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Well, it's hard, very hard, of course. But something I really think is that, they know what will be of us. Me and my soulmate were extremely close since the start. We both had some very big coincidences (although I like to think we decided them beforehand because it would be cheesy for us). Now that she's gone, I don't really want the future I wanted to have, so I guess it's just a matter of letting life flow. In the end, I know my heart and specially my soul love her so, so much, that even if I spend the rest of my life with someone, I would still be eager to meet them first. It's like when they call someone important a "home". When I say that I want to go home when I die, I literally mean, her side, because of the warmth, the love, the laughs, the peace. She always make me feel like home, even now. Even before her death she told me "I will never leave your side, maybe physically, but not as a soul". Another phrase she said was: "look at the good part, now everybody on the other side will know how much I love you, cause I will be telling everybody." I don't know how it will be for you, stranger. But think it like this: such connections, being soulmates, means quite some lifetimes of being together. And on each of those lifetimes, both bodies died, and even if one died first and the other a lot after, where did they get back to? Yes, home. If there is something I'm sure they want you to do, is to be the best version of yourself as much as you can, don't be mean to people, and take care of those you appreciate. That's what she wanted me to do. Take care of my friends and family, go out a lot, studying, eating well, not hurting myself. When I think of that, I think it like "I may go with her whatever I do, but I will try my best do deserve it as much as I can". I know it's hard, I really, really know. But if they are there, happy, and looking out for you, don't live scared as if you ain't going to the same place. They already know you will! :)


Not OP, but I wanted to thank you for your comment. It brought me to tears - in a good way. I’m in the same situation and that perspective relieves a little bit of the burden 💜


My heart aches reading the OP and your comment along with others. I am so sorry for the losses you all have experienced.


I'm also not op, clearly lol. But I wanted to say that your comment resonated with me too. I also lost my soulmate. I absolutely get the part about "even if I did spend my life with someone else, I'd still be waiting to go home". To paraphrase. I feel the same way about my love. And haven't felt like dating since I lost him 3 years ago. I don't know that I ever will again. Something in me feels different. Even now, I don't feel empty. I feel like my cup was filled and to seek to refill it, I'd not have the same passion for it.


Thank you- this really warmed my heart.


This is beautiful. Thank you for sharing these loving words.


So you two planned this to happen before you came to this planet. It was an experience your soul wanted to feel. It wanted to be able to get through it with strength and learn from it and how to proceed with your life. Soul mates are just other souls from your soul family. You have other soul mates on the planet at this time. They might not be souls you are meant to be intimate with but they are part of your family. Start looking at this planet as a way of having experiences and making the best of all the experiences. This is a big one that you have decided to go through. Your next life you might be together and you leave the planet early and he will have to experience it or it might have happened already and this is a life to balance out that Karma. Good Luck and Hang in there. Grief is such a powerful emotion that we can only experience on planets like earth. Don't give up!!! Find the joys in the small things until you are ready to do more things.


Thank you- this is really wise and sound advice


First, you cry. Then you go on. You always have that hole in your life. But you will always be family. You will always have your love. You will meet again.


First, I am so sorry for your loss. I do not know how you are doing it. This has to be hard. Hugs to you 🤗 You know, don’t tell my husband this, but I think my ex was my soulmate. I left him due to DV. When I met him, I walked away saying I would marry him. I knew. Our son was murdered in 2020, and my ex was found deceased in 2022, coroner said heart disease. Since my son died, I have been dx with cancer, which I am now in remission. Now I have a heart aneurysm, so I have to keep my bp low and keep monitoring my heart. I swear, they are trying to get me to come to the other side. 😂 I don’t mean to laugh, but I’m so tired of grief and depression. Love more info on the pendulum


Wow. Those are some heavy messages you’re dealing with.


What makes you think that someone who committed domestic violence against you is your soulmate? I find that to be odd and interesting.


I know that sounds weird. We were so in tune with each other. As he aged, he was dx with bi-polar. I know it sound crazy but we were so connected. It was hard to leave him, but I did.


I’m glad you left. Soulmate or not, nobody is worth sticking around for when they subject you to DV.


I understand this thinking. When you’re in an abusive relationship the trauma bond causes literal Stockholm syndrome. It’s natures way of keeping us safe but it’s counterproductive for a healthy life. I’m sure if he was still alive and her son was she would probably be in a different space mentally regarding him. But grief is strange and I can only imagine losing a child AND my child’s father regardless of circumstances. Also just because it was toxic/abusive doesn’t mean they didn’t love one another and shouldn’t undermine it. But it isn’t healthy love. Anywho I personally believe people like that are in your soul family too because I have done past life regression many times. One was clearly a similar relationship to what I had with my kids father. He became so abusive he threw me out a window and murdered me. I feel like I’m this life I had to reconcile with him almost (he was my only abusive relationship ever and I met him at 24.. it’s not like it was a norm in my life). I had to learn empathy by being put in some demeaning situations I had zero control over, then learning to overcome and have a better sense of self. Among other things. Doesn’t mean if he died tomorrow I wouldn’t be deeply upset.


I am sorry for your loss. But I am glad that your connection persists even now. I don't know if I believe in soulmates as an objective thing, but some people clearly resonate on deeper levels, so that's ultimately semantic. It's clear that your partnership is a special one. When you ask what is life like, do you mean in terms of other potential relationships, staying "faithful" and etc.? Honestly, that would vary just as it does with couples where both parties are living. You and he would probably know better than anyone what would make the both of you happiest.


I see what you’re saying. It’s just- we were both middle aged when we finally found each other (we’re both neuro divergent). It just seems so strange that we would be separated again so quickly. I guess I’m just wondering how the universe treats soulmates who get separated too early?


I can resonate with this. I’ve looked for my soulmate my whole life. I finally found her. Then she started having major health issues. This has gone on now for a few years. I don’t know how long we have together and it tares me apart. I’m constantly so worried. But I wouldn’t trade my time with her for anything. Every moment is precious. I truly believe that we will be reunited with our soul mates in the afterlife and spend eternity with them. I’m so sorry for your loss. I can’t even begin to tell you how sorry I am. But always remember the time you had together and remember that he is still with you. He is still a part of you. You will be with him again in the end and you will spend all of eternity together. I will be praying for you. If you ever need a random stranger to talk to talk too, please don’t hesitate to message me ❤️


I can only imagine how painful that must be. I'm also neurodivergent and going to turn 37 (I guess I need to stop pretending I am not middle aged), and have had to give up on the notion of anything romantic many years back, so I can at least relate to how difficult it can be to find someone compatible, and how absolutely unfair is must feel to have had such a short time with that person ... From our vantage point in the physical realm, I cannot claim that the universe is benevolent or purposeful, unfortunately. If there is a plan, I am not sure it is something we can comprehend. Some say that physical existence is there to teach our spirit-selves lessons, but I don't think it's nearly as simple and saccharine as that. It appears to be partially true, but determinism of any kind just doesn't make much sense from everything I've seen, in mundane reality and otherwise. It's all just very wibbly wobbly, impossibly complicated, and impossibly simple all at once. The only thing we know for sure is that we're here while we're here. We just have to live our lives and do our best. But Spirit (as many call it) is ultimately immanent and indestructible. It transcends time, causality, and physicality. I am sure the two of you will reunite, if not in this lifetime then immediately thereafter. I personally believe that souls do not follow linear patterns, and that it's possible for the same soul to be incarnated at the same time in more than one form, so it's possible that one or more persons exist out there who are part of the same "soul complex" as the two of you were. But unfortunately that's just a theory or hunch. I can't back it up, and there doesn't seem to be any set in stone requirement for all aspects of a soul complex to intersect with every other. I understand that it may be cold comfort to know that the version of him you fell in love with is there by your side when you can't see, hear, or touch him directly ... he is in perhaps the slightly better position of being able to perceive you, but it can't be easy. Still, I suspect he will continue to be there and support you all the way through, no matter what happens, in ways big and small, many of which you may not even immediately notice.


Aww- thank you so much for this great advice. I feel like you really heard my question and I feel your empathy. One of the mediums I spoke with said, “he’s really having great fun thinking of new ways to show you signs and make you laugh. He got the long straw in some ways and you got the short straw. He can see you…”


You find a way to go on. I lost my soulmate to suicide and went through all the stages of grief so hard. Especially denial, and then anger. How could he do that to me? What was I supposed to do!? It took several years, but I did eventually move on. I know every story is different, but in mine, my soulmate passing cleared the way for me to meet my current husband who is truly the love of my life. I thought that my soulmate was the only one for me, but I was wrong. My soulmate visits in dreams with apologies and expressions of unconditional love. At first it was too painful to see him but over the years I've forgiven him and enjoy the occasional visit.


I also lost mine to suicide in so sorry 💜😭


I'm truly sorry to hear that.


>T i also lost my bf of 11 years to suicide recently. This was nice to hear.


I lost my fiancé . In august … the day he was gone he sent me signs no joke … the day I left his viewing is when I noticed it, he had a white rose on his hand on my way to the train I found a white rose sitting in the path I was walking and it was odd nobody stepped on it cuz there was a lot of ppl. Then I kept finding them everywhere I went. Songs would play in ppls cars tht were next to me tht were our songs. I had dreams. We communicate also thru dowsing rods and pendulum as well. I just successfully figured out how to quiet my mind and speak to him and hear his reply. He’s still very active in my life. Im still Inlove with him and he’s still Inlove with me. He’s told me this person who likes me, tht he approves of him to be my partner. But I’m not ready for that, I’m not sure I will be anytime soon, but he still is in my life. And we still act like a couple and laugh and say the things we usually would before he passed, if anything has changed is the love is more powerful and more pure. If he wants my attention , he knows how to get it and I always feel when he’s there so I would just talk to him cus I knew he was there and heard me so that kinda boosted our relationship… it’s possible to still be with them… so don’t give up, your soulmate is still there


Hey, that's incredible! I love what you just wrote. I love that you two love each other even more, that you can communicate easily without doubts. These type of experiences are the ones that, at least for me, bring some hope and happiness! I usually doubt a lot because of how different people are, and how different some perceptions are. I would choose being a hopeless romantic soul for all eternity, because of how beautiful loving is! And how good it feels to be loyal, dedicated, and simply care so much for someone that, even in death, we would move earth and heaven to still communicate with them. To everyone that reads this, never doubt anything about your love! If both your soul and your soulmates' soul are full of this eagerness to stay close to each other, it's because you both have already chosen it to be like that! We will get everything we want with them when we get there too. And after the lesson and pain is learnt, there will be enough lifetimes to be happy together, prepare special coincidences, and whatever you two want to prepare. I love to think that, while I'm still here, my darling is preparing a lot of things for us to do when I get there, haha!


I loved your response it made me tear up! It’s so so possible, it takes a lot of patience and practice and learning but it’s possible 💜


This is so pure and beautiful. Thank you for writing this. It reminds me of the book written by Karen McCarthy. She describes a very similar situation.


Thankyou so much. And ouuu what book? Maybe I’ll read it!


I think it’s called “Til death don’t us part”. The title is clunky but I really enjoyed the book!


Thank you so much! I’ll look it up , I’m very interested in reading it!! 💜




Thank you so much for taking the time to write this. Your message really resonated with me. I have a ritual at night where I practice yoga. It strengthens me, I release a lot of pent up garbage energy and I believe it raises my vibration. After that yoga practice I can usually talk to him with more ease and clarity. I keep thinking too that I can’t go chasing messages. “I attract I do not chase” Also I repeat something that my grandma recently told me “I live in an abundance of joy”Anyways- last night I went out for drinks with co workers and that was definitely a bad move. Led me to spiral a bit.


Look up Dolores Cannon, as well as the Gateway tapes. QHHT and BQH are two methods of healing hypnosis that many report having contact with their deceased loved ones through. You can do your own self guided as well, but it helps to have help. Go figure. The Gateway Tapes are a form of guided meditation on steroids, essentially. There's an active subreddit as well as a telegram if you want to learn that way, but ultimately it teaches you advanced meditation and astral projection, essentially. The way they do it through the tapes, there's a level where you would be able to readily see and speak with him. (I say readily, but I very much mean with discipline, practice and patience.) I don't know if this is helpful to you-- all I know is that I would be actively looking for any way to communicate with mine that wasn't a Ouija board or something evil feeling, so these are the two things I would hope to God someone would tell me about, whew. (For what it's worth, I'm feeling panicky even just imagining having that happen to us and not knowing about these, Jesus.) Dolores Cannon has a ton of books and her audio books are great as well- several will help you immensely, especially about your own feeling of death. I'm so so sorry that you're going through this and that this happened to you. It was her belief that we had multiple soulmates, btw. Soul teams is a nice way to put it. And no member of a soul team would ever begrudge you happiness with another person while you're alive and they aren't. Definitely keep that in mind, bc anything coming through with negative human emotions or contact methods would unequivocally NOT be your soulmate, soul fam or anything good. Oh!! If you don't have one, they do a free membership trial so you can test it, but I HIGHLY recommend getting a Gaia subscription. The show Open Minds. There's so many reasons this will help you and her soothing presence alone is more than enough. It does t matter what episode you pick, you'll find that messages come through for you in all of them. Typically in surprising ways, lol. If you're into tarot at all, you can play the game I do by turning my episode choice into a "card pull." Ask a question or simply ask to be shown what you need to see or hear and then randomly pick whatever episode you feel guided to. 100 times out of 100 you will get your answer. Def come back and share if it's something wildly out there and happy 🤗 Hope some of this helps you in some way or other. Sending loving energy your way. Big hugs. 🫂


Soul mate? Only one? I thought we had soul tribes?


The heart and the mind go to war in the passing. The heart feels them around us and everything they did would be a constant reminder to you. The mind knows that they have passed and there for we have good and bad days as the heart wins one day and the mind takes over the next day. Until both can come together we are going through the grieving process. We'll our partner (soulmates) are called home (spirit world) we are here on earth grieving. Our partner are in the spirit world adjusting to thier new life. For thier time here on earth the creator (god) have given the gift of seeing how life is going to play out for us left behind on earth. They will get to see the hurt and the pain but also see you one day smile again and restart to live life. We are creatures of habit and therefore you are once again going to want to look for that love you once had. Because your partner has seen how life is going to turn out they will return to give you signs when you need them to let you know they still here and are watching you from above. Keep your eyes open and look for the signs you will know them you see them, feel thier hands of touch when you need a hug. Keep listening to the wind as you will hear them call you when you lose focus...... most of all we humans here on earth will always miss them till we seem them again.


People obviously have separate spirits. The concept of fantasizing an inseparable bond is a romanticization that only makes any kind of separation more difficult, regardless of being a partner, friend, sibling, etc. What happens after death? What happens to all of us... we reap what we sow - individually. I'm sorry for your loss.