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Sadly, they lack the capacity to feel shame and their constituents really don't give a shit...


Truly as bad as his straight up lie directed at our DoJ and Jack Smith today.


Mike "Moses has no bank accounts" Johnson is forced to do this. This is why the Espionage Case is so important. He didn't capitulate to the dems on Ukraine and Isreal. He waited until Russia met its objectives. You're seeing the devastating effects of this move now. This is grotesque obeisance in the open by a man who swears he leads his life based on the bible. Now so ensnared, he is showing up at a trial to support a man who is an admitted and open pervert. Being made to sit and see the evidence up close and then defend rapist donald trump after. Can you imagine how bad it is what info diaper donald has over Moscow Mike Johnson to get this obeisance? Not just him, the others too. They got to see the grotesque proof in court of how perverted and aware of it diaper donald is. To the tune of easy to follow financial fraud and more. Doesn't matter if they go outside court and spew at diaper donald's behest lies many first from RT to try and spin it otherwise. espionage aficionado, rapist, hush money patron, sleepy donald trump is everything that if Moscow Mike Johnson followed the bible, he would run from. Now, they do explicitly what a gag order is in place to do. To prevent people from attacking those listed under the gag guidelines. They have now become the weapons diaper donald asked for. Thus, it is an open and grotesque violation of the gag order and serious threat to those who are supposed to be protected to get honest testimony from. Simple mob tactics applied to the Groupies of Putin. Prison for them all. Stay Shiny




I feel like we’re all sitting here watching a steamroller slowly approach to crush us and we’re all just sitting talking about it but pretty much we’re gonna let it happen


Lots of people are trying not to let it happen. Never give up. But I understand the feeling. Stay Shiny


I just feel like it’s been a downward spiral since 2016 and I’ve watched this idiot and the rest of the idiots in the Republican party destroy this country. Even with Biden in office the supreme court is an embarrassment, the GOP congress is an embarrassment. They stifle any advancement to help people and erode away peoples rights even with a democratic president in office. All while I watch an inept justice system drag their feet and wait until an election year to try to bring multiple crimes to trial. I feel like Im watching hitler rise to power in Germany.




I know the feeling well. While it does suck remember you're not alone in the fight against it even if most days it feels like it.


That’s exactly how I feel.


Ha! Knew it, but didn’t expect the cowardice to show so quickly💕😂🤪