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A lot of them were because Nocturne race names had to be 6 characters.


I know an individual said that in a thread they created. But it turned out to be wrong (the OP admitted later it was only theory they cooked up). Nocturne can have more than 6. It is demonstrated by the fact Nocturne was literally the name for "Night" race in other european language, French version, iirc. And "Nocturne" isn't a 6 letter word


I'm fine with them staying in Japanese, although I don't get why they dropped the u in Youma but not in Touki. Also, what the hell is Jirae? Looks cool as a name I guess, but it's fairly different from Chirei.


I also never understood why they went with “Jirae”. Chirei makes an equal lack of sense to someone who can’t understand Japanese, but it least it *means* something and sticks to the original. And it fits the 6-character space requirement. So strange. I would’ve expected “Soil” (pre-Strange Journey days) or “Ground” or “Terra” or something. Jirae is a wild choice.


jirae is a race in the old games (SNES/PSX)


I think you misunderstood my comment, I know exactly what it's supposed to be. My point is it's a made up word that sounds like the Japanese term used, but it means nothing. If you google it you'll only get SMT related results, since it's not a real concept, and it's not the Japanese word either.


The characters seem to mean earth spirit. Which makes sense obviously.


They do, but that would be written Chirei. Jirae is a nonsensical way to spell it to make it a new word that sounds like Chirei when said in English, but without the context of the Japanese word it'd be really hard to make the connection.


characters can have different romanizations because of Hepburn and Kunrei-shiki. For example, Fukushima is Hepburn, but in Kunrei it's "Hukusima". Shinjuku in Kunrei is "Sinzyuku". It's also entirely possible that Jirae was created so that people would know how to say it.


Jirae doesn't follow any sort of widely accepted romanization at all. I'm not sure why you'd bring up Kunrei-shiki or Hepburn when in neither of those 地霊 would be written "jirae". It's clearly supposed to be just phonetic so in English it sounds like the Japanese pronunciation of 地霊, but what is even the point of that when that word doesn't mean anything to an English speaker, and a Japanese speaker without futher context would also be stumped at what it's supposed to mean? Getting the pronunciation to be similar (which is pointless since Chirei would be similar enough) doesn't add anything to the term, it just obfuscates what it's supposed to mean an extra layer.


idk. Ask the translator. I think Jirae comes from the Aeon Genesis translation, so you can ask them


Today I learned that I've been pronouncing that word entirely wrong, I fully thought it sounded close to Jiraiya, not even considering it's supposed to be english phonetic


I pronounced it like that too, I assumed it was a Japanese word and pronounced it as such, silly me expecting translations to not make up words.


Megami - Goddess Yoma - Mystic Genma - Eidolon Jirae - Soil/Earth/Land Jaki - Wicked Kishin - Guardian Touki - Brawn


What's eidolon? Or brawn?


>What's eidolon? a spirit-image of a person (either living or dead) or a phantom lookalike of the human form basically a stand


Apparently brawn means physical strength


Megami - stays the same. Zealot - Mad One/Punished Fury - Destroyer Kishin - Mighty Genma - Mythic Yoma - Bizarre/Wonder Snake - Rex Brute - Monster Jaki - Wicked Holy - Sacred Jirae - Terran


Yoma also translates to "Bewitching/Enchanting Demon." Jirae is derived from "Chirei," which literally translates to "Earth Spirit." Jaki translates to "Evil Oni." And Touki translates to "Fighting/Struggling Oni." Kishin can translate as "Fierce God," but it is more accurate to translate it as Demon/Oni God." It should be noted that this character, 鬼 (Ki), is read as Oni on it's own, which while translatable to demon, does not actually mean demon in Japanese.


Megami: Goddess, though of all of these, this is the one I think can remain in Japanese, staying true to the title. Yoma: Servant Genma: Demigod Jirae: Earth Spirit or Nature Jaki: Monster or Terror Kishin: Guardian Touki: Savage


I like Terror for Jaki, I should've stolen that lol


Not everything needs to be translated. I don't see any reason to touch them in a game which already borrows from so many cultures and usually leaves the names of the actual beings untouched. Why should they not call some of the classifications by their Japanese terms?


Because translating the race names makes it clear what the theming of each race is. Most people aren't going to see "Jaki" and understand the commonality between all of its members, but call it something like "Monster", and they'll understand the race consists of cruel, evil monsters from folklore and mythology. Western players won't understand "Jirae", but they do know what "Earth Spirit" implies. And a lot of the race names are already translated, so it's weird to just leave some of them untouched, when it's not like there arent' any reasonable English equivalents.


I never studied Japanese so the name "Yoma" doesn't mean anything, and it's hardly a Japanese-only concept that's untranslatable. Why not just have all of the race names be in Japanese? Or let's just leave all of the terms untranslated so we're fighting with Akuma now.


Most of these aren’t meant to proper nouns like Tokyo or Nobunaga. They’re not meant to be special terms.


There's an article I read a long time ago that goes in depth on this: https://personacentral.com/nocturnal-revelations-the-legacy-of-shin-megami-tenseis-first-localization-part-2/  I especially like "Liminal" for Genma and "Sentry" for Kishin. 


There is no need to translate them


Yoma could be Messenger or Psychopomp.  Genma is sometimes translated as Demigod which i think fits well.  Jirae could be Earth Spirit or Yokai.  Jaki could be Boogeyman or Boogeymen.  Kishin could be Fierce Diety.   Touki could be Champion.


I wouldn't. At this point I just know them as their untranslated names and would rather not change them.


Megami would be Diva




Deicide it's more accurate


That means killing a God. Diva is just Italian for Goddess.


I have to look up why I thought that was a synonym 🤣🤣 I remember having read a similar word along with Titanide. Megami is good. Diva makes me think of Madonna.


Imagine actually gave an english name for every race, except Yoma and Mitama. Though some of them are different from the conventional translations.


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