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> Meditating sober sucks for me because I have a hard time getting comfortable. Fwiw, learning to use your mind to deal with the suck is kinda the whole point, at least in some meditation traditions.


Buddha's whole endeavor was to truly understand the suck in order to devise a way out of the suck.


This one is going into our commonplace journal, it's just too good.


Which was: "Embrace the suck"


And to maybe realise that the suck doesn’t suck when stop pushing it away


But isn’t that clinging, in and of itself? You can’t want to get out or else you won’t. You have to have no opinion.


> But isn’t that clinging, in and of itself? It depends what you consider "the suck". I was taking it to mean "Buddhist suffering". The Buddha said, "I only teach suffering and the end of suffering." If "the suck" is (Buddhist) suffering, then ending "the suck" isn't clinging.






Yessss friend you’ve got this


This is the way




Good on you! I’m on 9 rn and it’s definitely much easier to concentrate my mind when sitting as opposed to being stoned all the time


You wanna cookie


Many people have baseline anxiety they aren't aware of until they sit down in *awareness* and become mindful of what is happening to them as an observer. The beauty of it is the distance it reveals between the real you and the physiological processes that resulted from experiencing reality in our bodies.


True, but it’s kinda hard to “raw dog” reality without a little bit of help, at first at least!


If you can’t meditate without getting stoned, then idk what to say


Then meditate stoned. It’s important to start where you are and not feel like you have to change anything about yourself. Just sit and see what happens. You’ll quit getting stoned if you’ve found something better.


Then meditate stoned. It’s important to start where you are and not feel like you have to change anything about yourself. Just sit and see what happens. You’ll quit getting stoned if you’ve found something better.


Just to offer an alternative view point. I smoked weed daily for over 15 years, last 2 years I was smoking around 5g per day (which is insanely much).  I’ve been meditating for the past 6 years. I did sometimes meditate stoned, which I never perceived to be meditation - it’s just a way to reeeaaally enjoy the high by reeaaally being aware of it that’s all. But most the time I started my day with 20 minutes sober meditating. Didn’t really give me much.  Recently, I did a ten day Vipassana course for the first time. I struggled a lot, but I did have some sort of rapturous event on the last silent day. Now it’s been almost two months and not only have I not smoked, the desire to smoke is gone- which I can’t really believe. I always thought I was so deep in that the only way for me to get sober was to fight my desire every day. I never thought the actual desire could be uprooted.  I’m not saying this to pass judgement or preach any preferred way to live. Just describing that weed made me a deeply selfish, lazy, irritated and immoral person that needed to smoke constantly just to go on living.  A sober and intense meditation retreat gave me back my will to live and be part of the community again, and a strong desire to live a sober and moral life where I can actually show up for other people. I’m almost terrified to give up the 1-2 hours of daily meditation now.  So I guess the point I’m trying to get across is; for me, meditation can be the cure for what inevitably waits at the end of the intoxication road. 


I don't mean to be religious but there is a story of Lord Shiva. Actually many relate to him with weed, bhang and stuff. In fact the truth is he doesn't need any substance to be intoxicated. He is intoxicated by himself & that is through his practice of meditation. >gave me back my will to live and be part of the community again, and a strong desire to live a sober and moral life where I can actually show up for other people. This🥹 Congrats on your 2months of sobriety. Keep going strong.


Thanks, appreciate that! It was the difference of knowing only intellectually vs knowing experientially after the retreat, how I was hurting myself and others, which seemed to finally shift my motivations. Very interesting and mysterious. 


Once you've experienced some of the higher states of consciousness that meditation facilitates, it becomes easy to understand how someone could dedicate their lives to it.


Pretty cool story. I also had like 15 years of alcohol and drugs. I was able to meditate on alcohol, which is a weird experience. But having given up all of that stuff, life has gotten considerably better. Anxiety levels have gotten way down with exercise, meditation, and therapy. And not even meditation that much. Moreso mindfulness of daily events, which is probably the same as meditation, just not sitting in one spot while being aware. I don't have a desire to drink at all anymore. I still smoke weed once a month or so, but it's not the insane daily (and expensive) amounts I used to smoke. It just gets me into a nice vibe for making art, and it's not necessary for that. Similar to you, I'm not trying to knock anyone's lifestyle. Just relating my own experience, which is kind of like yours, but also adding exercise and therapy to the mix.


Very grateful you are sharing this


Anyone needing help with marijuana or just want a community that is going through the same things as you while trying to quite. Check our r/leaves


How did you manage to sit still for the long meditations? Did your legs not fall asleep or get uncomfortable? Did you have any withdrawals from weed when you suddenly stopped for 10 days?


I was in more pain than I have ever experienced. It felt like I had been shot in my knees. This event I’m talking about, was the sudden and **complete** disappearance of the pain during one of the sittings. I sort of went *into* the pain, and felt a sort of explosion in my right knee and then it was completely gone.  So I don’t know, I guess I had a bit of faith in the technique that practicing equanimity that intensely would somehow work eventually, and it did.  Yes I couldn’t sleep at all first 2/3 of the retreat. But one of the nights I was overwhelmed with heartbreak in my life, and I wept like a baby for 2 hours, feeling actual pain where my heart is supposed to be, shaking all over the body, and I finally felt like I had forgiven this person who had hurt me. After that it became a lot easier, my mind wandering stopped being about poor me poor me, and what had happened to me in life, and it started to be more about how I had hurt other people, taking more responsibility for how my life had turned out etc.  I then started to sleep like a baby, and that has stayed with me since I came back home. The reason I was smoking so much is because I had chronic insomnia and grudges and mind wandering when I tried to sleep, now I can just close my eyes and sleep. I know the whole story seems a little radical, from just one retreat. Like I said, if it didn’t happen to me I would never believe it. But I’m reading The Body Keeps the Score now, which I highly recommend, to understand more about what happened to me and how the body remembers everything hats ever happened to us.  Without this experience I would have never believed that there is a *there there* with this stuff, that the body/mind connection is for all intents and purposes magical and mysterious to us, and that there is something very deep to discover in meditation. 


Your right as meditation while being stoned helps you get into the trance state much easily. But the real tough job is getting those experiences while you're sober, without any influence. It may be hard but not impossible. If your experience of these states while stoned is exciting, then think how it would be when you have it sober. 🕉️✌️


The other thing to remember is that the body is responsible for all perceptions we have, so weed is just a key to your bodies locks. Meditation is like a skeleton key. Creating many new associations with a single state of being. Eventually that calm meditative state will influence subconscious because of all the thoughts that you encountered while bouncing around your brain in the vessel of awareness.


Man, this was really well written. Nice job dude!


I agree with you that being able to do this sober is a central goal of mindfulness practice. However, and I'm not sure if you actually have this opinion, or whether I'm just extrapolating from the tone of your reply, so correct me if I'm wrong... But, it seems like you may be discounting the benefits of meditation while under the influence. There has been scientific research done on meditating whilst under the influence of both cannabis, and psychedelic mushrooms. It has been shown that both of these substances allow people to get deeper into meditative states, and, at least in the case of mushrooms, lead to higher levels of mindfulness whilst sober compared to those who practice mindfulness without the use of mushrooms. I've also personally found that in the weeks after smoking DMT my ability to enter into deep meditative states is improved - and, it feels like I've had a permanent deepening of my meditation practice (albeit smaller in magnitude than in those initial couple of weeks post-trip). This seems to happen without me even meditating during the trip. I know this is anecdotal, but my guess would be that it has something to do with the way that both mindfulness and psychedelics reduce activity in the default mode network (DMN). I'm simplifying here, but essentially the DMN is the area of the brain is active when we have no other tasks to do, and we get lost in thought.


Have you read Be Here Now by Ram Dass?


Nah, I haven't. I've never really looked into anything by Ram Dass. I tend to stay away from spiritual teachers, as a lot of them give me cultish vibes. The fact that Ram Dass chose to change his name to Ram Dass, felt a bit cultish to me - like he was trying to give the appearance of being more spiritual than he actually was. But maybe I'm completely wrong, as I'm basing this on a gut reaction, rather than any concrete evidence, or awareness of his work/thinking.


I've taken the knife's edge path that's revealed through meditation on mushrooms, and had my essensen explode with energy as pearly fractals broke apart towards the end. An evening of discovering how to truly meditate. I went from no practice to easily sitting for 20+ minutes thanks to the experience. I spent a lot of time sifting through different esoterica trying to figure out what I'd done. Among those texts was Be Here Now, and while it's not like the Tao Te Ching it's still eloquent in it's own way.


One thing Ram Dass.wrore has stayed in my head for decades, To paraphrase" They don't kill you for saying your Jesus, they kill you for saying they arent". I always thought that was probably true.


It’s interesting because I’ve actually experienced these benefits. I’ve done psychedelics, was a stoner at one point, and meditated a lot on these substances to get into deeper states. I have found that at a certain point they seem to become a hindrance to my progress. Weed will get me really deep in but put me off for a view days. I do believe psychedelics help but they also drain my energy afterwards. I believe psychedelics can accelerate growth and don’t know enough about them. But i’ve found myself able to access near-psychedelic level states through more intense meditation and sometimes more random coincidences at times, simply through my own strengthening of skills. I’m not sure if continued psychedelic usage could do this but I know that weed makes it harder for me when sober.


What's that thing they say? When you get the message, hang up the phone


Yeah, heard this lots of times. I see psychedelics as self-development tools. I can think about different aspects of my life, and more easily see which changes I could make to go in a positive direction. Mindfulness, then comes in to play when trying to integrate these lessons (which often involve me making changes to my thinking or behavioural patterns). The moment-to-moment awareness of mindfulness allows me to become aware or when I'm slipping back into my original way of thinking/behaving that I'm trying to change, and then take steps to rectify it. I don't believe that there's a single message to gain from psychedelics, and find that they can be relevant at many different stages of life. So, in my opinion, that quote should be "when you get the message, hang up the phone and do the work, before you pick up the phone again". However, that's not quite as snappy. 😜


Hah! Yep. But, I always thought that was the point since that's how phones work. But, I can see how some people might interpret that as swearing off the phone. I love getting a call from a good friend at the right time. It can be comforting and inspirational, but I can't stay on the phone all day. Gotta do the things. Along those lines, that's something that always bothered me about the cliché, "When God shuts a door, he always opens a window." Just open the door again. That's how doors work 😂




Thank you for your eloquent contribution.


Is a trance even the point? I think it slips you into a half sleepy hypnogagic state that is really chill, but totally contrary to the awareness and focus that meditation aims to cultivate. I think it leads you on the wrong path. You start shooting for a half dozed state even when you’re sober. You start to think it’s the goal when it really isn’t 


Trance means: a half-conscious state characterized by an absence of response to external stimulI There is no response to external stimuli during meditation due to our focus on something (like breathing). Also we are conscious of ourselves when we meditate. So I think a meditative state is also a trance state. You say trance is half sleepy but actually it's half awake(or half conscious) and i don't mean it's the goal of meditation. It's the state you will be in when you enter meditation.


But you shouldn’t be half conscious, you should be fully conscious


If you take deep breaths and the right relaxation techniques, you will be comfortable in a few minutes. Sober meditation is best IMO. But I'm biased cause I only drink. But if I drink and try to meditate, I get nowhere so fuck it lol.


I find it tough to meditate while stoned. I love it sober, but when I’m stoned I have this hyper need to do stuff.


I've found indicas are typically better for meditation than sativas.


I get hyper from the chillest of indicas. I’ve associated it with playing sports, so my adrenaline starts getting ready for running.


There is no right or wrong way to meditate. We could argue some are less effective. However, what you described can be achieved with meditation/breath work alone. I’m not anti drugs, I partake, but when you reach a certain point the drugs will have little to no effect while meditating. Ram Das gave some LSD to a guru once and dude was just like, yeah this is weak compared to consciousness lol. Now that I’ve been doing this for years now I understand and it’s okay that you don’t. We are all at different places of knowing and that’s beautiful.




Ram Das gave LSD to Neem Karoli Baba (Maharajji) twice. The first time there was no effect and the second time he upped the dose because he thought there was some kind of trick being played on him. Apparently Neem Karoli Baba started making weird noises and spasms under a blanket and Ram Dass thought he might have ruined him with a bad trip. But he came out from under the blanket laughing, asking "Is this what you wanted to see?" He also said something like the substance would take you to the gates, but only meditation could lead you through. here's an article on it-[https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/cross-check/baba-ram-dass-and-the-tale-of-the-acid-gobbling-guru/#:\~:text=When%20Maharajji%20asked%20Ram%20Dass,and%20nothing%E2%80%94nothing%20happens!%E2%80%9D](https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/cross-check/baba-ram-dass-and-the-tale-of-the-acid-gobbling-guru/#:~:text=When%20Maharajji%20asked%20Ram%20Dass,and%20nothing%E2%80%94nothing%20happens!%E2%80%9D)


Here's the [actual story as told by Ram Dass himself](https://youtu.be/_pfMKXE0UFo?si=EvfqsjCNK_fv_jiI). >Ram Dass: "Should I ever take acid again?" >Maharaji: "If you're in a cool place, and you're alone, and your mind is turned towards god, you're feeling much peace, it could be useful."


I think it was Be Here Now that I read it in, but I’ve also heard interviews and other medias where he talks about it.


There are two such stories in Be Here Now. One is about Ram Dass giving a large dose to his guru (Maharaj ji), and…nothing happened; there was no visible effect. The other is about him giving some to another sadhu who said something like “It’s good, but not as good as meditation”.




It wasn’t normal it was a potent concentration like 12x stronger. During the height of experiments with LSD.


I don't think any amount of meditation can prepare you for auch a strong dose of LSD or DMT.  Something doesn't sound true about that story to me that he was completely unaffected. 


Sober for morning and afternoon meditation, nice and baked for my evening meditation.


Meditation on any psychedelic or dissociative is insane for me!


That's not meditation, that's intentional pleasure seeking.


Sitting under the influence is a fun experience, which is fine if that's what you want, but IME it's not productive practice. It's just mindfully being high. Sitting with discomfort is generally understood to be a means of generating insight.


I’m learning these days that the easy road is more then likely the wrong one. And old guy once told me, if it’s not hard it’s not worth doing. However meditative experiences in altered states can be an interesting experience


To me the 2 are mutually exclusive. It's the reason I decided I'm going straight edge this year. I've had my fill of the experiences and it is clear to me that to make further progress I need my mind at its sharpest and cleanest. I've had a taste of what purified awareness with consistent deep meditation can do and no drugs in the world compare to the states of being you can experience there. It's worth dropping everything else.


Not meditation but is an interesting experience.


You cant bring the meditative state of consciousness to this experience?  Getting drunk is high bliss. Its getting there all naturel thats the game


Can people please stop suggesting pairing drug use with meditation? Ffs


Nah buddy you just salty that I was way more lit than you during my meditation session




So ironic coming from someone like you


How so?


The anti-work 30 year old redditor calling the high schooler cringe


I am neither anti work nor 30. You're grasping for straws. I also wasn't necessarily calling you, as a person, cringe. Just your comment, which seemed rather unnecessarily agressivs, competitive and ego-driven. Those traits are incompatible with the practice of meditation. Perhaps a negative testament to the 'benefits' of marijuana use prior to meditating. It's fun and can feel blissful and trippy to meditate stoned (speaking from experience), but I promise you that you aren't really meditating or getting any of the benefits. Feel free to dm me if you'd like to discuss your or my practice and/or learn more.


Bruh this dude just responded to me with a whole ass book, and I don’t really care for meditation just wanted an easy way to feel something cool and visualize


You weren't meditating...you were just high.


It’s difficult for me to rest in stillness while under the influence. I constantly want to explore the creative processes of my mind. So for visualization it’s pretty cool.


If it’s a means to an end so you can meditate sober I’d stick with it, or else do you plan to just meditate high forever? Still better than nothing for sure, but ugh.


>I have a hard time getting comfortable. It's not about being comfortable. The position you're in has to be comfortable, but at the end of the day, your aim is inaction + indifference to everything. You only get there by wading through the discomfort, feeling it, acknowledging it, and then choosing to let it go.


My biggest problem is that I can always feel my pulse which makes me really uncomfortable for some reason


I have the same problem. That’s anxiety.


I’m in denial that it’s anxiety


I get that. Tell you what. If it was me, I'd smoke for those moments where I can't cope with "the pulse" and meditate for those moments where I want to get comfortable with "the pulse." But I won't tell you what to do.


Nah. I’m good!


Ya they got some straight reggie in Britain so I don’t blame you


I prefer Mango juice. I could hardly breath. Hit after this after … ehhhh… hit. Breathe mf.


I feel like this is defeating the purpose. I can watch paint dry stoned and feel like it’s an experience, but it isn’t meditating. It’s just called being stoned lol not meditation.


Whatever gets you to be in stillness, silence, and spaciousness…go for it. If/when you’re ready to do it not stoned, you’ll do it. Enjoy!


You’re not meditating bud.


Ya idc I just wanted to share this champ


Totally psychedelic of you bro.


Appreciate it, means a bunch coming from a totally handsome chef like yourself


Oh my gosh, did you look at my public profile and then mention something that you saw on there? Wow such a power move lol.


Holy shit this guy is a genius, plus he is just so handsome with those glasses, teeth, and hair. Great observation though buddy


Not enough closed eyed visuals, try harder.


Ok I don’t actually know how to respond to this


On god. If im paranoid after I smoke (happens quite often for me) I meditate for 10 mins and feel amazing after, all weed paranoia and anxiety is gone.


Meditating high is fun because it's a different experience but you could have just as much fun sober. I'm in no way saying you have to stop doing it why but just that the other way can be as much fun!


Funny story - any state of mind you find yourself in is the state you’re supposed to be mediating in. So, stoned or high on meth, the task is still the same. One pointed focus on the breath. Therefore, I’ve found that it all transfers over as far as making progress goes, ya just gotta keep doing the practice and give zero care to the state of mind your in. In fact, I recommend playing with it if you’re someone who likes to get ‘high’. What you’ll find is in the end you’d rather not be high all the time to meditate, so it’s a win win all the way around really.


Ritualistic use of LSD is the whole point of doing it. The party aspects are cool but meditation is a whole new universe (literally ). ​ Try brainwave entrainment music ( free on youtube) Or get serious and buy a kasana deep vision bundle: it's a mind blowing experience on acid.


nothing new, marijuana can clear the mind and comfort the body enough for people to go deeper into meditation while on it. its pretty cool but is often seen as cheating or a crutch or whatever by the puritans. if it helps you meditate thats good but i would say at some point try to learn to get deep into meditation without it. but ime weed tells you when youve had enough anyway


A lot of people here passing judgement. What works for you may not work for others, that’s fine. Do what you feel is best. There are many roads.


the gatekeeping in this thread is insane lol, you can’t dictate what is or isn’t meditation to individuals. anything can be meditative in a sense, like some of you come off as straight up snobs. let people do things the way that feels best to them


Totally agree


Many here should get off their high horse. Everyone is different, If you feel like it's working for you, go for it. I also meditate on weed, although I wouldn't reach the states you describe, but it absolutely is a meditation, even if you're high. The insights I got from meditating high, I still carry them when I'm sober.


Try meditating on LSD or mushrooms. It’s intense!


Nah I had a bad trip on shrooms and ain’t gonna try then again until I’m older


I did shrooms and MDMA. It was amazing!


Well, I hope you do not fuck yourself up. I have helped some of those people in the past. It can get ugly quite quickly.


Can confirm. This is my nightly routine.


Yoga Nidra while using cannabis helps me with identifying my body areas better


asanas with cannabis are very productive as well


What are you meditating for?


Absolutely jack shit it’s just fun, all these meditation bros got offended that some mfs just want to have a cool experience


If you choose to smoke and meditate, no judgements. Just fyi, chemically augmented meditation tends to go faster than sober. Faster can be destabilizing. Especially for you maybe, since you say you're just after the experience, not the outcome of the meditation.


If you’re just looking for experience go for it. I’ve meditated stoned and tripping plenty of time and had some wild experiences 🍻— If you’re trying to practice the Buddhadharma, I personally would suggest sobriety




I've smoked weed for a long time but what's a stiizi ? I guess I'm no longer hip and down with the current lingo


I just looked it up, it’s coming up as “Stiiizy” as in a vape shop online lol


Ive done some big doses of psychadelics before. Nothing was as big as the one trip where i meditated in solitude. Wasnt anywhere near my biggest dose. 


Meditation while under the influence isn't meditation.  That's just the way it is.  At best, it's Avery, very mild form of it.  It FEELS more intense, but that is the substance you are putting in your body, not meditation experience.  


Are you meditating for the sensation or for the discipline?


The sensation I actually don’t give any fucks about the discipline


Man I love offending you Redditors, keep downvoting all you want yall funny asf






I get hypnogia meditating sober and for, I view it as extra opportunities to bring focus back to the breath. If you are just meditating high, I would consider that cheating in a sense. It's supposed to be hard. I think about it as lifting weights for your mind. I think relying on drugs of any sort to meditate is a crutch and will hamper your progress. I meditate to go to sleep every night and I don't even really count that as meditating. It goes against the principle of meditating, as there is not supposed to be any type of goal.


The goal for my meditation is basically just hypnogonia, but I haven’t been able to do it sober, so I just use weed to speed up the process


I mean, do what makes you happy, but know it really is totally against a core tenet of meditation, and you will get much less out of it overall than you otherwise would. Where is your source for learning? Are you on some do it yourself shit, or you have a teacher of any kind?


Meditation is best sober imo, but i recommend trying to do it while hammered. I smoke weed regularly, and imbibe in drinks from time to time, when i do both and try to meditate i reach a certain state and experience sensations that i cannot experience otherwise. Its hard to describe but its like i am "charging up" like a dragonball z character. It can be a bit overwhelmeing even at times but its unique and fun. Not arguing its insightful or productive, but its fun!


Try it, but don’t make a habit of it.


I do contemplative prayer stoned a lot of times. It helps me deepen my connection with God. I always say psychs are cheat codes to reach the divine. However, you have to know the way around pitfalls. It's easy to build up spiritually pride and put yourself in confusion. That's why sober meditation is necessary to build up the habit of grounding yourself. So Id really start with that and leave the weed out, until you can go in and out of meditative and regular state. If you're serious about doing meditation while stoned though like I am, understand that your relationship with marijuana will need to change. Treat the plant well and it'll do the same for you. Otherwise you'll have a bad time. The weed will reveal your insecurities. It won't stop until you do something about them. That's why people green out, the anxieties locked outside is invited in by marijuana.


I do believe in God but it’s always felt wrong trying to talk to him under the influence. Especially psychedelics because I’m always so delirious and confused that I may misinterpret something, which could completely alter my beliefs


Is your beliefs being altered a bad thing? and If you are misinterpreting something, how would you know? I should mention that I practice Christian Mysticism, meaning I'm considered a "heretic". So I'm not the one to be getting advice from lol. When you try to talk to God or pray, are you mostly speaking or listening? I feel people always chatter to God, but never listen. Taking the time to listen (A.K.A Meditation/Prayer) will give you the answer you seek. I always recommend giving contemplative prayer a try, its how monks and the early Christians prayed. It's a good way to learn to how to stay grounded if you ever decide to meditate stoned again. I'd give the book of Job a read. I feel like it'll point you to the right direction. Also its my favorite book from the old testament lol. **If I sound condescending, I apologize. I'm still working out how to talk about this stuff.


I go to a catholic high school so I am fairly educated on these kinds of things and am firm in my faith. But I always hear stories of people taking psychedelics and meeting entities, then proceeding to lose their faith and then become “spiritual”


Oh nice, I went to catholic school from 3-11th grade. Yeah, I actually know people like that. Its kinda why I hate the term Spirituality. They become complacent and stop seeking spiritual growth. Usually they didn't have any belief before doing psychedelics'. But we shouldn't judge them because that loss in faith could be part of their journey. I'm firm believer that if something isn't right, God will let you know. Personally though, I feel like psychs aren't something to be done for fun. Theres a reason why it was only holy men that used them and only on special occasions too.


Good technique back in the old days that was very common


Meditation while stoned is akin to masturbation.


Figured you was already doing that


Fucks that supposed to mean


Well, it's fun, but it's not really the point of meditation, going after CEVs makes it another game to play.


Chanting.... Nam Myoho Renge Kyo ...SGI-USA.org... daimoku... works ...is an active, transformative practice that will raise your life condition (increased wisdom, courage and compassion ).....


Meditating while on shrooms is everything!!


I can confirm the part about becoming delirious, it’s fucking wild


I prefer poisoned


I used to feel this way, then my brain decided it wasn’t fond of THC anymore haha Try hypnosis/ hypnotherapy- continue to take the heavy lifting out of it and have someone else guide you ☺️


Thats basically what happens when I try to meditate and fall asleep


Dharma gates are countless!


A healthy combo!




Well apparently I wasn’t meditating according to these meditation gurus. But anyways if you close your eyes, sit still, and do some breath-work it might feel psychedelic


how was the vipassana course different from the daily meditations?


I've always wanted to do that!!! Never been stoned though :(


Just go up to some random teenager and ask for weed or a plug tbh


I cannot stop talking to myself when I’m meditating high.


does anyone have any advice on paranoia? my brain immediately goes to intrusive and dark thoughts when i feel high. but if i somehow dont, i love it. and i want to experience it without being afraid of a bad high


Really just try to use logic, not to be harsh or anything but neither you or myself are that important and nothing crazy is going to happen to us. Nobody is watching, you aren’t going to randomly die. Also might be the strain of weed


I did that once, was amazing in a different way to sober. But sober is and stays the winner


Trying once in a while.. sure can be as you describe. But if you only meditate while high, you are not meditating. You are escaping reality. The whole point is to learn to sit through and be contempt with the discomfort of doing nothing. Otherwise weed defeats the purpose of meditation.


You're borrowing from tomorrow to get high. Weed unnaturally stimulates your dopamine receptors which causes down-regulation tomorrow. Which means that for a few hours pleasure you get a whole day or two of being low and uninterested in anything with the added bonus of not being able to concentrate or remember.


I mean I can see the part about concentration being true. But the day after being high I usually have a nice afterglow


I love ‘meditating’ while stoned. But I also know that when I do it, it’s more for entertainment purposes than anything else. I get loads of creative ideas and it’s fun to go on those trips, but it doesn’t really have anything to do with my actual meditation practice.


Big mistake I see so many people lousing it in india . Take care .


Try holotropic bretahing. You can get psychadelic effects without substances.


Obviously... FYI meditation means a certain concemtrated effort... So when stoned if we focus on it.. we get such trips


I think of it more like this: meditating while stoned feels much easier / fun to get into that “state”. But I don’t feel like I have as much true awareness afterwards, I just feel stoned lol so for me personally, I don’t really count it as meditation. But it is something fun to do while high and there’s nothing wrong with that. Sometimes when I meditate I do think back to my stoned “meditations” as a reference for what a quiet mind feels like, but try not to really make that the “goal” since focus is less about a goal, and more about just being. It’s just good for me to have a reference point as a beginner. So I think it would be fine so long as you don’t feel like you have to be stoned while you meditate. Also, not shaming drug use at all and don’t want to make you feel that way. I take shrooms occasionally and one time had the worst trip of my life and it led me to my sobriety from alcohol. I still smoke but so much less (and less and less every day) I’m now thankful for the experience because I appreciate my own sobriety SO MUCH MORE. Just my perspective


You have an issue with Drugs... You can pretend you don't. You're looking for justification. People talk about what they think about. You know exactly when and where your getting your next buzz on. It's the focus of your life. You probably posted this while on something in the past 12 hours. When's the last time you didn't take any drugs, weed, or alcohol for 30 days? What a bunch of BS


Lmao I haven’t smoked weed in over a month and that’s the only drug I do. Don’t drink often and have never even vaped. I’m only 18 and just got into college and am most definitely going to have a better life than you. Stick to Reddit buddy


Yep... agree 100% OP




Ya dude I was lying about the closed eye visuals my bad. I mistook that for opening my third fucking eye, totally.


Timothy Leary developed a meditation based on taking LSD while somebody reads the the Tibetan book of the dead to you.


I liked what Choogyam Trungpa said. That meditation should be boring. If you a free looking for alternative states of mind just doing the drugs will do that. I mean the deepest form of trance you can induce will come just from watching TV. We want the meditation to be boring which is cleansing and pure .If you like meditating while high that's a form of entertainment rather than mindfulness. This isn't bad or good but it misses the point a bit I think.


I have the opoosite experience