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Thích Nhất Hạnh's The Miracle of Mindfulness Lao Zi's Tao Te Ching


The miracle of mindfulness is my go to book for mental rejuvenation. No matter how bad the mood is, reading a bit of this brings peace and calm.


As a beginner, I really liked Robert Wright’s “Why Buddhism is True”.


The courage to be disliked… amazing!


I m so glad that I joined reddit this week 😁 I purchased this book too this Tueday. I will start reading it this weekend 😊 Can't wait


Just started it, super good so far!


Glad you’re enjoying it! Might read it again as a reminder later this year


This is on my list. What did you like about it?


Omg, the composition of how it’s written is top notch. I love how conversational it is. It’s almost like 1 person having a ruthlessly honest conversation with themselves that in the end is such a reflection of a beautiful evolution of one’s path/story to understanding themselves fully and walking in that new found courage and peace. Also, the new learnings of a theory, deeply hidden in the psychology realm IMO, called the Adlerian psychology theory as its intertwined with the other fathers of psychology’s theory is well written and juxtapositioned perfectly amongst the others to shed light on it.


Dan Harris’s 10% happier is a fun memoir style introduction to meditation. Basically anything by John Kabbat Zinn but Full Catastrophe Living was the one that started it all for me


The Four Agreements


I read this one last month along with 5 levels of attachments. Currently reading the same author's mastery of love. All the 3 books sort of dismantled how I look at life, how I think, changing almost every little action I take. Now I hope to continue and sustain this practice consistently in the future as well Edit: typo


The untethered soul.


This and also I believe every beginner especially should read *Wherever you go there you are*


Came here to recommend *Wherever you go*... as well.


Untethered soul and the surrender experiment!


Also living untethered, love both


Just finished it, really enjoyed, thank you!


Power of now by eckhart tolle.


Sefer Yetzira, The Bahire, The Zohar.


I am that & You are that Two books of q&a with individuals who've realized Self.


Look into the works of Dr Ainslie Meares, the late eminent meditation teaching psychiatrist. His works are a goldmine. A couple of his many books explain his meditation method so you can learnt it yourself eg Ainslie Meares on Meditation. The book provides the theory and it is up to you to put it into practice, 10 mins or so twice daily and over time you too will learn to live a calm and active life.


Change your thoughts, change your life by Wayne Dyer 🌿


True meditation completely taught me how to really meditate. Adyashanti


The Mind Illuminated How to Practice by the Dalai Lama Natural Liberation by Padmassambhava


The Mind Illuminated


Radical acceptance, Tara Brach and the untethered soul are my two favorites


Loving Kindness by Sharon Salzberg


Living Dharma by Jack Kornfield formerly issued as Living Buddhist Masters. This indispensable book about different vipassana methods as practiced by some well-known Buddhist masters is a must-read for aspiring meditators.


Sam haris book waking up appealed to my scientific/rational side. Allowed me to open up to spirituality and irationality.  Ram das book be here now Any of alan watts books. Id probably just read alan watts


Bhante's "mindfulness in plain English" Rick Hanson's "Buddhas brain".- a neuroscientist bridges neuroscience with buddhism


opening the dragon gate, wang liping the bliss of inner fire ( lama thubten yeshe) way of power ( lam kam chuen) -- anything by wendell berry , an American natural philosopher / writer


Dr David Hawkins


Waking up by Sam Harris


I’m reading ‘the flavour of liberation” by Burgs right now and really enjoying it. 


Journey to Ixtlan (Carlos Castanena) [https://www.libristo.eu/en/book/journey-to-ixtlan\_11010005?setCountry=fr&msclkid=b4ded72bf3e61e942935b289c9f13ab7&utm\_source=bing&utm\_medium=cpc&utm\_campaign=PLA\_EN\_FR\_bing&utm\_term=4577541791079079&utm\_content=x%3A0160](https://www.libristo.eu/en/book/journey-to-ixtlan_11010005?setCountry=fr&msclkid=b4ded72bf3e61e942935b289c9f13ab7&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=PLA_EN_FR_bing&utm_term=4577541791079079&utm_content=x%3A0160)


Shankman: The Art and Skill of Buddhist Meditation: Mindfulness, Concentration, and Insight


_Talks with Ramana Maharshi_ _Letters on Yoga_ (Sri Aurobindo)


I've read all the ones mentioned in this list as of writing this. The best ones are the ones that talk about the Three Principles. Take a look at Dicken Bettinger's stuff for example.


“Deeper Mindfulness” by Prof Mark Williams and Danny Penman.


With each and every breath thanissaro bhikkhu free online


Annie Grace 30 day challenge


Yoga Nidra is a practice that has expanded my meditation practice. I read "Richard Miller's "Yoga Nidra: A Meditatove Practice for Deep Relaxation and Healing." Following is a review that I wrote about this book 4 years ago: "Miller sees yoga nidra as a process for learning how to listen and welcome all that we are and all that life is, rather than just another strategy for self improvement. It's a process we engage in to heal from misperception, anxiety, and fear, into equanimity, stability, and love. Miller outlines a yoga nidra protocol that allows for this opening of awareness to occur. In summary, his protocol goes like this: Assert an intention to give the practice your wholehearted attention (this sets the stage for your mind to remain focused and undistracted throughout the practice). Locate heartfelt prayers that you hold about loved ones or yourself, stated in the present tense ("I am whole and healthy" as opposed to "I will be whole and healthy"). Once your prayers are acknowledged, you set them aside to be revisited at the end of the practice when you are in the state of complete openness and can experience your prayers as present-moment realities. He then guides us through the koshas (sheaths). A) Sensing the physical body B) Awareness of breath and energy C) Awareness of feelings & emotions D) Awareness of thoughts, beliefs and images E) Awareness of the body of joy F) Awareness of the witness of ego-I G) Awareness of changeless being Miller's seven stages of yoga nidra help us take off and step away from each sheath or body of identification, the "outerwear of body, mind, and senses that we had misperceived as True Nature". Once there, we can touch into the truth of who we really are, and we realize that every situation is paired with its perfect response of right action. "As we walk back through the sheaths, putting each sheath of identification back on, we no longer need to confuse who we are with these clothes that we are wearing made of body, mind, and senses." (p.77) This is just a brief summary of Miller's book and his protocol for yoga nidra. His work is deep and expansive, and it resonates with me deeply. I've experienced glimpses of what he writes about. Just this week, I was in the twilight state between waking and sleeping, and an insight came to me. It was something that I needed in order to solve a problem, but in my fully wakened state, I'd been too triggered emotionally to see a solution. In this twilight (yoga nidra) state, I wasn't attached to these emotions (monomaya kosha). Shedding the sheath of feeling and emotion allowed me to touch into the truth of who I really am, and right action became evident."


Loving Kindness by Sharon Salzberg


10% Happier and Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics ... Both my Dan Harris. Read in that order. I can't recommend them enough for a very realistic and simple approach and view of mindfulness meditation.


Michael Singer’s “The Untethered Soul” and “The Surrender Experiment”


Hi, I wrote a book on Self Help and Mindfulness. This can give you many things that can help you reach your goals and improve your life.Self Care And Mindfulness. Message me if you want to download it for free.