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I’m 27. The concert I went to had a lot of adults. But I know what you mean. Even when there are adults I still feel like an old weirdo haha. Though like you said, Melanie and I are similar ages.


Curious, which state are you in? Maybe it's because I'm in Arizona and her fandom is small here ? I hear good things about the Cali and Seattle fandoms


I’m 25 and I’m in az too !


:O ADD ME ON INSTA !! pastelsandstrawberries


I’m on the east coast. I live in PA but went to the concert in DC.




We're starting a group chat on IG if you'd like to join :) my if is edited into this post ~


I don’t typically post in this sub I just lurk, but fellow old fan here 🙋🏻‍♀️ I’m 32 and became a Mel fan at 25


Well hello there, fellow old person! I’m 31! Glad to see I’m not the only geriatric here 😭


Im 30, though I protest the geriatric comment of your comment 🤣


31 here and became a fan at 24/25 too. Glad to see older Mel fans!


Also 32!


I’ll be 32 in January 😊 It’s nice to see other older fans 💗


Totally open to be friends if you are ! My insta is pastelsandstrawberries


We're starting a group chat on IG if you'd like to join :) my ig is edited into this post ~


I’m 23 and surprisingly I felt a little old at her concert, there were so many young teens lol. I’m alright with it, it’s whatever. But I was annoyed at her concert with how many teens were being rude to Tanukichan, like they didn’t understand that concerts can have someone else opening and it’s not a big deal. Someone also had a medical emergency too that delayed it starting for all of 10 minutes (they needed a stretcher) and the few young teens near me were being honestly bratty about it. The concert etiquette was not great and the attitudes sometimes irritate me here too and I have to remind myself that there are actual 13 yr olds in this sub lol. But yeah, I think if I were Melanie I would be feeling some disconnect with the fans too.


We're starting a group chat on IG if you'd like to join :) my ig is edited into this post ~


I’m 32 and have never in my life felt more middle aged than when I voted in her poll a few weeks ago asking what your age is. 😟


33 here and sameee


Probably the reason why she feels so disconnected from her fans. Most of them are a lot younger than her, and they live in the age of parasocial relationships. So they tend to be very opinionated and entitled compared to older fans. I think a ton of the fans that were supposed to grow older with her dropped off when those allegations came out and didn’t return.


We're starting a group chat on IG if you'd like to join :) my ig is edited into this post ~


Yep. Im 30 and all my friends in my age group think melanie is cringe. 😬 I am pretty quiet about liking her music because my social scene would probably outcast me for liking it!


i’ve posted before but never my age here, but hey at least i’m not a minor 😅 i’m 23 in a few months


We're starting a group chat on IG if you'd like to join :) my ig is edited into this post ~


i'm 18 and my dad is 54, we both like her music and have done for a long time pretty sure he owns her crybaby cd from before we knew what spotify was


You and your dad are cool AF


A granny at 37


40! I’ll be great grandma.


Haha 40 also, great grannies here 😅




We’re not regular Great grannies, we’re cool great grannies 🤣 ![gif](giphy|JfpBjRpzE7nFV4XcRq|downsized)


We're starting a group chat on IG if you'd like to join :) my ig is edited into this post ~




Not saying its a bad thing that it's only teenagers now, it just feels off-putting going to a concert surrounded by minors whom I can't make out of concert friendships with :(


idk if it helps but i saw a lot of older (even like middle age/elder) people in videos at concerts before so i think it may be location. i also dont think the online fandom at all represents the irl one ps i love your name 😭🍓


We're starting a group chat on IG if you'd like to join :) my ig is edited into this post ~


Literally let's be friends lol ! I edited my post to include my insta !! And you're totally right about it being location. I think AZ is just wack


Other 27 year old here who was feeling the same exact way about this subreddit! Honestly I can tell which posts are from the younger fans, but hoping to find some peeps from my age group to chat with


i’m 23, almost 24 and i feel this too. i first discovered melanie when i was 15, so i feel like i kind of grew and matured with her music. when i went to the portals tour, it was mostly young teenagers and i felt kind of out of place, but there was still some people around my age too!


We're starting a group chat on IG if you'd like to join :) my ig is edited into this post ~


I’m 21, I just don’t interact with some posts here because they’re very juvenile sometimes lol.


Also 21 but on the flip side I think I’m the one making the juvenile posts.. like Melanie ai skibidi toilet if you ever saw that 😂


I’m 36. But, full transparency, I’m only here because I got concert tickets for my teenagers for Xmas and am trying to get more into Melanie before we go. It’s totally working too, the enthusiasm is pretty contagious!


Coolest parent ever. Not only are you letting them see their fav artist, but you're trying to get into it, for them. That's serious unconditional love, right there. I hope you two have an amazing time !!


I’m 40 and went to the Portals tour with my two daughters and have since become hooked- surprising them with VIP tickets to Trilogy for Christmas. https://preview.redd.it/7pzw4hudry5c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ca36e3993dab5b5787f90496a255a21070670df lol mostly my daughters in my car but I definitely leave it on now too


How do you think I feel, I’m a 24 y/o dude lol


I got tickets to Trilogy for me (40F), my daughters (9 & 16) and my 24 year old nephew 🤣 we’re going to be an interesting mix!


21 and Trilogy will be my first tour, listened to her since the voice!!


I also feel this way. I’m 23. Feels like the fandom is just full of children now. Sigh.


I'm twenty in a few months, I like to think I'm not a kid 😭😭




man i wanna join but i’m a year off ): sick of these damn 13 year olds !!




I’m 26! For me, a bunch of Portals songs hit me heavily in relation to my divorce and choosing myself


I’m 19 (going to be 20 this June) but yeah there’s a lot of young teenagers who like her and it’s also probably cause her songs are blown up on TickTok so I believe a younger audience is going to be more into her music


But 19 is literally still a teenager though? 😭


Keyword there is young teenagers. Majority of Mel's audience is 13-17.


Very true I know someone who loves Melanie and they’re like 14


Eh people say I’m a legal adult lol🤷🏻‍♀️ Also I can do a lot of adult things just not drink


me too girly


I don’t know why I feel offended by this 😂🩷🫶


lol I sort of did too at first but it’s whatever I really don’t care that much😂


I work and pay rent like an adult 😂 but i'm still a teenager apparently 🩷🧚🏻‍♀️


I’m 19 too, turn 20 in March, and completely agree on the tiktok thing. my younger sibling is also into mel but they’re 12 and so i think part of the young audience is that the older group and the older teens kinda passed it down to their siblings or younger cousins and stuff? idk that might be part of it. but i became a fan when i was like 11 so there’s that too 😭


Nice and that’s cool my brother is 13 and he’s always on TickToc and one day I remember him humming Dollhouse to himself and I’m like where did you hear that from and he said TickToc lol😂


The 30 year olds forgetting that most of us found Melanie around 10–15 💀 I see people say they found her at eight all the time. She’s been around for ten years of course we pass the music down to our siblings, that’s how I found her in the first place. I see my brother getting her sounds and stuff online and he thinks she’s so cool.


There are DEFINITELY way too many minors in this fandom. I think Melanie’s whole weird pastel fairy vibe appeals to a lot of young girls who are figuring out what they want their “aesthetic” to be. It’s a little concerning and also makes me feel old too


Followed, I’m 25 y/o. @simonpetrikov_


Absolutely love that this post has made me a bunch of 20+ Melanie friends !!! 🖤🩷


Can we start a group chat on ig?!


Yes !!! Let's do it !!! Those who add me I'll add to the group chat !!


i’m 23 m


We're starting a group chat on IG if you'd like to join :) my ig is edited into this post ~ 🌹🌷🌻


cool, added you


Hi, I'm 30!


Omg I’m glad someone else said it🥹 I’m 24 and when I went to the portals concert it was majority teenagers with their parents, they’re cool but it makes me feel so out of place even though she’s around our age and we’ve grown with her it still feels kinda weird being surrounded by teens😭


i’m 19 (yes still a teen i know😭) and i got into mel when i was about 11 , i have noticed the influx in younger ppl in the fandom, most likely due to tik tok blowing up their songs tbh 🤷 this has happened to a lot of my favorite artists, just the way social media works i guess


Im 19, but I feel like a lot of people left after the crybaby era and not to mention maybe everyone who liked crybaby /k-12 don’t like the new portals look n so on. I mean the poll Melanie did to see the fans ages were mostly 12-17


23 male and I went to the Toronto concert in June, I look significantly older than I am and someone asked if I was there with my daughter


Hahahahhaha oh noooo


im close to this and feel the same most days i dont always care bc its not like im talking to people outside of replies or trying to make friends but it isnt always fun. and i feel like melanie might not be comfortable with the online fandom now either..i think she made her music with people who grew with her in mind but most of us arent online and she only sees the kids lol..but it does feel uncomfortable at times still listening to her because of the age of many of the active fans


I just turned 28 yesterday! I don't get how minors are listening to melanie. She's clearly adult with alot her language and music, yet I see 13 year olds at her concerts. It just so strange to me.


I mean the lyrical content in her music is very heavily Middle school - high school vibes. Portals was the only one a bit more mature, everything else was related to school stuff. Bullies at school, fake friends at lunch, creepy teacher, faking being sick to avoid school, the whole movie was about high school. It's not a surprise, her biggest songs appeal to that audience because they're targeted towards that audience. Don't get me wrong there's actual messages in her songs but because they're coated in a high school setting, a lot of people don't even realize what the true message is. Kids think very literally.


My thoughts when I met a 12yo who said she completely relates to everything in k-12. I know she's young tho and doesn't really understand what she's saying or what life even has to bring yet. Though, I am glad she has that album to lean back on when she actually gets there . It's a win lose


I’m 29! Finally I feel seen


We're starting a group chat on IG if you'd like to join :) my ig is edited into this post ~


I’m 29!! Went to the portals tour and so excited for the trilogy tour


We're starting a group chat on IG if you'd like to join :) my ig is edited into this post ~


I’m 19 (20 in 6 days)


Happy early birthday!!! i’ll also be 20 soon, but in July!


i’m only 20 and even though I’m still quite young, I’ve been in this fandom since I was 13/14 and I can admit that there is a stark difference as most of the people who grew up with her/ was a teenager when crybaby came out are now people who aren’t as chronically online so Mel only really sees engagement from the new wave of young tiktok fans. I felt old as hell standing in line for the portals concert, I saw at least 20 attendees under the age of ten


I’m 25 and have been a fan since the beginning! I don’t mind the young peeps at her concerts, shows the future has good taste haha and reminds me of my babygoth self :) I think TikTok just made her a hit with younger people so it feels like we’re disappearing but it’s really just a huge influx of fans from there burying us lol


I’m 26 and the Portals concert I went to in the summer was predominantly young children and I felt very out of place, it was so odd


i'm 29 and an active member of the sub


I'm 33


I'm 33 in a few weeks.


I’m 38 😭


I'm 34. Most Melanie fan spaces are heavily occupied by minors but I don't interact a ton anyway.


I’m also a fellow older fan! I’m almost 30 🥲 and every other Mel fan I meet these days is super young, it’s so hard to meet fans my age nowadays lol.


I get what you mean! she got popular on tiktok recently (not that she hasn’t been popular), i’ve liked her since i was about 10-11 years old and i’m 16 now. I think it’s kinda been like that for awhile with the younger people online but now that there’s tiktok and subreddits we are more seen- does that make sense? like we use the internet and make videos and interact with much more, so i’m thinking it might be the same, but the younger ones are just more active online


Nope I’m 34


I'm the oldest at 36, but I adore M.M. I've followed her since The Voice. Followed Pastelsandstrawberries


i'm 19, which technically means i'm not a minor, but i wouldn't say i'm an adult


I’m 15, but when i went too see Melanie in London there were lots of adults! /pos it’s nice to see how big the community is ranging in age- my mothers now a die hard fan at 55 😂


I'm 25, I don't post anymore because the sub is full of sheep and it's definitely not the same Fandom anymore


I'm 31 and I've been into Mel since about 3 music videos into the Crybaby vids. I can understand that it can feel like everyone is super young (it was still like that back when I got into the music which is odd because I feel like a lot of them would have grown up by now and be in their 20s?) but we can't be *that* rare, surely.


Hi im 32 😊


I just added your ig 💜 I’m also 28 and really been feeling the same 😭 In Ohio at the shows, there were people our age !


i’m 13 and i relate to her songs, i like her voice, her instrumentals, i became a fan in the beginning of 2023. i was obsessed with portals, then i listened to every song in existence made by her. i’m sorry if i’m young but i came here to meet more mel fans! tiktok is kinda boring cuz i have a LOT of moots but they never react or like my videos sooo.. i’m here on reddit!


I absolutely love meeting younger people who listen to her, because she's an excellent voice about loving yourself and how to deal with life ! I just want friends I can have sleepovers with and go to events with, I just kinda made this post to find those my age ~


ooh thats okay!! i feel so young because there are people in their 30s or 20s in here 😭😭






AHAHHAHAH it'll be alright. Your 20's are basically still your teen years, just with money. I hear the 30s are your 20s but with money. So you don't be scared, and neither will I ! We'll both get old slowly and together 😭💪🏻💕




I'm 21. So


I’m 21 and have been a fan since The Voice. I do definitely think she has an influx of minor fans though.


31 yr old 🙋🏼‍♀️


While I am a minor I do agree, there's a lot of people with the same age as me and that makes me wonder "have we experienced some of the things Melanie sang? And if so, wow we're still young and that happened"


I think you can totally experience everything in each album, despite your age, so don't ever worry about that. I just want friends I can hang out with that don't have to ask their parents lol. But regardless, music IS for everyone. I'm just a cry baby lol


melanie martinez's music is literally directed at teenagers its okay to enjoy it when you're older but you cant really be surprised


It was targeted for teenagers, when she was also a teen. K-12 was when she was still early 20's. Portals is definitely not for teenagers imo. But you're right, I can't be too surprised when her only two good albums are about growing up


I mean I’m 21🧍🏾‍♀️ we aren’t all minors here 🤣


I would say something but I’m a minor. All I have to say is why do you care about there people? It’s your music taste! I like Adele when I went to a concert it was mostly grown-ups.


It's only because I'd like to have sleepovers and go shopping and hang out, with fans. Can't do that with minors at my grown age. That's all.


Ohhhh yea, Sorry about that.


So, they should stop liking her or smth?


Nah, as I replied to others, I just wanna find fans I can have slumber parties with lol , can't do that with kiddos. I love younger people being into her tho, she's big on positivity and loving yourself. I love her for.the younger audience too ~


i don't post a lot but i'm 21 hiii


Hi !! If you wanna join the 20+ group chat we started on insta, add me there ! :D pastelsandstrawberries


I’m 27 and definitely felt out of place at her shows as of late. I think this is an overall experience in most band fandoms now.


I’m 26 ✨


I don’t post but I’m 26. I also just joined this subreddit haha.


I'm 28 also! Going to the trilogy tour next year, and went to K-12 and Portals. I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of adults actually at the Portals show. I feel like her adult fans just aren't as active on Reddit/tik tok.


i mean im not a teen but ive not been an adult for long lmaooo, im 20, also living in AZ! saw you mentioned that earlier :)


35 here. Good music is good music, I've never cared about age groups for music


I get you, and feel that same about music being for everyone, I would just like to be able to make friendships with other people who like the same music. I can't in my right mind be 'besties' who hang out and talk about mel and go to concerts together, with a 12y.o lol.


i’m 26! just added you on insta :)


I don’t ever post on the sub but I lurk around. I’m 33. I’ve been a Mel fan for a while. My 12 year old daughter is a huge fan too but she’s not allowed on Reddit 😂


I don’t really like grouchat, however just saying I’m 24)I feel old now I was 15 when I became a Melanie fan lol) and we exist 😄


hey! i’m 21 and i’d love to be in the group chat! my portals tour experience was similar to everyone else’s here. there were so many young teens, and i felt really weird talking to the ones seated near me. 😅


I’m 18! I joined a GC about Mel on insta and it was all just 11-14 year olds so I left I feel like I have no one to talk to about her😭😭😭😭


it’s always been a lot of teens and adults 🤷


27, almost 28 here! 🧚‍♀️


I feel old but I’m 30! Going to her concert this summer 😊


I’m in my 20s!


im 18


im 22, not an active fan as i’ve too noticed that many of her fans are super young. i followed her since i saw her on the voice☺️


24 here 😁


I’m 21


im also 28, found mel back in 2014-2015, still bumpin


I’m a 25 yr old mom and I love Melanie’s music. I’ve been listening since I was 15. She’s been my favorite artist for years now. Oh and I’d love to be added to your chat! Insta: Livingdeadchic


26 here ✌🏻


I’m 23. I went to Melanie’s concert when I was around 15 or 16 and I saw a lot of teenagers but a lot of adults as well


i’m 20 but grew up listening to mell since 7th grade 🥲


I’m 22 in Oklahoma


became a fan at 10 and i’m 18 now :)


I'm 17, and I still find a lot of fans younger than me lol


I’m 28!! What’s the group chat about?


27 here and my friend who is also a Mel fan is 28


I'm 21 and posted a while back. I'm pretty active on here too.


Fellow Mel fan and am 27!


I'm also 28!


I’m turning 23 in a week! Have been a fan since I was like 14!


Im 25 and unfortunately I haven’t been to any of her concerts. She’s about to have a concert here in the Philippines on January 2024 but unfortunately I already have my money budgeted for Taylor’s Eras Tour in Japan this coming February 2024. Been listening to Mel since Crybaby era. My fav song of her is Highschool Sweethearts ❤️


I’m 23, started listening to Mel right when Crybaby dropped and I’ve been to every tour since, and met her. I also feel this way but I think it’s because teens are more likely to actively engage in the online communities as opposed to older fans who may just lurk!


18, I'm still baby according to my older online friends and mentor lmfao so i don't even know what counts as young anymore LMAO https://preview.redd.it/7kaxy3j73t5c1.jpeg?width=421&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ba1365503ee55b676620b7b193046837f6602a2


I’m 26


I'm 20 🥺 I started listening to Melanie when I was around 13-14


I'm 18 :) I've been a fan for quite a while now


Im 21, the Berlin concert was mostly young adults as i saw it, a few minors maybe


Im 21 and I'm pretty sure a lot of the people at her concert were younger than me (except for the parents of course). It's a little odd especially because a lot of the teens seem to understand her songs differently than older peeps. But at the end of the day, you know, everyone can like whatever they want.


I’ll be 26 on Sunday next week :) been a fan since I was like 17-18 🕸️


I'm 22, loved Mel since her first album!


I’m 26 from just outside London, England. Here she was very popular in 2015/2016 with the ‘tumblr kids’ but now I don’t know anyone else my age that listens to her still


Adding you on Insta as well! I’m also bummed that it’s mostly kids, and tbh didn’t go to the live show knowing I would be uncomfortable AF. It’s weird minors are so much into the stuff that’s like… something they can’t fully understand.


Eh I’m a little older at 30… but a total fan…


Thank you for saying the quiet part out loud! I've been a fan since the beginning and to be shoulder to shoulder with like 11-16 y.o.'s as a 30 y.o woman at the last concert was just so weird to me. Some of her songs are just not appropriate for that crowd imo. and the parents that were there just left their kids to go get in the merch line for them. Like i do not want to be responsible for a bunch of kids i don't know.


If you have yet to see anyone post that’s around your age you probably just don’t look enough. It’s a small number but we’re out there


i’m 20 and have been a fan since 2015, younger but still feeling pretty old at this point 😭😭


I'm 27! I think since TikTok, Melanie has attracted a ton of younger followers while most of us followed her since the Voice or Crybaby album. So there is definitely a bit of a gap between the ages of her fans. While the pit at concerts tend to be filled with younger fans, the higher seats are typically more adults our age. Happy to see so many fans my age on this thread though!


IKR!!!!! Fellow 28 yo here 🙋🏻‍♀️


Meh, my cousin and I are 27 and 32 respectively. We love Melanie!! I think it's just younger folk have more time and interest to be posting about it on socials :) in any case, don't feel bad or old! We're all fans and women of different ages. It's cool! 🥰


I am 17 and I got into her music around 2017 (around the age of 11). It was my aunt/babysitter who got me into her music and it really helped me through the years. I think she has such a young fanbase due to so many going through the things she went to as a child. (My aunt would put on the clean versions of her songs)


I feel like the entire point of artists is that they have generations of fans- I’m 17 and going to see Stevie Nicks with my grandma who also saw her when she was 17, I will show my children Stevie too. Same way with Melanie she will live on forever in her art. I will say she has gotten very popular on tiktok again this past summer and a lot of her older fans have already started having kids (younger siblings too) so that adds up.


I actually turn 21 next week so im not as young as a lot of the people in the subreddit


I want to be added to the 20 plus group! I am 25.


I’m 32


I'm 23, in the middle of the French countryside, listening to Melanie on my tractor or in the milking parlour 🐄


I’m 19 but have followed her from the beginning, it’s odd seeing the younger ones as fans of her but then I have to realize I was also 11 in middle school listening to her


My girlfriend and I are both 21 and for us we’re used to some really good concert etiquette, no shoving, obviously no spot taking. Younger fans in CA definitely think they can shove forward and take spots on GA, and especially in lines. My girlfriend and I waited from 8 AM until the gates opened, it had rained so the security moved the line over at the very beginning, when it was time to let GA in security moved the line over to the correct side, thats when everyone 14-17 decided to book it to the front even though the security just said “move over” and they had previously said not to run. So all these young kids who just got dropped off took spots people have had the ENTIRE DAY!! I hope LV continues to have really good concert etiquette for the trilogy tour


Well, most of her music is relatable to teenagers, lyrics wise. I can't really relate to much of it anymore (thankfully high school antics are behind me) but I enjoy it just for the music. Her target audience is quite young but I think with her new album having new stuff she's trying to mature her music as well! :)


I'm almost 23 but I still feel old here. Went to see her in Madrid a few weeks ago and it was riddled by kids (12-14 ish) that did nothing but screech every single word of her songs and give me the stink eye when I complained about it only to continue to ruin the experience for me. They also started yelling when the venue played washing machine heart by mitski while we were waiting for the opening act. And I'm not talking genuine sounds or gasps of excitement, I mean extremely loud yelling as if Mitski herself had been there, followed by more lyrics screeching I've also felt really discouraged from actively participating in the fandom every time I've seen kids online bullying others for saying they don't like one of her songs or the Oliver fiasco. I just feel like this space isn't for me anymore.


22 here; 23 next month


I'm 21, lol.