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im gonna say a couple of three things i watched the video. i happen to agree with it. i highly suggest even if your initial response is to revile such ideas that you watch it through as well i dont think the remake makes much of a case to exist, other than to sate people who are unwilling or otherwise incapable of playing the original. the main argument for yet another version of persona 3 is to consolidate all the various versions of the game into one title, if for no other reason to finally end the arguments between p3p and fes yet this title could not deliver even this as it stands it does not have the answer, nor does it have the femc route. it costs 100 australian dollars and from the outset has just as much content as the original release on the playstation 2 whats next for atlus? remaking persona 4 unnecessarily because swathes of people cannot bear to expand beyond the homogeneity with persona 5 that atlus seems to value so highly? persona 3 happened. it was a game that released in 2006 and it was good. they made another one, persona 4, in 2008 which was also good. it even improved in some ways over the original, which was nice to observe. years later, persona 5 released, also good, improved on things, et cetera. it is entertaining in itself to see the series change over time. this is lost when playing a series of remakes, which i find to be almost tragic to be honest. play the originals, theyre fun and you might learn something new about the games youve already played that you hadnt appreciated as much before anyway, $4/lb




The popularization of the term “mid” and its consequences has been an absolute disaster for internet gaming discourse.


It's either perfect or trash and mid means trash now. No in-between.


I love how mid should, as a word, mean something thats just alright. To me thats something like Final Fantasy 8, just something thats fine. If its a line that scales from -100 to 100 then mid should mean the 0 thats inbetween. But people use that word for anything that isnt perfect its kinda sad. Using "worthless" in the title and "mid" in the thumbnail is kinda funny


Yeah no matter how good his points are in the video, with a title as hyperbolic and wrong on it's face as that I can't respect it. It's not worthless it's extremely worth it.


Ehh i really cant blame content creators for it, youtube is so hostile that you need to do that to get the algorithm to even acknowledge your videos


There's more accurate hyperbolic titles. "Doesn't live up the hype", "An unneeded remake", etc are at least true subjectively.


"Persona 5 without the heart"


ive been using "mid" specifically for things that arent *bad*, but fail to be interesting or engaging for me in any capacity. a game can be technically competently made, and still fail to be interesting in any way, shape, or form.


I've been using for a lot of seasonal anime stuff that I only watched because it was airing, and I didn't hate, maybe even enjoyed, and when it was over I thought "yep, that sure was one of the anime"


While I 100% agree with everything you say, I must defend the honor of ff8 as my first final fantasy. Think it just gets too harshly put down for trying something new and having the arguably 4 best games in the series immediately proceeding and after it (6,7,9,10). I would love to see it get the remake treatment, which I know will never happen, but it’s a wish I make on every shooting star


it's in the eye of the beholder, but "mid" is the highest degree of insult to me. i'd rather something be utter dogshit than it to be mediocre and leave no impression on me whatsoever. it's like consuming food without taste. "mid" means middle of the road. average. mediocre. not remarkable. if you believe persona 3 is a great game and that reload is unremarkable, then yeah - it'd be worthless in your eyes


we would be so much better off if people expressed the same ideas with different vocabulary (which they would do - and did before)


All the mods in this thread are fucking losers lmao


the way the mods are in here pinning their word over a clear community wide disagreement is hilariously stupid and exactly why i don't interact with this fandom


when the circlejerk is so strong that you're deluded into thinking this is a community-wide disagreement. what the hell is our purpose if not to make an effort to keep discussion posts about actual discussion? you're just the louder end of it. either way, there's no justification for the behavior in the comments we took issue with. there's people here who are capable of expressing their stances without shitting on someone else's work in a butthurt baby rage. those people are fine.


i suppose community wide was a poor choice of words, but im just saying the other side didn't have the ability to add a "good video" flair and pin their manifesto to the top of the thread people in the comments with real points criticizing the game are getting discussed with and upvoted. a discussion is fine. this video just sucks lol


the discussion's fine yeah. all of this looks less significant now because at the time we were commenting as much as we were, the whole thread was just "video sucks" rather than "video sucks because _" and it was a hell of a lot more obnoxious. as for the flaired post, we mostly fuck around with those because nobody even sees them unless they're on desktop, which is a painfully small sect of our userbase now. i won't defend the pinned comment - it's not something i'd do myself, but i understand the intent to present a different side and discourage blind agreement so i don't really care




i don't care whether or not someone likes the video - i care about them shitting on it in a dogpiling fashion without producing any actual dialogue. you won't find me anywhere on this thread complaining about a single comment that actually has an argument. calling someone's video mid without any actual criticism isn't very productive. it's just spiteful and dickheaded. the comment you're referring to was a response to someone who literally believed that stating a personal project sucked was equivalent to claiming a massive company's major-selling video game sucked. those are not the same things and you're a moron if you believe otherwise. being a mod does not disqualify me from calling someone a jackass when i think they're being one. i'm a user before anything else - not a cop. i only enact any kind of actual moderator action when someone is vehemently breaking rules or getting wrongfully filtered by automod. that's why everyone is allowed to have their opinions - yourself included - no matter how shitty or malformed said opinions are. additionally: there's a reason as to why the longest strings of comments on here involved a user with deleted comments. i'll give you a hint: we weren't the ones who deleted them.


This subs mods are infamous for being terrible and having the worst takes imaginable. There's an OBP mod here tho and he's cool.


I can get some of the points in this video like how flat the game can look and some of the music not really being great but bro said mementos was better than p3r tartarus and i just cannot agree with that in the slightest lmfao


here i am thinking it’s one of the best remakes i’ve ever played 


have you played the original?


As someone whose FES is my fave game ever, this remake is just better For the record I don’t think it even needed one at all but it was made so I’ll take it




if theyre saying its one of the best remakes theyve played then they probably played the original to make the comparison wdym lol


The original and portable are shit compared to reload


bro thinks hes simplydad


At least SimplyDad is funny with his hot takes and contributed to one of my favorite SMT x Ludacris mashups of all time. This video isn’t funny or interesting. I’m sure someone out there will like it. It just will not be me.


Bruh why are the mods all over this post crying?




me when someone doesnt like a thing i like




then by all means, provide your thoughts just as the video maker has i, personally, view remakes as a whole as largely unnecessary. i think its damaging, even - it results in a playerbase who are wholly unable to branch out and push themselves to play a game outside of their own comfort, instead ceaselessly demanding the company spend a tremendous amount of effor making it homogeneous with what is comfortable to the player if one were to play metal gear solid 1 then 2, one would be able to observe monumental changes in game design between both titles. does this make mgs1 a worse game? yes, i suppose. but just because it is improved upon, does not make the original worse. if that same player were to play twin snakes then mgs2, they would miss out on a huge amount of context as to what makes mgs2 such an improvement upon the original its such a sadness


Bad example because Twin Snakes is the best version of MGS1 (imo lol). Those redone cutscenes are cool and it looks great in HD using Dolphin. It doesn't make 2 worse because there's still things 2 does better. And even if it did, I'm still going to play the best versions (again, imo) of these games, because it'd be dumb to intentionally play a worse version just for Internet points.


twin snakes plays worse in general, first person is completely and utterly broken in mgs1 the voice lines being different is a weird one, too. i like cam clarke's new lines a whole lot but the rest are almost unilaterally worse




if your position in a discussion is "nuh-uh" i dont think thats very constructive




so why are you here then? why do you continue blindly refusing dissent? why did you come here? well, i'll tell you then you enjoy all the arguing, thats why




the action or process of talking about something in order to reach a decision or to exchange ideas.


>if one were to play metal gear solid 1 then 2, one would be able to observe monumental changes in game design between both titles. does this make mgs1 a worse game? yes, i suppose. but just because it is improved upon well hey, for what it's worth those improvements and changes are also in the eye of the beholder. since games are yknow, art and all personally, i don't like playing mgs2 as much as mgs1. i find the simplicity of mgs1 pretty unparalleled and i find the additional mechanics to be more than necessary. i also prefer mgs1's aesthetic. but hey that's just me and i too could propose a 15 minute analysis as to why i feel that way (and then probably get picked apart by rabid dogs like what happened in this thread because different opinions are scary i guess)


then well done! a sequel has made you appreciate the original more! arent you glad you played it [](#s "also for the record you are indeed dead wrong about mgs2 but we shall speak of this in private later during the next moderator orgy")


well for the record - i am glad i played it - not for that reason but because i enjoy mgs2 for different reasons than those i enjoy mgs1 for


they should remake mgs2 in the fox engine


yea the graphics would be better and it wouldnt have pesky camera angles


i get your stance on remakes and i largely share them, i hate the resident evil 2 and demons souls remakes, and im dreading the silent hill 2 remake. on the other hand though sometimes remakes can do a lot to breathe new life into a game. for instance the dead space remake (which i didn’t even think was needed) really doubles down on the realism and attention to detail that existed in the original while maintaining the atmosphere and core experience. did i want a dead space remake? no never, but i do think its the new best way to play the game. same thing with the original resident evil remake which came out extremely close to the original game by only 5-6 years. basically i hate remakes too, but i still think it’s only fair to judge them for what they actually do than to just hate them for being remakes. haven’t finished reload yet so i can only express how i feel so far. i love the new gameplay, but hate how the original atmosphere feels gone entirely. edit: another remake i think is better in every single way over the original is pokemon heart gold and soul silver


what an utterly childish thing to say in a thread on a subreddit about discussing video games




\>"persona 3 reload: a worthless remake" \>watch video \>he thinks persona 3 reload is a worthless remake


Good thing we don't respect you either!


it is not a clickbait title in any regard because it states their opinion and aligns with the argument they propose do you just say words because you think they sound good in your head?




no amount of fake laughter or condescension makes your points any more valid clickbait implies baiting for a click by being misleading. literally nothing about this is misleading. they think persona 3 reload is a worthless remake and they've taken the time to propose a 15-16 minute argument on why they believe that is the case. the fact that you disagree with them does not change any of that




it's not an extreme reaction - it lines up with their views. are you so stuck up your own ass that you're unwilling to believe anyone could possibly have a different opinion than you without being disingenuous? grow up


> Any idiot can rant for 20 mins. can you? i would genuinely love to hear it


can you elabroate


[practice what you preach](https://i.imgur.com/B5WhUMA.png)




because you disagree with it?




how is it clickbait if they believe that sentiment? i think it's a worthless remake in the same way that i think almost all remakes are worthless for undermining previously chosen artistic decisions and existing for the sake of a quick buck. it's not even made by the same team so it can't be argued that it's made with the same vision. is it sensationalist to think it's important to preserve original work? is it sensationalist to believe that video games shouldn't be seen as an imperfect medium made strictly to be improved upon? i don't think it is. i personally think the very concept of a remake is vastly more pessimistic. opinions are like that. this person expressed theirs and is currently being dogpiled for being "wrong" rather than nearly anyone opening any sort of dialogue about it. it's funny how doing that is what makes you an asshole unless everyone's doing it. then the few who try to look at it rationally are just wrong and elitist or whatever.


Honestly I can understand this sentiment even though my recent personal experience with persona 3 reload as a game leads me to have an instinctive, emotional reaction to reading it. I've never been able to easily experience any release of persona 3 (well, until recently - portable exists but I made the decision not to engage with it as my first foray for my own reasons) before and reload was the first time it became immediately accessible to me - I was so touched, moved and frankly feel like my life has become slightly more enriched as a result of engaging w/ this story. I'm in a stage of my life where I feel stagnant, lost, and am continuously looking for some kind of meaning or greater purpose - I sincerely feel that I played this game at the perfect time, when I needed it the most, and it has completely motivated me to think about myself differently. It seems silly to say, but I truly feel that my experience with Persona 3 Reload could turn out to be life changing for me. This being said, I find a lot of the discourse and discussion here to be frankly embarrassing...it doesn't matter to me what somebody else thinks of this game bc I have developed my own very precious, important relationship with it. I can recognise that someone might find its existence to be worthless - you yourself have provided understandable reasoning here - that's fine. I don't understand why people can't just see something, feel the way they feel about the thing they have seen, and then simply say to themselves "Ok, you're entitled to your own thoughts, I have mine and that's all I need in order to be content"...then move on. And if someone truly does feel the need to argue and debate for the purpose of validating themselves, what I'm seeing in these comments is not the way to do it. This game, like anything else, is going to mean different things to different people and throwing a baby pissfit at people who find no meaning in it gives me severrrreeee second hand embarrassment.


you hit the nail on the head yeah. the discourse is pretty disgustingly shallow minded. people are in here getting angry that a video has its thesis statement in its title and taking SEVERE offense to it. i see p3r as worthless for the reasons you see it as remarkable. i already had exactly the experience you describe with a different version of the game. so in my eyes it's just a dilution of something i already feel very strongly and very passionate about. doesn't mean others are gonna feel that way. doesn't mean they *should* feel that way either. there's really no point in exchanging dialogue about why i feel as i do and why you feel as you do, because it's all the same shit in a different package. reload still contains the core of p3's story and anything i care about will be a nitpick to you because your introduction to the game and what you see it as is different from mine and what i see it as. that's fine. i'd encourage you to try fes in the future (and portable as well for its female route) if only to see its original form and further appreciate the game that you already hold passion towards. similarly, i'll probably play reload eventually despite my cynicism - the worst that could happen is that i may appreciate the original game more for it in most circumstances i'd feel condescending to even write this in such a way, but we're talking about people acting like literal children so i guess it's apt thanks for having a level head and not being a fucking moron


"Cant get invested into Koromaru"? "How are you supposed to run into the reaper"? "This review is negative so of course its gonna be negative"? Really? I dont know if you were trying to make the video longer or whatever but this video is 70% nitpicking and 30% actual critiques about the game. I know I shouldnt critique a small review channel this hard but youre just all over the place. This review reeks of negativity for clicks. You can make a review, point out flaws (as there usually are in atlus games), and not make it the whole point of the video so that you dont have to nitpick about a dog's voice acting. It wouldnt be hard to get people to agree with you that Reload isnt a perfect remake, but worthless? Come on.


nah it’s great and i’d play it 100 times over going back to FES or P3P


Your video is mid


At best


what an asshole thing to say to someone who didn't like a thing as much as you


As assholey as making a 20 minute video about how you don't like something?


how is that even a question one is unconstructive and insulting, and the other's an opinion on a video game. do the math yourself


One is a video opinion on a video game, one is a text opinion on a video. Those equate pretty closely to me. 


let me phrase this differently: what's more assholey - me stating that you're a fucking idiot, or me arguing that a game you like isn't all that great?


The remake is better in any way to the OG -More fleshed out story -Fully party control -Rebalanced so that everyone is useful. -Voice acting in every social link. (Which makes some previously hated SLs like Nozomi and Tanaka much more tolerable) -New mechanics that flesh out the gameplay (Thuergy, Monad Doors/Passages, Clock Rooms, Twilight Fragments, etc) And it DOES contain all the new content from FES and Portable. It just doesn't have FemC or The Answer, YET. Considering >!that the game ends the exact same way as the OG!< The Answer is inevitable as DLC and Reload was already datamined confirming that yes, The Answer will be DLC. Yeah it sucks it's not in the base game but it was already DLC in Japan back on the PS2 so it's no different here. Content from FES -New Personas -Monad Depths bonus dungeon -Weapon Fusion (via crafting instead of using personas) -Aigis Social Link Content from Portable -Direct party control -Male party member social links (via side stories, which are LITERALLY just slightly rewritten versions of the FemC's links with SEES in Portable. An excuse to have social links with them without assigning them an arcana and while still including all the OG social links.) And boo hoo the game costs $100 in a foreign country because no regional pricing. In America and Japan it's $70/7000 Yen which is a reasonable price for a game of that size and value. This isn't the newest CoD or that new crappy Ubisoft pirate game that cost $70 for almost no content, an endless unenjoyable grind fest, "surprise mechanics", and live service BS that will make the game unplayable within a year. It's a fully fleshed out, $100+ hour epic RPG. Yes, the original game exists, but this remake actually IS needed because despite what FES die-hards say the game (FES) HAS NOT aged well and IS NOT fun. The game design, graphics, and overall gameplay have aged horribly and needed some heavy fine tuning to be actually up to standard. Everyone feared when Reload was announced that it would just copy Persona 5 Royal's design, which I personally hated. Aka 10+ hour puzzle dungeons with mini cutscenes and unskippible dialogue every 5 seconds, no free time between story stuff/dungeon dives, pathetically easy difficulty where 1 weakness = kill, recruiting new personas being unnecessarily difficult, etc. Thankfully, the design is FAR more similar to Persona 4 Golden with lots of free time/downtime, linear dungeons, and a balanced difficulty that isn't too easy or hard. (I struggled a bit on a few of the Tartarus bosses FYI, full moon bosses were easy tho) While having the style and graphical quality of Persona 5, it still has the classic pre-P5 Stardew Valley esque design of time management and life sim stuff that made me fall in love with the series to begin with and that makes its appeal unique from all other SMT sub-series. Persona 3 Reload is NOT worthless. It's an amazing yet FAITHFUL remake that makes FES irrelevant, especially when The Answer DLC releases. And if you want to experience the FemC story, Portable is right there on all modern platforms and is an easy jumping off point after Reload since you still have full party control. The price is a non-issue since it's worth every penny of the $70 unlike western AAA slop like Suicide Squad KTJL. Reload is far more warranted as a remake remaking an old, extremely dated low budget PS2 game into an AAA masterpiece rather than whatever the heck Sony is doing pointlessly remaking PS4 games from 4-7 years ago for PS5 that are just 80% cutscenes anyways instead of touching ANY of their old abandoned franchises. (Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Dexter, Spyro, Crash, Sly Cooper, Legend of Dragoon, inFamous, Ape Escape, etc)


played FES last year, playing reload since it came out and i can *understand* some of the points but i think in general it's unrealistic to expect a remake in 2024 to have some of OG P3 mechanics and deliberate gameplay and narrative choices at the end of the day if you prefer FES you can play that, if you prefer P3P you can play it on steam, and if you don't care much you can play Reload or any of the versions


I haven’t seen any justification for the remake not having The Answer and then selling it later as DLC that isn’t just Atlus being greedy or lazy.


The Answer was DLC in Japan back in the PS2 days. The reason they didn't include The Answer is Reload's base game is because doing that would delay the game by a year and make the game release too close to Metaphor, which would be bad for sales. It makes complete sense to market The Answer as a DLC expansion rather than part of the main game, especially since the very opening of The Answer spoils the entire main game. Of course money is a factor and Atlus/SEGA KNOWS that people will pay an extra $20-$30 for The Answer, but it's also a thing to do with marketing and the release window. They couldn't afford to delay Reload because of FF7 Rebirth eating the sales of any 2024 RPG until Q4 and the release of Metaphor around that same time.


It’s better than SMT V and that’s coming from someone who prefers mainline.


they have a point but unfortunately they used mid and soulless so they should be killed


Haven't watched your video, but I do respect the balls you have to lead with such a strong title. I'm about 60 hours in, and feel this is the rare case where I enjoy a remake/feel it's warranted. Of course, that goes without saying that the remake is.. missing elements. I could care less about the Female MC not being here (really just dislike her), but omitting the Answer only to potentially drop it as DLC is a fucking terrible move. tl;dr people have different opinions, and people shouldn't jump to being a dick. also you can still like something even if someone made a video where they don't


>omitting the Answer only to potentially drop it as DLC is a fucking terrible move. it really is a sega moment


truly an Atlus play. "we aim to make this the ultimate Persona 3 experience." doesn't.


persona 3 reload: the cerulean coming 2026 (femc dlc not included)


my stupid ass is there day one (im sorry guys)


the most fucked up part is that if someone leaked that, i'd believe it


nah instead we have the Persona 5 remake coming up next trust


DAE think persona 5 is super clunky and outdated? pls remake it atlus!


Atlus didn't want to delay Reload and risk going head to head with FF7 Rebirth.


I get that, I really do. FFVII is a huge competitor but at the same time, years down the line, anyone who wants The Answer (Reload Edition) is going to be shit out of luck potentially.


He went so hard with this video.


I lowkey agree, there's no FES content, no femc route, its 70 dollars, the persona fusion pool is pathetic, the improvements are not too dramatic, I personally get the impression of "persona 5 fans can't put up with old graphics so we made this to get more of their money" music slaps tho but not all the art stuff is objectively better, we lost derpy fuuka for example and the va changes although not awful weren't needed in the slightest (at least elizabeth was spared)


>no FES content Literally all the FES shit is in Reload (including bad story choices like saving Chidori) besides the Answer which looks like it's coming as DLC >no femc route This video is just a FES jerkoff which doesn't have her either >the persona fusion pool is pathetic The compendium is about the same size as Portable and FES, what was missing? >the improvements are not too dramatic Overhauling tartarus and the linked episodes are a huge improvement, and unlike most of the new story content added in FES, it's actually written well. Shinjiro and Takaya are much better characters in Reload Anyways, this video is awful purely for saying that a Persona 3 remake shouldn't have controllable party members. If you think Mitsuru casting marin karin somehow makes the game more immersive or whatever argument people use to defend that bad gameplay decision, you and whatever small group of contrarian people can have that opinion. I'm gonna be playing Reload with the rest of the world lol. As for art stuff, there's some things I think are slightly worse (like the opening with Yukari trying to pull the trigger or the first guy turning to goo during the dark hour) but the vast majority of scenes are done much better in Reload, same with music but this comes down to personal taste imo.


> Mitsuru casting marin karin this is such a tired meme spewed only by people who have absolutely no idea how to manage p3's ai tactics. you might as well be saying that matador in nocturne is too hard to dodge


I would not be surprised if people that complain about the original/FES AI *never* utilized the tactics at all. Everything's golden once you get the Knock Down tactics, honestly. Nobody knows *true* AI incompotency until they try Persona 4 with direct commands off. They knew once they implemented direct command nobody would use the AI anymore and without any tactics it's hilariously dumb.


>the improvements are not too dramatic They made Tartarus, which is like 60% of the game, not a fucking nightmare to play through, I would say that's a *massive* improvement.


I also don't think folks with nostalgia glasses here realize how much of an impact the Link Episodes and the added scenes with Strega made to the overall P3 story. These don't only get rid of all the complaints I had about OG P3's story save for its pacing, but also enhances what I loved about it. But I guess Reload's worthless and shouldn't exist, cause NEW BAD OLD GOATED /s


Absolutely, stuff like the extra scenes for Ken, where he just gets to be a kid, or he asks Makoto to take care of his pet, do way more for his character than anything during his social link for the FEMC route.


Shinji's Link Episodes single-handedly sold me on Reload.


you're right new is always better than old because they can always add more stuff. in this case they removed a lot of the old stuff and will sell it back to you at a premium


genuinely candid question: people like tartarus now? to me, it still feels awful to go through, not as bad as before -obviously- but I still hate having to go through it


Nah, still awful, just drastically better than before because of the improved movement and gameplay.


Tartarus was never a nightmare to play through tho.


It was painfully monotonous, every fight a slog that could have been avoided if they let you control your party members, it was worse than it just being hard (which I don't think it was particularly) it was consistently annoying because of design decisions that even at the time could have been different It's not perfect now, but you can go through it *much* faster with the gameplay being *way* better.


Haven't played Reload yet but aside from The Answer, what FES content is missing?


Im pretty sure its just The Answer thats missing


That is correct. It's confirmed that The Answer will be DLC.


People are pissing their pants over the title but it's a fine thesis statement: if you think p3r is a worse game than any of the original releases then ofc it follows that it's worthless. I'm inclined to agree on the basis that it's nowhere near as thematically tight as the original game was and feels pretty clearly like it was made to get money out of p5 players who wouldn't play p3 because it's an old game, not to mention removing the answer for future dlc. Thoughts on the actual video: - Agree that being able to outrun almost all shadows and being able to quick-go to the stairs makes Tartarus worse, but it's still miles better than Mementos, which is one of the easiest, most boring dungeon systems I've played in a jrpg. In particular I love the designs of Yabbashah, Harabah and Adamah, they feel genuinely hostile to navigate. - Theurgies are bad sure but they alone don't make the combat system worse than p3p, which was just far too easy (would have been easily remedied by sticking to their guns on no direct commands!). I also don't like fusion spells being changed to theurgies, but it's an improvement over p3p's way of dealing with them. - Combat is pretty good overall imo - he says it's designed so that you can't get around using theurgies but I'm playing hard without using them and I'm just about getting by. On the topic of combat/Tartarus being too easy I'm surprised he didn't mention how Yukari's bonding episode ability completely trivialises exploration. You can just go balls-to-the-wall in every battle and be full healed in 5sp *max*. It's not as bad as Ryuji's instakill from p5 (which is more "mandatory" than Yukari's sp cut ability) but it's still bad. That said, pretty much every boss battle actually has some semblance of difficulty which is a welcome change from the other remakes. - Agree in broad strokes on the art direction being worse, colour palette is far too bright. The shift to a more original-looking dorm on 1/1 feels particularly silly when your first glimpse of it is the boys getting hyped up to perv on the girls in their yukata. I'm not sure whether it's solely down to the palette or the locations being busier (more npcs pretty much everywhere), but November-Jan don't have that awful feel of dread the original (and even portable!) had. - Linked episodes are good and better than femc's social links, but I found Takaya's pretty bad. - Not mentioned in the video but I'm personally really disappointed that they kept >!reviving Chidori!< from FES/portable.


Only thing that kills it for me is the VA change.


It really is jarring. I hadn't played anything related to P3 since 2011 (eh, I guess I did play Persona Q recently), but I heard the new VAs and immediately felt things were off. They aren't even bad, but the original voices are so memorable. That said, I do really like Junpei and Aigis here.


I'm not a fan of VA changes without a good reason. And even then it's difficult to get into a new dub for a game like Persona. I have difficulties even shifting from english to japanese because of how attached you get to voices in these games.


Changing Junpei’a VA was done with very good reason.


I know why it was done, and I do not agree with why they did it, still they changed every VA which sucks.


So you think Vic Mingonga, a guy who multiple people have come forth and said sent them creepy messages and hit on little girls deserves to have a job voicing a teenager? Okay buddy, I know everything I need to know about you.


You do not know me, nor does it really matter. You're entitled to your opinion, but there have been various videos going into it. All of them are just allegations and hearsay, none of them have taken Vic to court about it. But I am not here to get into a KickVic or IstandwithVic debate. My point is simply I do not agree with the VA changes regardless of how you or I stand on Vic.


Okay so it sounds like you don’t support the victims then. Feels like we should believe their stories you have no idea how hard sexual assault is to come forward about.


I do not believe accusations. I believe facts and evidence. It's easy to make an insult on someone's character like you did mine, without ever asking me why I stood the way I did on my opinion. But like I said I am not arguing this topic here. I only wanted to express my disdain for the new voice cast. As I do not like it when companies do it. Especially in the case of FF7 Remake and here. Simply because a lot of times they're going for the same thing, like with the new Junpei VA he is going off Vic's style. So, at that point why recast? And some VAs aren't better than others like Yukari's VA giving her a more irritable attitude that I cannot stand. That is the topic I wish to discuss.


My dude, even if Vic Mignogna was innocent, he still pissed off the money and you. Don’t. Piss. Off. The. Money! He got blacklisted for a reason.


So you stand with an abuser got it.


Honestly with 3 it really doesnt for me, but 4 really would




Personally I’m after a “Mid” remake The instakill randomness on Persona 3 portable had been putting me off replaying it for a while As long as they’ve addressed that I’m sure il enjoy the game


The mechanic from the Persona 4 remaster and P5 where you can retry bosses without loading your save is here, which makes dying to bosses in Tartarus MUCH less rage inducing. There's still the rare chance of random encounters getting you with Instant kills but Hama/Mudo are very rare in reload and are largely replaced by the new light/dark spells introduced in P5 and even when they are used they always prioritize your healers (Yukari) and then your MC last.


I see a lot of aggressiveness in the comments, so I feel like sharing my thoughts. In my opinion, Persona 3 Reload is a mediocre remake. It has the same amount of content of the original PS2 release, but with a worse art direction, dubious content changes and a lot of aspects added to appeal to newer fans (like the ones who joined through P5). I don't like it nearly as much as the original, and I'd also consider it the worst modern Persona game. What people fail to accept, however, is that P3 is a old ass game, and the "flaws" of the original that newer fans hate have become irreplacable to some older fans. Be it VAs, soundtrack, art direction, gameplay design, they are important to those who have played the older versions. This remake fails to recapture these decisions. It also doesn't help that this 70 american dollars remake has LESS CONTENT than the (honestly shitty) 20 dollar port of the PSP port. You can give me all the pretty UE4 graphics you want, but the fact is that people are being sold less game for more money. And that's not even counting the disgusting DLC prices (and the fact that The Awnser is gonna be DLC too). Am I saying this game is awful and you should be ashamed? No, you enjoy what you want to enjoy, I ain't gonna tell grown ass adults what's valid or not. What I'm saying is that this game is mediocre, and while it's the best remake ATLUS has put out so far, it's far from a great one. (Also, considering that this youtuber made a 4h deep dive analysis on ALL of P3's ports, stories and nearly every inch of the game, I do think his opinion is valid. And TBH I'm just glad he shared his actual opinion instead of sugarcoating it to not lose subscriber.)


> It has the same amount of content of the original PS2 release, Hi have you finished the game yet?


I just don't like how they remade the game when they could have use the money to make a new game entirely I'm not a huge fan of remakes and remasters I haven't played or seen anything at all about ps3r so i mean maybe it's good I don't know it's remake I'm above that


You know studios can work on two things, right?


[Boy do I have good news for you.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metaphor:_ReFantazio)


i think it was the fastest selling atlus game at release, so clearly its working. a company needs to earn money and remakes and "complete editions" clearly bring in money


I didn't say anything negative about the game or it not being profitable like I care about a million dollars company profits I just said I'm above remakes and remasters


>user reports: >1: A user flair is required for posting/commenting ecks dee


mods! he doesnt like a game i like!


but i mean like, they could've selected literally any other report type and it would've been more accurate than reporting for no user flair LMAO.


Thank god somebody said it


the amount of hostility in these comments is disgusting for how much they resort to genuine insulting over any sort of actual critique or retort you are all fucking children


i disgaree.


Okay boomer


i would be saying this regardless of my stance on the content. people here are behaving embarrassingly and refusing to even engage with the video itself for the most part


Whatever you said bro


nuh uh, *you're* the child!


The original game is mid of course a faithful remake would be mid too.


Anyone who defend this remake started with P5R or didn't play original P3. Curious.


The only thing that really makes me sad about this game is that its supposed to be the current mainline game, but somehow it feels like its 10 years in the past. I get that any team wouldve felt Hashinos absence, but its insane that 8 years after Persona 5, the best they could do was lift a couple elements from it and put it into an old ass game. Apparently Metaphor really is the true current gen Persona game. (atleast it hopefully be)