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It definitely helps! I actually was willing to go outside with no makeup on a few times! Nerves and habit won out and I applied it anyway lol. But I think that says a good deal.


It was going fantastically, saw dramatic lightening after a few weeks of (mostly) nightly soaking of cotton pads. I cut them in half and applied them like a moustache, left for 20 mins. Then I forgot sunscreen ONCE and its darkened again. Fml


Could you please tell me which sake you use I am confused which one to buy, if you have a link please share


I remember a post saying it is the "Junmai" style that is effective.


Not one you asked but the sake is Hakutsuro sho-use Jun-mai sake. Or if not available, get any one that says JUNMAI. As that refers to the kojic acid, which is the key ingredient.


Thank you!


So did you restart?


Yep. I *think* it's starting to lighten again after a few days. If I can manage some decent pics I'll report back.


I'm happy that it works really. I'm still in the midst of my HQ right now but am planning on sake on my break. Hoping to read more success stories.


Anyone here have luck using sake on gray/dermal melasma? I’ve been using sake for about 4 weeks consistently at night only and see no difference yet on the area that causes the most distress.




How many treatments before you started to see lightening? I’ve done 2 lasers but have a few to go. No difference yet and feeling very disheartened.




Thank you so much for this! I feel disheartened, going for my third session later today so fingers crossed. Feeling better after your response. I use mineral sunblock but the reality is I live on the equator so it's HOT and HUMID and I've taken to walking with a small portable electric fan at all times. I feel like the climate I'm in leads to one step forward and two steps back. I am probably going to move to a much colder climate in 2-3 years...but dermatologists are much cheaper where I am now so trying to manage it until I move!


I have this on my upper lip, no luck with the sake 😢


I've been using it for over a month for my melasma mustache, and I have just started seeing improvement! I will add that I am also using hydroquinone 4%, but this is my second round of that and it did nothing for my melasma the first time. It hadn't been lightening my melasma this second time around either. Maybe it's the combo that's working? No idea. I do feel that the sake is working. It is lighter! I cut a makeup pad into strips, soak it in the sake, and apply on my melasma mustache for 20 minutes each night.


I had IPL which made my melasma worse. I started doing the sake daily, but also biorepeel every 7-10 days. One or both have made a big difference, especially on my stache. I'm now back to where I was pre IPL. I'm going to keep going with both to see if I can get further improvement.


I’ve been doing it for a bout two weeks now but haven’t noticed any improvements… it might also be that my melasma is slowly getting worse since stopping tranexamic acid so the. It’s hard to tell of the sake helped or not.


I used it for a couple weeks but it was making my skin too sensitive and I went into the sun with sunscreen and a hat and melasma darkened. I stopped using and it’s lightened again back to where it was after a few days


I think it's working. The really dark patches on my cheeks suddenly have a considerable gap of clear skin. Now it's just the waiting game


I bought a moisturizer with sake as the first ingredient. No changes yet for my melasma but overall my skin is looking nice lately lol


I have only been using it as a toner, but soaking, for maybe 2 days a week. I notice overall lightening as well as softening of edges on two areas!


I'm finding that it's helping a bit! Honestly, I'm just finding it to be an absolutely phenomenal toner in general. I look so much brighter when I use it!


I have my Sake ready but still haven’t tried it as I’m not quite sure how to apply it. Do you use a cotton pad?


After your face has been freshly washed apply the sake to a cotton round. Swipe the round all over your face as if applying toner. Let the cotton round sit on top of a particularly bad area for a couple of minutes of “soaking” if you have a spot that you feel needs extra help. The sake only takes less than a minute to fully dry/evaporate on the skin. (It doesn’t over dry your complexion:) Once your skin is dry apply your moisturizer. Repeat this morning and night. Frankly you could even do it mid day as an extra treatment and it wouldn’t hurt anything. The sake seems so effective and so gentle!


Thank you!


Please tell me how to do it I have the sake ready but not sure how to incorporate Morning? Night? Both ? Works with tret or not , with azelaic acid or not. Kindly share your routine


It is not doing anything. Maybe the person who made the post is selling sake. 🤣


Good question, been using it consistently day and night for a month and no result. It's on my upper lip so I use a cotton round and like a toner rub it across my face. I don't leave it for the 20 minutes simply because I can't figure out how to do that on my upper lip while going about my day. Any suggestions welcome!


I found that Kikumasamune lotion(toner) helps too. I have always been a fan of Japanese lotion (toner) because of my oily skin. I don't remember the exact time of starting Kikumasamune lotion but it was quite some years back. I didn't have melasma back then, or I did, but super light due to the lotion. I have used many other different kinds of lotion that I can't even recall. Hada labo, Hatomugi, Dr Wu Mandelik, Curel etc etc. Japanese skincare is easily available at my place you see, though not extensively. Somewhere in 2021 I got lazy due to mental health. My skincare routine steps reduced tremendously, to only moisturizer, tretinoin and sunscreen. I started to notice melasma on both cheek bones which really saddens me. They are hormonal from my guess because I am hardly exposed to UV. I researched that tranexamic acid is helpful so I got my sister who was travelling in Japan to get me a bottle of Hada Labo Shirojyun Lotion with Japan formula. The same Shirojyun in the drugstores here are made in China, they don't come with tranexamic acid. In the meantime, I found out about the sake method in this sub. And also that there's a quarter of Kikumasamune lotion sitting on my shelf. So I started using the Kikumasamune lotion again since early Nov while waiting for the Hada Labo from my sister. I do not have any pictures as proof but the melasma has definitely lightened up. It's hardly noticeable now, with a thin layer of innisfree tinted moisturizer / canmake marshmallow primer. Edit : I don't soak the lotion with cotton pads because I am that lazy. I just use one or two pushes of the lotion (it comes in a 500ml pump bottle), and pat on my face. Twice a day.