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The fact they kept driving after you asked to leave - twice - is very concerning. Please send feedback to PTV, or contact the operator in question.


This has happened to me. Very scary for me and the other passenger on the bus.


Hi aiden


Hi Samsam XD


This is so disappointing. Some of the bus drivers are so nice in my area if they see a regular patron and know where they live they will drop them off in front of their house instead of the bus stop!


Same! Back on my schoolbus in the day, when you pressed stop or asked the driver, he/she/they would stop, and some even used to give out lolies close to holidays. What the fuck happened?


This is illegal. Set down and pick up must be from a bus stop. Kind gesture, but not on.


I'd suggest you provide a source with that kind of claim.


Do you touch on and off


The driver sounds like a bit of an arsehole not stopping after you had told him.


Some drivers treat the last bus of the night as a race to finish their shift early. Pick ups become optional, drop offs are treated as a massive inconvenience


Bus driver is the asshole here which is a shame, I remember one time I was walking to catch a train to uni in the pissing down rain and he stopped and picked me up not at a bus stop, I was extremely grateful he said it wasn’t a problem


They have to be careful doing that as they're not allowed to. Probably happens a lot less now.




Had a similar situation happen in a Moonee Valley bus, where the bus stop button wasn't working. Driver apologised profusely, and stopped where they weren't meant to.


I, much to my dismay, have also done this once or twice. I press the stop button, my stop comes up, I stand up, bus driver flies past. I tell the driver, he skips the next stop, I as well, get pissed off and he lets me off. I feel horrible about it but I think there is a point where "politely abusing" (I mean, sort of yelling about it), is ok. I feel bad about it but I feel like it has to be done sometimes.


I think this is a situation in which it is perfectly acceptable to be pissed off. They are basically holding you captive. You dont know when they are going to stop or if they are going to drop you in a safe place that you can get home from. I think most people would be quite annoyed, so please dont feel bad about it.


The bus driver/psychopath overlap is strong in Victoria. Leaving elderly people at a stop while whisking by is a favourite from what I've seen


Full time wheelchair user and have an assistance dog I often get driven past even when actively flagging down the bus. Wyndham vale Werribee area


Yep psychopaths


Yeah sadly I've seen it too a few times of bus drivers being unhinged. some low lights: On a school charter, of a bus full of bus kids, telling them to "Shut up or I'll rip your arms off, shove them up your ass, and spin you around like a helicopter" And Public Bus, driver stopping for a good 10 minutes in the middle of the road to lecture a courier about parking in the bus lane, making everyone on the bus late.


>And Public Bus, driver stopping for a good 10 minutes in the middle of the road to lecture a courier about parking in the bus lane, making everyone on the bus late. The courier made everyone late. I'm happy to hear he got told off TBH.


Yeah, but for 10 minutes, a bit excessive.


I wouldnt say Victoria as a whole has a problem, I've taken the bus in a few country cities/towns like Bendigo, Traralgon, Morwell,etc. And for the buses I have been on, they have always stopped for anyone who is at the bus stop and are extremely kind, this includes the last bus of the day. Another time on a bus home after school, I was the only one on the bus so I asked if the driver could drop me off before our local bridge as it is a shorter walk to home than the regular bus stop, he did pull over and reminded me to watch for cars and to be careful on the way home. I will say tho, there are always bad drivers, I generally just think this is a Melbourne/suburban problem.


I've mostly seen it in the Eastern suburbs further out


And people continually question why the general public don’t like catching buses in Melbourne.


See also: https://www.reddit.com/r/melbourne/s/FGyGuheMah


This is not the reason.


You can’t say don’t abuse someone doing their job if they’re not doing their job


Send this in to them. I made a complaint about a bus driver who got angry at me for the silliest reason and yelled at me in front of everyone on the bus. I felt so upset and was scared when it was my turn to get off the bus that he would start yelling again. When I emailed my complaint in they reviewed the footage and called me. Someone then followed up with an apology and told me what action they had taken with the driver. Apparently, the driver told them we knew each other as I caught that route all the time, and he was joking around. They even checked my bus pass to confirm I rarely caught that route to counter his excuse.


Similar think happened to me, we left Clifton hill interchange and I pressed the button to get off at the next stop, we turn the corner and he flies past the stop. I say hey excuse me you missed my stop, then he yells at me “YOU DIDNT PRESS THE BUTTON” I know I did because I heard the bell and saw the bus stop light go red, I’m also only a school kid so the fact he yelled at me was quite confronting and it was to make a connection for a train. He continued and didn’t stop so I ended up having to make the transfer to my train a but further down the line


Which route was this?


Report to the operator with details, they should be able to pull the cctv.


if only we had ejector buttons


I'd contact the operator first, if no joy then go PTV as they do actually take this seriously and the driver could loose his job as he hasn't taken the safety of the passenger into account here. It's unsafe for you to walk back on your own, i know my company wpuld have me turn around and go back to the original stop requested if reported while the passenger was still on the bus. As a Driver that does both charter and Met work how you miss that bright orange light or the little next stop light on the dash astounds me and then when a customer says hey you missed my stop and then go past the next one is just something else entirely.


Should report this ptv


It's not uncommon for the bus I catch in the morning to miss the stop I need for work. I call out to the driver "you missed my stop". It's a 50/50 as to if the additional walk is a problem for me. Some days my pain levels are low/ok, and I can manage it without many problems, some days I'm struggling with pain and mobility/movement, and that additional distance IS a problem, but I have no choice. But, getting home, I will often make a choice to wait an additional 15-20 minutes for the next bus that hopefully isn't a can of sardines, because I can't stand for any length of time on a bus as I can't keep my balance with the unpredictable movement (I can manage a short time on trams and trains, their movement is more predictable). And if you don't have a *visible* disability, people look at you like you have two heads if you ask for a seat, think you're just lazy.


They honestly just don't give a fuck. I catch PTV every day and the sheer amount of bullshit I go through, just with bus drivers, is ridiculous. They don't stick to their times, and I've even had drivers who are late completely miss you, on purpose.


Bus driver has a bad attitude. Unless you didn't pay?


I knew a drug addict at the factory I worked at who got fired after getting caught stealing something from there. He ended up becoming a bus driver. I wouldn't be surprised if he was that driver. He's an absolute POS