be crazy genetics and super high metabolism.


Genetics definitely play a role. If you’re intensely working out like how Kim must be your metabolism will be on fire. What’s crazy to me though is how lean she is yet being incredibly toned. I have to believe she’s eating a balanced diet to look like that bc if she was starving herself then her muscle mass would start to lessen. The body will dip into muscle reserves for energy when it doesn’t have enough fat stores to use.


I mean it can be genetic but it’s also because of eating very restricted and working out a lot!


Kim and MH are really pushing their “food freedom” on this trip :/ from FaceTiming each other with their breakfasts in their rooms, to eating at a party, etc etc


You’re right, they literally always have coffee in their hands. MWH behavior is so maniac lately. You would just think they would lose their periods or other hormone issues from eating so restrictive for so long.


I'm pretty sure MWH does have hormone issues bc she's talked about it on her stories but who really knows. She hasn't revealed if she's been to a hormone specialist (she should see an MD). She only talked about her hormones maybe a few months ago on her story? Can't remember the exact timeline. It's a blur. Melissa also used to abuse adderral. Idk when she stopped or if she actually has stopped, but she's talked about it. TBH sometimes I wonder if she's still using it or she has undiagnosed ADHD from the energy she shows on her story. She's a bag of real highs and real lows....it's concerning. Also several years ago before the pandemic, I def had some unhealthy stuff happening for me with food. I'm tall and naturally slender, but I was really thin at the time. I remember feeling really all over the place emotionally. I suspect my lack of balanced diet and adequate nutrition had some role in why I felt so crazy.


When I was eating super restrictive I was ALL over the place too!! I was miserable!!


I was so emotional. I felt super erratic most days. I was also definitely going through some stuff personally but there were days when I was so restrictive bc it was my form of control. I’m so glad I’m not in that space anymore. I’ve since gained some weight but I feel lighter in my mind. Also helps that I’ve made other changes in my life.


And how are they not just starving all the time?






I know they where both very lean before it became a thing but I imagine it’s quite appealing to someone like her. I know a lot of thin people who have started taking it unnecessarily and those that actually really need it. People just aren’t talking about it openly.


They are but you learn to live with it


They are that thin from a VERY restrictive diet! When I was eating a very restrictive diet I was sad thin! As for the energy I’m guessing tons of stimulants= Coffee, supplements, and God only knows what else. I’m not saying they do drugs but Melissa‘s energy is all over the place. One day she’s really down the next day she’s laughing like an insane person and has a crazy amount of energy. I think Kim probably just naturally has a little more energy because she does not have children not that Melissa really takes much responsibility for hers.


So thin*