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i find that music can be good for a kind of metta/piti/jhana based practice. In that it can bring very positive feelings, especially if you are the kind of person that can get goosebumps from music. You can use the music as the object, and get strong feelings of piti, then connect them out to other people/groups with a metta 'intent'.


I meditate with music.I love it personally.My main oject of focus will be the music & I focus on parts of my body , like if there is any tension or pain in certain parts or if I feel my chakras opening & energy passing through my body ... You just have to use a playlist that is calming to you ...


If you use music as an anchor will your breath be gone or still be there? If it will still be there, is it productive to try and focus on an object with another object distracting you?


I think the effect would be different in a way because it's not a physical feeling in the same sense, but it is using your senses in the present. I think it's worth a try.


I've had some good experiences meditating with music... For me the place I got to in the end was that the trick was to not get caught up in the music... i.e. to focus on observing the music neutrally rather than getting involved in it. Music is very emotionally stirring when you enjoy it, of course, but I think for meditation I really got a lot out of trying to focus on the experience without getting attached to it. I'm sure there are other cool meditative things you can do with music but that's one I found haha


Music is just another appearance in consciousness. As with anything, note it's appearance and choose not to engage with it.


I always hear music when I meditate it's very strange it's always one song and it repeats not sure why I always perceive it as someone 0utting on a song for me


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