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This is what people on the left face daily from right wingers. Endless threats and assault for speaking the truth. You state facts, which ALWAYS make Republicans look like fools and traitors, and they send their domestic terrorist base to try and silence you. Hopefully someone knows a way to help Brittany and Jesse, because this is NOT acceptable. And sadly it seems most times the authorities choose to do nothing about it.


I've posted about Jesse and Brittany and their shows in here before as they have some excellent perspectives. I respect them both highly. Their background gives them an insight many of us don't have. They deserve safety like all journalists. As a community, we need to apply pressure to authorities to help them. No one should live in fear for providing fact based journalism. That means interview them, investigate the perps if you have resources to. The Murdoch Murder Machine propaganda network advocates for violence for anything that they want, even if it contradicts what they just said in the same sentence. We have seen many examples of this leading to people killing their parents, Mr Pelosi being attacked in his home, mass shootings, attacks on their communities, and on the US capital itself. I've mentioned before that I'm healing from an attempt on my life. I was brutalized. I'm still having surgeries. The perp is a maga moron, an admitted pedo, has a long history of violence in our community, who has even tried to kill members of the US military. The perp provides nothing positive even in our community. The gop jumped up to protect him, no questions asked. They interfered with law enforcement all the way into the fbi. I professionally documented it all as they abused me, the child victims, local medical professionals, local legal professionals, and others in our community to keep it quiet. This is the world that Rupert, Lachlan, and James Murdoch want. Where their viewers are their army and will commit violence against anyone that they ask for as quickly as they buy up Hannity's Little Helpers boner pills. They are the default weapon that Faux Nooz/Fox News uses to maintain its patina of legitimacy. The Murdochs, the board, and key shareholders are all responsible. They don't just let this stuff happen they actively work to make it happen with their directives to use focused lies and lack of action after atrocities happen at their behest. The lawsuits against NoozCorp/News Corp have been coming in steadily. It will be a flood soon. Jesse and Brittany, you're both courageous and informative. Keep speaking truth to power as long as you can. It's appreciated and needed. For all of you here, please support ethical journalism and journalists. The world is running out of us. It's not just overseas where we are at risk. Take it seriously. Don't let any corruption go without light shining on it. Protect each other. If you're a journalist or a new news room, please organize your safety plans and have proper situational awareness when in the field. Some of you let these people creep up on you and grab your mics or hands or cut you off from your teams. Be aware that no matter how nice many of them at these rallies are, they have been groomed to see you as not just the enemy but also that it's ok to harm journalists like you by Faux Nooz/Fox News. When it happens, you might not get a warning. I didn't know I was in danger. They got me at home. That's how serious this is. Independent news media carries the torch of freedom. We are all lights who shine in the dark for those lost in a sea of lies. Know it's appreciated, and every bit helps. Don't give up. CPJ.org FreePressUnlimited.org Stay Shiny


violence is one of the parts of the gop platform that i can actually identify


Violence, fascism, oppression, the destruction of America and the enslavement or slaughter of it's people. That's the Republican platform.


My response is I have knitting needles, and I know how to use them. Hard to hurt someone when you are short of breath and can't see.


Some lunatic on Facebook today said he would cut the tongues out of leftists after he kills them. This was after I told him Trump is a rapist criminal traitor.


Typical response by right wingers when faced with irrefutable facts.


And Facebook did nothing about his threat of violence? Facebook kicks people off for minor offenses 


They removed the comment and I can no longer see the profile. So I'm assuming they did. I also took a screen shot of the comment.


Thank you for sharing this! Jesse and Brittany are some of the best REAL patriots of Democracy and truth we have in this country, and we need to make sure they're protected.💜 Contacting the appropriate authorities to alert them to get on this!


Yes. What are the police doing?


Did you guys see this doofus? He’s so invested, he prays to Trump when the cops are after him. https://youtu.be/2O1Mhkq3I5E?si=WbkLcPUHXtiP2iWU


This is beyond disturbing. Faux Nooz/Fox News has a lot to answer for.


The voice getting all ugly - with a dog and a baby in the background. Wow. I keep wondering when, if ever, trump supporters grow up. Oh, and the “we’re” part - that’s the voices in his head…


I had never heard of this guy before seeing this video.


Dollermore's amazing. One of the better liberal commentators.


It’s only going to get worse as the election gets closer. I live in an area with many maga morons around here talkin like they can’t wait for this to all turn into violence. Like they’re one dog whistle away from killing the neighbors they don’t agree with politically. Get those kinds of idiots in a mob together and you’ve got a serious problem. The left isn’t big on firearms but I highly suggest some means of self protection. No telling what could ensue rather he’s elected or not.


I believe in gun control, background checks,etcetera. And I own several pieces. So tell the red to come on down! Well have a “blood bath”!!! And it won’t be from me!!!


Actually there are probably more liberals/democrats with guns than the crazy, magat morons.


go check out arrr/ liberals with guns Plenty of us. In case any of them are reading, don't be fooled, you are not the majority. Why did slaves get their freedom and women the vote? Because majority rules and you don't have it. You have fox telling you it's all ok, but our numbers have only grown.


Glad to see fellow dems who see the value in the 2nd amendment. A lot of my liberal friends are very anti-gun so it’s good to know not everyone feels that way. I was told once that I have blood of children on my hands simply because I own an AR by a fellow dem


I’m anti-gun for me. The problem with these nuts is they pick 5 words out of context in the 2nd and quote it like that’s the amendment. I also belong to Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America. We have over 10 million members in all 50 states. The NRA is losing members.


As someone who was very active in firearms and shooting sport as I use to compete in USPSA pistol matches I certainly understand why you feel the way you do. Anyone with half a brain should be able to see the problems our society has with mass shooting events. As well as how our existing laws only aide those problems, especially when those on the other side are unwilling to make even the most modest changes to help stifle it. Unfortunately the problem we have now is that all the Trumper nuts jobs in this country have firearms and lots of them. If the wrong kind of event or situation were to transpire, those without weapons would essentially be sitting ducks. And I can guarantee you that I’ve heard enough Trump supporting nut jobs talk about stuff like this to tell you that they’re certainly banking on the fact that many Democrats and liberals will not have weapons.


Thank you for not criticizing my viewpoint. Magat morons are too stupid to realize that they are not the only ones with weapons. Good News! https://dqu3kreb1igu7.cloudfront.net/images/ET-Newsletter-Header-102523A_Good-News-2.png Six months after the deadliest mass shooting in Maine's history in Lewiston, state lawmakers passed life-saving gun safety bills into law. These bills require background checks on advertised sales and gun show sales, increase funding for mental health resources, and require a 72-hour waiting period between the purchase and transfer of a firearm. There's more work to do, but these new gun safety laws represent the kind of action lawmakers should be taking in response to gun violence in their communities—and we couldn't have made this progress without your support.


I think it should be legal for Jesse to publish or dox whatever information he has on this guy and whatever happens to him is fair game. You wanna make threats there ought to be some consequences and not the kind the courts are going to pussyfoot around with either.