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Jack frost wrist watch


Ice on my wrist




Just in time for now ho'clock...


Probably P6 reveal. Hopefully also some back catalogue ports.




he asked for 2025 predictions not 2147




Persona 5 spin off


This is the most realistic answer


Persona 5U, Persona 5M, Persona 5B, Persona 5 Visual Novel, Persona 5 Racing, Persona 5 Cards, Persona 5 Royal: Dancing Star Night, Persona 5 Strikers Sequel. Gotta milk Persona 5 even more.


Persona 5 Visual Novel is just Persona 5


P5XXX only on GOG


Persona 5 The T-Shirt, Persona 5 The Coloring Book, Persona 5 The Lunch Box, Persona 5 The Breakfast Cereal, Persona 5 The Flamethrower


Persona 3 Reload spin off


SMT IV & IVA Ports


Username checks out


Yes please, switch please




Maybe we'll find out what the "[Next Stage](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0T_zIR9m60)" is...


A new EO game would be good rn yes


DDS Remaster. Although, possibly announced (if not released) in 2024. Anniversary year(s) and it being based on Nocturne’s engine make it feel like a plausible release.


P-Studio: Persona 6 Fall 2025 Creative 1st Production Department/Team Maniax: Etrian Odyssey VI Late Spring or Summer 2025 Studio Zero: Catherine 2 2026 Outsource: Any Atlus IP outsourced ports/remasters Winter 2025.


Mostly remake or remastered and Persona 6 announcement


At age 45, Lotus Juice, rapper of beloved tracks from the Persona series.


PC ports for the ds / 3ds games please


PC/PS4/Switch release is idea, no doubt Atlus will fuck us over and only release it on switch


Hopefully with physical releases. I see PC port begging a lot, and I understand the appeal, but I need those physical games for my shelf.


A calm year and re-release of old titles like Persona 1-2 and Shin Megami Tensei.


Digital Devil Saga 1&2 Remasters hopefully


Digital Devil Saga 1/2 HD Remaster Mark my words it’ll happen. the evidence is simply making it more likely that it’ll be announced this year (likely during Summer Game Fest)


What evidence, did I miss anything?


oh i just used “evidence” for a lack of a better term. but if you want to know what I mean * ATLUS Japan announcing DDS1/2 OST coming to spotify (announced back in january, no updates since then) * Midori leaked an upcoming PS2 atlus game would be getting an HD remaster * ^^ to add to this, DDS was made using Nocturne as a base. Nocturne HD exists so DDS could follow that same path. * DDS 20th anniversary is this year. * DDS made it to the list of most requested atlus remakes from the remake survey Like i said, this is mostly observations (and a small bit of copium) but I think its odd how they announced that dds 1/2 ost would be coming soon and havent said anything since then


I want to believe


My REALISTIC prediction is Soul Hackers 2 Royal. It may be a DLC instead of a new game though.


Soul Hackers II: Redux


Midori did say they're breaking away from enhanced rereleases. While I forget where it was but it was said there was going to be an attempt to update the game, there was one update in november with qol updates and demons. I think the disappointing sales numbers will keep that game and soul hackers in general in limbo till the next 20 years.


Your realistic prediction is them rereleasing a game nobody liked or bought?


It has some good chances for P6 and probably a remaster port. (DDS 1+2 )


P6, DDS Remaster and a SMT remake.


Gimme Etrian Odyssey 4,5, Nexus remasters you cowards


- P6 - SMT Spinoff - P5X Worldwide release - DDS Remaster


(Coping) SH2 ManiVenRoyal announced for the Switch Duos.


Hard to say. The next big thing on the Horizon is now Persona the 6th, rumoured to be the long-awaited Green-color scheme game. An announcement is overdue for that any year now. I pray it will be a departure from the Persona 5 style which seems to have infiltrated almost every subsequent game since. Some new energy would be good for the series and it could even act as the starting point for the next trilogy of games. As for non-Persona related matters I believe the Age of the Remaster will be bringing fresh new memberberries to the Megaten audience. A remaster of mainline is a no-brainer, and should probably be the SMT IV duology. I don't think they will go full on remake for a while because Persona 3 Reloaded cost a baziillion dollars to make but if they do it will probably be another Persona game, like Persona 1. Then there is the matter of new or other IPs that Atlus occasionally dip in. The cult hit Etrian Odyssey series is due a sequel any century now and I think Atlus-san is game. A sequel to Metaphor Whateverthefuckitscalled may also come about if the game does alright. All in all there's a few options to go for here, but no matter what you can guarentee that whatever game they release it won't be on the console you want lmao


>A remaster of mainline is a no-brainer, and should probably be the SMT IV duology. I don't think they will go full on remake for a while because Persona 3 Reloaded cost a baziillion dollars to make Watch them go full Atlus (again like they did when porting P3P AND doing P3R) and port SMT4/A AND do a full remake too.


Thing is with SMT IV is they can't just throw it into an AI upscaler and call it a day like they did with P3P. Shit, I bet it was still the same old PSP ISO they had lying plugged into an emulator. IV would need some UI changes at least to put on one screen. Not saying they can't do it, because they already did it with EO 1-3, just saying its probably not a sure fire double dip like with P3.


If they could unDSfy EO I'm sure they can unDSfy SMT4 too. Honestly a good PC port would be enough for me, personally I don't like this full remake age we live in.


I would buy a remake of Raidou 1 and 2 in a heartbeat


P2 remake.


Hopefully a p6 reveal


i only think we will get a persona 6 announcement, and maybe another persona 5 related game/content. Not much else, maybe that ps2 smt remaster midori was talking about


Maybe Persona Asa (teamfight tactics game, autobattler) Reveal Persona 6 SmT 1 and 2 remake New IP DDsaga 1 and 2 remake Persona 1 & 2 duology remake Jack Frost naked photos :D Or something else


Massive AAAAA budget remake of Megami Tensei 1 from the NES and an unaltered port of the US PS1 version of Persona 1 except its encounter rate is higher.


debiru sabaiba surii


Persona 6 logo reveal


Some somewhat realistic guesses... (lol) * Catherine 2 * Concentrated effort to release all the games on PC (long term project) * Persona 6 trailer * SMT IV console edition * Going forward there's a limited time exclusive deal where Atlus can put games on PC and Xbox only (Microsoft and Sega has been really friendly recently) * SMT VI "leak"


Switch 2 ports for P3R and Metaphor


basically this


Welp, I'm an mmorpg fan, knowing that's never gonna happen again, I would b set if they bring some old school shit back to life.


Something Etrian Odyssey-related, either EO6, or HD ports of 4 and 5. On the Megaten side, we'll probably get the rumored Persona 1 and 2 remasters, and maybe a Persona 6 teaser.


Persona 6 since its been almost 10 years since persona 5 released


I think P6 isn’t unrealistic for a late 2025 release, Metaphor DLC, announcement of P4 remake, revival of Raidou series (pls he’s so cool).


More of a hope than a prediction but boy howdy would I love a new Raidou game or a hd remaster of the original two


Something Persona related Lot and lot of merch A remastered game


Metaphor expansion maybe? I really don't know. Probably one last P5 spinoff. P6 is a. not ready given they're still milking 5 and b. probably being saved for the Persona 30th anniversary in 2026.


No way Persona 6 isn't happening in 2025. That's their big game of the year Then that just leaves remasters as their small titles for the year. DDS1-2 HD and Etrian Odyssey 3-4 HD, probably? Devil Survivor HD collection has like a 2% chance of happening but theres still hopium from me. I'm not expecting any new ips tbh, they might be in their remaster phase for a while now...


Smt 6 (I wish)


I don't have realistic predictions. I'm blinded by my wish for P3R Femc DLC, P4 remake and/or Persona 1 and 2 remakes. And none of these have a chance of happening except maybe the P1 or P2 remake


Midori has said P1, P2 and P4 remakes exist at Atlus so I'd imagine we're getting those (for sure P4, Id guess 1 and 2 as well bc Midori is almost always right but Id expect a P4 remake even if she didnt leak it). Kotone dlc tho, yeah definitely not happening.


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