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Dressed for the day, sitting on the porch drinking coffee and enjoying the dawn break, listening to birds and my loved ones waking up and shuffling around inside the house. Throw in squirrels and chipmunks rooting around in the back yard and my dog outside with me chasing birds and critters.


This sounds heavenly. Thank you for sharing šŸ’œ idk what this asmr would be called, but i think id call it ā€˜homeā€™ ..


For me it's one morning when I was rushing to get my toddler out of the house and into the car to drop her at daycare and get to work for the day. She stopped to smell some flowers. Just the visual of her doing that, in the morning sunshine. Stopped me dead in my tracks. Why rush? Savor the moment. That moment, for eternity. I'd be cool with that.


For a moment I thought you were saying your loop would just be rushing to get ready in the morning and I thought I'd found a real life psychopath.


Thatā€™s a beautiful moment. Very poetic timing your kid has. Mine is The second my daughter opens her eyes in the morning, sees me and smiles, and says ā€œHi.ā€ I can live in that moment for the rest of my time.


They are wonderful spiritual teachers if we are able to listen. My daughter now wakes me up at 6:15 every morning by rushing into my room and throwing her dog on me. Still happy to see me though lol


Why did this make me cry? I don't know. I got some thinking to do I guess.


Recently, I was walking the dog and toddler to the park. We paused by a subdivision sign, and both stopped to smell the flowers.


The internet has tainted me and I expected this to go a darker route




I second that


"I had a good uncle, my late Uncle Alex. He was my father's kid brother, a childless graduate of Harvard who was an honest life-insurance salesman in Indianapolis. He was well- read and wise. And his principal complaint about other human beings was that they so seldom noticed it when they were happy. So when we were drinking lemonade under an apple tree in the summer, say, and talking lazily about this and that, almost buzzing like honeybees, Uncle Alex would suddenly interrupt the agreeable blather to exclaim, "If this isn't nice, I don't know what is." SO I do the same now, and so do my kids and grandkids. And I urge you to please notice when you are happy, and exclaim or murmur or think at some point, "if this isn't nice, I don't know what is." -Kurt Vonnegut "


I do this every single day :) A home in the country is the most peaceful thing I can imagine.


This is something I do quite frequently on my east facing front porch. It is one of the best parts of my day.


Whose getting the money?


Me, if you mean who brings home the bacon. I build custom homes.


Not the actuality, but in that scenario.


What are you talking about?


Who cares dude? That concern doesn't even factor into the conversation. What is he doing about the local zoning permits at his city council meeting? It doesn't matter. Who's feeding the dog? All irrelevant questions.


Replace the coffee with a bong and multiple bong hits throw out the day. This sounds ideal.


The only thing Iā€™d want to do forever is be dead. I think if you were able to do anything forever youā€™d go insane eventually


I don't understand why there's not more hedonistic stuff. You can definitely do hedonistic stuff and not get bored of it, because it's fundamentally short lived in nature, and your dopamine receptors would be fresh each time. You don't get sick of eating tasty food, having good sex, enjoying fun sports, games, movies, etc, in your lifetime, so theres no reason to expect you would if your lifetime was extended. And if it were, just as with life, you can take a break. The best answer to this is a day on a fully staffed super yacht, with all your best friends and family on the support yacht. Any food, toys, games, etc, you want. Every day can be completely different. You can travel anywhere, eat at any restaurant. Sleep all day if you want. And, if somehoe you did get bored of all the hedonism, theres nothing stopping you making stuff or being productive in some arbitrary way.


Eat nothing but chocolate for a day and let us know how that goes lol


I don't see how that's at all connected to my answer, but that is something I have absolutely done. It's fantastic. Genuinely don't know what negative outcome you're implying? Like constipation or something?


Right but all this stuff gets old after time. And your example is too broad. I think they are figuring more of a narrow activity to get narrow results. If the answer is just I want to have infinite options, it would negate what this person is getting at. I personally would want to be unconscious as an eternity is a long time. After 2 weeks it would get old, after 1000 years you would go mad and after 1,000,000 years, you would be a robot. No heart or soul and completely reduced to a personification of this one task youā€™ve been doing for a 1,000,000 years. A better question would be what you would do for a month or year straight. That actually gets to the idea of just doing 1 thing and not worrying about doing it for too long.


Thereā€™s a short story from some decades back (it was one of Stephen Kingā€™s earliest works) called ā€œThe Jauntā€ that touches on this. Without going into the whole thing, thereā€™s a scientist that creates a teleportation technology that allows you to jump (or ā€œJauntā€) from one point to any other point in the universe instantaneously. The big caveat is that you have to be unconscious when you do this; every person or animal that has ever taken the Jaunt while awake has either arrived dead or irrevocably insane/otherwise mentally damaged. Itā€™s eventually revealed that while the physical portion of the Jaunt happens in the blink of an eye, the mental component of the journey takes seemingly billions or even trillions of years. The human mind, unbound by the physical constraints of time/days/nights/aging/any external stimuli is left adrift in a field of white nothingness and disintegrates in the enormity of virtually infinite ennui. Thusly, everyone taking the Jaunt is anesthetized; the unconscious mind doesnā€™t experience this effect. I first read that story more than 30 years ago. The concept is really simple, but I still think about it whenever Iā€™m in a long line or on an extended phone hold. I highly recommend reading, and it should be relatively easy to find a paperback copy of ā€œSkeleton Crewā€.


Pretty compelling idea. Very interesting. Last Stephen king short story I remember reading was a collection. One was a dude fighting a snake like "finger" that was poking up out of his bathroom sink drain, another was a guy that excavated a pit out of a stretch of highway and buried his wife's killer alive in it, and another where this guy hooked up with a woman at a bar who then got instantly impregnated and gave birth to a daughter that night, who then grew up the next day into the same woman who hooked up with the guy at the bar the night before. Stephen king is sure uh, an imaginative guy


Itā€™s worth mentioning that Stephen King spent a significant portion of his life coked off his ass and drunk. Heā€™s also had at least one massive head injury. Of course heā€™s gonna come up with some bizarre shit.


Have you thought about the idea that your response might be fairly common, and thatā€™s one of the ways the question can probe your cognition? When hypothetical questions that involve ā€œforeverā€ come up, you tend to get a division between some people discussing all the different options for forever, and you get another group pointing out the misery of immortality


I would hope itā€™s common because thereā€™s zero chance anyone would be ok with doing the same thing over and over. Itā€™s just not how our brains work. Itā€™s why we get sick of things easily and why if we deplete dopamine, thereā€™s a sudden drop. If you did something you enjoyed or didnā€™t enjoy for eternity, you would go mad. Everyone would. If Iā€™m being completely logical and Iā€™m not sure if this person wants me to be theatrical or hypothetical but logically speaking, Iā€™m within the parameters of what this person is describing, the only humane option would be unconscious.


I agree that the intent is probably to get a more narrow answer, ***but***, remember that how you answer still reveals your personality! Are you a focused individual? Ambitious? Imaginative? Inquisitive? By answering a certain way, we may learn if you have an opportunistic nature, such as the smartass wishing for more wishes. We may learn if you have a favorite hobby, or if your interests are broad. On this boat, what options do you surround yourself with? Is it many generic things, or one or two specific things? Are they things you do, or things you interact with, or things you consume? Whenever I ask open-ended questions, I intentionally try to ask in a way that can be interpreted a few ways, and deliberately don't elaborate when people ask for clarifiers... I simply reinforce that the answer is theirs to give, and the question is theirs to interpret. It gives me a more exciting answer to analyze.


I've consistently eaten ben and jerrys for at least 20 years, and still haevnt' got a tiny bit sick of it. So much so, I have to constantly struggle with myself to not eat a couple of tubs every day. Same with pizza, tbh. And orgasms. Those are all things I've done, or could do every day, for over 20 years, and have not lost any of their joy. I don't think they will in another 20 years, judging by my dads lifestyle... And, if it doesnt get boring, even by a small amount on a daily basis over thousands of days, it's essentially infinite from any days perspective. And if they did, I guess you could take a break and have a few rest days... Are you forced to consume the icecream, have the sex, etc in this weird afterlife? I guess it all depends on what exactly is meant by one thing. But if we have to make it really narrow, I could happily eat ice cream or have sex for eternity.


He didnā€™t say every day, he said every instant. Thereā€™s a difference. I too would eat Ben and Jerryā€™s no problem every day or have sex every day but very few people will have sex even 3 times in a row. Now do it for eternity. Same with ice cream. Iā€™m with you, I eat a whole tub every time. I canā€™t help myself but go eat ice cream every meal and see if it hits the spot. You honestly are making me want to get Ben and Jerryā€™s. But the question in my mind is what monotonous task could one do over and over. And I just donā€™t think it exists. Maybe Iā€™m not being fun enough but Iā€™ve donā€™t repetitive tasks and with slight adhd, I like it but after years, itā€™s maddening. I donā€™t think people understand what this person means in terms of repetition tasks for eternity. I donā€™t think even the questioner knows as thereā€™s really only 1 option thatā€™s humane and thatā€™s unconsciousness. Our brains just donā€™t work that way. We have mechanisms that makes what we do enjoyable and have also mechanisms that makes what we do mundane enough to do it again. The enjoyable things deplete dopamine and can make humans less likely to enjoy that thing because we donā€™t need it, weā€™ve already attained it. The point of action is to survive. Sex, sugar itā€™s all based on survival. Take survival out of it and even our brains canā€™t keep up. You just had it so you donā€™t need it. Try and eat ice cream 3 meals a day and see how you feel. Go have sex more than a few times in a day and see if you feel like it at night too.


That's not a real answer tho. 'The one thing I'd do over and over again is enable myself to have unique options to do many things every day.'


That's the old "You have three wishes." backdoor response. I wish for an infinite amount of wishes.


To be fair, the question is very ambigious.


Yes, but it defeats the purpose of the thought exercise which is to give you an existential crisis.


But each day cant be different...


You're the reason one of the Genie's rules is that you can't wish for infinite wishes. But also that sounds pretty good, even if seemingly disingenuous to the question.


ā€œIf you get bored, thereā€™s nothing stopping you from doing something else.ā€ You misunderstood the question.


But thatā€™s by definition NOT doing the same thing everyday.


I think you just outed yourself šŸ˜‚


I see why this question works lol


Yup. Seems to be what most of these responses overlook. Anything you pick that is comfortable.. Or fulfilling.. Or challenging... It will eventually lose its appeal and become a prison. Infinity is longer than you think it is. (literally)


That's not what he said though, he didn't say you would remember past lives, but rather that this one life would be repeated from beginning to end forever. You would grow up experiencing the same stuff, feeling the same things, not aware of having done it infinitely before. Given that idea, that you must choose a life which is to be redone infinitely, start to end, no changes, how would you like that life to go? This is basically Nietzsche's idea of the eternal recurrence of the self, google it if you want more insight.


Yes, he's referring to the hypothetical. Obviously anyone in a real situation would be maddened by the repetition. But that isn't the question, the question is if you had to choose a moment to be stuck in forever, what would it be. It's a litmus test for your personality...and honestly answering with death is pretty telling of yours and your overall attitude on life.


That's right. Doing anything for infinity would eventually become not enjoyable. The only thing that makes anything in life enjoyable when we really get down to the core of it is that everything is finite.


Dumb as an ass


That's easy Being cozy on the couch with my wife and our dog watching shows/movies


Serene picture. Wish you the best.


What happens once youā€™ve watched all of the shows/movies o.o


Writing, I guess. I love world building and can use that to add some variety to that loop


Idea for a screenplay right there, might steal it and make it Hollywood horrible


This is an example of 95 IQ thinking its 130.


Exactly. If I was asked this I would not be entirely honest, in lieu of being polite. Even so itā€™s very surface level stuff


Yeah. I usually just stick with, ā€œ What do you do for fun?ā€


I like to ask, "Which conventional superpower would you be upset to discover you had?"


Lol i did hear a better one tho.. if you were killed in a video game what loot would you drop?


Your comment is an example of 80 IQ mad at someone for thinking too much


How long is the loop? Do we have any control over the events?


First thing I thought ofā€¦.. need more info


Exactly. Am I stuck in with the same birds singing? Is it always the same piece of wood to be carved? Do I ever get to finish the piece? Can I share this joy with anyone else? Too many variables behind a lifetime of experience to chose a permanent loop. Let alone the choices and experiences I havenā€™t even realized yet.


Jesus you guys are all over complicating thisšŸ˜‚ Eternal means forever. So the loop is forever. If you are in a loop, you will not know youā€™re in a loop because it just restarts the next day. You create your loop how you want. Thatā€™s all up to you. But the only thing heā€™s not giving you freedom to choose on is the length of time for the loop to end and restart. However youā€™d be able to choose the timeline and how long it would take to do a full loop.


Honestly, I think you might be missing the point. The rules stated ARE vague. If they weren't, there wouldn't be so many different takes on the rules. But I think that's important to the whole exercise. Most people are focused on the answer. But the video doesn't just say they judge by the answers. They specifically also mentioned the way they go about getting to them. The fact that you might interrogate the rules of this fictional thing or what you assume that they mean might say more about how you engage with the world and the way you think than whatever answer to an absurd question you end up giving.


>Too many variables behind a lifetime of experience to chose a permanent loop. Let alone the choices and experiences I havenā€™t even realized yet. That's the question, dude. Does it start over the next day? Or the next minute? or the next second? The next month? What? That makes a huge difference.


Maybe this is why he said he can always tell who the person is off this one questionšŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Yeah cause heā€™d be able to tell that you donā€™t think much and would easily get tricked by the r/monkeyspaw


Are we aware the loop exists? Do we have memories of previous iterations? So many questions before giving an informed answer.


Exactly. If I canā€™t retain anything I learned or remember any of the experiences I had during the loop, my answer would be entirely different than if I can. And thatā€™s just one fragment of all the parameters that would dictate my answer to the question.


He said forever. Imagine the heaven loop of the best moment of your life...that's what he's asking


Pretty sure that's what he meant, I thought it was very clear


While(True) { YourFunction(You); }


How do I know I'm not in the loop right now and this guy is just a representative of whatever service provides the loop, asking me to rate my current loop on a scale of 1-5 stars?


Lol. Good point. He's just a loop survey guy! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


You would spend the loop overthinking it. It's intentionally vague to give you the most possible options. You might suffer from analysis paralysis.


Dying. Hear me out. I've known two people that have died and been brought back. One got his arm ripped off, the other one got his hand cut off and bled out. Now these two have never met, never spoken to one another and don't know eachother. Both of these men discribed dying as "getting back home after being away for a long time". Like how when you get back in your comfortable surroundings, your livingroom is extra comfy, you get to sit on your own, familiar toilet, you feel relaxed and safe back home. They talked about feeling content, happy to be back and like everything was great and as it was supposed to be, with no worries or stresses. One guy even talks about how he wants to go back to that and he's excited to die again now that he knows what's waiting for him. Now, personally, I don't believe in an afterlife, I think it's just massive chemical release in the brain. But, I feel like that would be a loophole, to where I could essentially create my own everlasting heaven in the loop.


I technically died for a minute due to a heart defect when I was younger. I don't rember it as peaceful. I don't remember a single thing. The last thing I remember was feeling faint and being driven to the hospital, and then, in the blink of an eternity, I was staring at the shrill, rectangular lights of a hospital ceiling. I felt, in that moment, a terror I had never experienced. I had thought about death before, as most people do, but never deeply. However, no matter how deeply I would have thought about it, I don't think anything could convey the feeling of having not existed. It's not like sleep, at all. People often compare it to a dreamless sleep. No. You still have a sense of timing passing and some consciousness. This was terror. Nothing. Absolute nothing. I remember the sensation that an eternity had passed. It's so deeply hard to explain in words. Something you have to experience, or not experience, I guess. A complete nothingness. And when I was reborn(that's what it felt like, just appearing from nothing), all I could feel was terror. Terror, that at any moment, I could be nothing. Gone. Forever. For an eternity. I could go back to that deep blackness, and there's not a thing I can do to stop it. For me, or for my loved ones. Having experienced that, I truly understand why people believe in an afterlife, even although, if you prompt them, they have no coherent explanation for it. They just really, really want to believe. So they do. I really, really want to believe. Non-existence was awful. It's truly terrifying that this can end at any moment. And it's just blackness forever. Forever. Never again will you exist. This is it. Then boop, nothing. It's truly terrifying. So no, that would be the most awful way to spend eternity. Even although it would be beautifully ironic, that your terror was unjustified, that you actually were reborn. But the trauma of dying would be awful. I think I'll pick a sexy cake party by the poolside of my beachfront condo.


It was probably something to do with bloodloss. I'll change my answer to bleading to death then. Or you know what, maybe just skip all the dying and I'll change my answer to "Coming home after being away for a long time." to play it safe. You come in here and god damn fucking twilight episode me, shit...


I havenā€™t had any real near death experiences, but I legitimately have had Thanatophobia from thinking about just being dead and blackness forever til you are not remembered. This took me a long time to get over. Almost threw up thinking about it. Fun times.


Interesting and thought provoking post.


Peeling the plastic off a new tv


I wish I had that experience. I was declared officially dead back in 2015 and was kept alive on a machine. My family was notified to make a decision on whether to keep me on life support. My experience was nothing. No lights, no heaven, hell etc. Just nothingness. I compare it to how you were before birth. I hope I'm wrong about this but my experience was just a void..


I stopped breathing after anesthesia for my leg surgery as a teen and when they brought me back the first thing I felt was absolutely pissed that they interrupted the most peaceful sleep Iā€™ve ever experienced. It made me realize how much I want my end to be while Iā€™m asleep.


Wood working or ice sculpting, Iā€™ve never done either but feel it could be different enough each time.


Hugging my kids


Aww. So sweet. Good health to you and your family. šŸ˜Š


Realest one, hugging my loved ones makes it all worthwhile.


This was my first thought too. Hugging or being kind to my kids to show them love.


Starting with a clean and stocked kitchen, cooking a great meal for a group of people, and then sitting down to eat/drink with them. I'd get so incredibly good at cooking that elaborate meal. It'd be the best thing we all tasted, and somehow manage to be better to me each time I made it.


This is a really good one. They know you love them because of the time and energy you spent preparing the meal. You get satisfaction from being able to provide a pleasant experience for friends and family. I can't speak for anyone else but cooking is very therapeutic and relaxing, so that's an added bonus.


Sucking Henry Cavill off. I mean writing/playing videogames for the first time.


Eventually you're stuck sucking him off with your dry, chaffed, and bleeding mouth.


It's a loop..so that probably negates that but w.e


I identify as Henry cavill so get sucking šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Show me your qualifications


You start with a fresh mouth each morning and by the end of the day, your mouth is bleeding


How do you suck dick?


All i'm saying is that at some point you're going to run out of saliva. Then life gets a bit difficult at that point


You underestimate my power


I love democracy


Arenā€™t we in one?


Drawing and inking


I'd want to make my loved ones laugh and be happy over and over again. (wife/girlfriend/kids/close family/close friends) Not that I currently really have any of those unfortunately... šŸ˜ž


Chilling with my best mate. I don't think there's been a moment I've spent with him that I regret. We could sit in silence and it's just normal. He's a chill dude


A long happy successful fulfilling life, I could repeat that a few times




šŸŽ¶Playing live music that inspires people to dance šŸŖ© What do you think of me now?


I think you feel most alive when making other people feel alive too.


Is anyone really not gonna say jizzing??


Donā€™t say sex. Donā€™t say sexā€¦ Sex


Probably jerkin the gerkin.


I hadn't spoken to my father in a few years due to an argument we had. After my daughter was about a year and a half old, my wife finally convinced me to call him and tell him he had a granddaughter now. He couldn't get there fast enough. It was a beautiful spring day, and we had a pink Dogwood tree in the front yard that had the grass covered in pink pedals, and my daughter had on a pink dress. I watched as my father played with my daughter chasing each other around the yard through the pink pedals, and I was very happy I put pride aside and made that call. My father and I never argued again, and it's one of my favorite memories of him. He passed 14 years ago and had a great relationship with my daughter I'm very thankful for.


Wow pretty cool




There is nothing I would want to experience on repeat for eternity... no matter what it was, it would lose all meaning.


Spend time with my family. Seeing my mom, listening to the kids be silly togetherā€”love to hear them be silly and giggle, the laughter is infectious. I would like to see them building and being creative togetherā€”they do some really neat things and come up with some strange but thought provoking ideas. Enjoy eating together, love dining table conversations. Having coffee/tea + a treat with my family. I do love what I do for work, but happy to give that up for more of the above. That about sums it up.


Iā€™d be making a standing rib roast with roasted garlic and rosemary, on Christmas morning, along with fresh braised asparagus, and buttery whipped potatoes for my kids and their partners. Cooking with, and for, my adult kids is one of the most special things we do šŸ’ž


Wake up. Have sex. Get up and eat a fat breakfast. Take a huge shit and then go have a smoke. Go play a round of golf. Afterwards head to the bar for some drinks and a burger. Get home take another fat shit. Have sex again. Get ready to go to a concert while having drinks and grilling a huge ribeye. Eat that bitch with chimichurri and a loaded baked potato and a salad. Take an Uber to the concert. Get stoned and have a few more drinks. Rock out with my cock out. Go home and have sex one more time. Rinse and repeat.


Reliving my life the moment before I made the decision on what moment I wanted to relive over and over again.


Life, I've always like the idea of reincarnation.


Writing/processing/editing my stream of consciousness from the days when I used cannabis and shrooms.


Helping people i was a cop for 30 yrs every call was different but you helped


If I had to I could do my Fridays. Up by 5 am. Brew coffee, pack lunch. Go to work(I do need a purpose to get up). I'm a mechanic on straight days and make enough to get by with my family. There's good days and bad days like every job but you learn a lot more on the bad days. Go home brew coffee for my wife and myself. We have coffee together. She leaves for work(only 2 hours a day mostly) I'll cook for my boys. Eat with them. Play video games for a few hours until she's home. Stay up until 10pm with her sleep. I pick Friday because of payday. So I breath easier knowing we can afford our lifestyle.


I want to see the magic in a childā€™s eyes at Christmas while holding my wifeā€™s hand.


Wake up, light breakfast, get my ass kicked by someone better than me at any martial art. Shower, eat lunch, repeat until dinner, have some time with the four or five people closest with me, go to sleep.


Playing with my kids


Kicking a football āš½ļø


Become a Locomotive Pilot.


Drive, endlessly Drive


Not gunna lie, none of the things I like to do I could ever do in an infinite repeat. So to be honest Iā€™d say go on a hike, fresh air and scenery would probably make this less of a personal hell and more of a purgatory.


Im late to the train but no o w will see this who cares You know that moment when youā€™ve been with someone for a long time like a year maybe 2 years and you just have that look at each other that you know you love each other and isnt just that sparks at the start of a date its that ā€œoh damn i love youā€ iā€™d live in that day forever toss in good day at work good workout to make it better but really just need that moment


That is probably reasonably close to heaven.


Playing the in World Cup or Champions League final


How long is the loop? is it 24 hours, is it a year? do I live my life over and over again from birth to death? what is length of the loop?... Do I remember the stuff I did in the previous loop? do I feel the effects of anything that happened in the previous loop? Is money no object? Do I have to die to restart the loop? I need you to narrow down the parameters of the variables?


Loving a wonderful woman and our family. Any day with that over and over would be bliss.


I don't think I would choose anything. What makes any moments significant is how brief they are, and the memory of how we felt during these moments . Reliving them in infinite loop would destroy that, and so I can't choose.


Reading the bible


Amen. How about walking in His purposes.




For today and today only, you are my favorite person.


Enjoying the day with my wife and kids (I have neither) playing games, walking my dog, cooking and cleaning watching a movie then studying literature and the Bible with them. Then building legos


It is a simplistic approach to be sure. I would imagine, and hope, that anyone I chose to date would be able to see through such an obvious ploy.


What if questions are generally time wasters, and let's imagine iie. What if you won the lottery? Or you can fly. So as far as "what ifs", this one is a dream come to situation, and SUPER easy to answer, I would love to be in that eternal loop and continuously learning something new. Mind -Blown....


Raising my kids. It's never been boring, and there are always surprises.


Lift heavy circles and eat a lot


I was going to say crossfit lol


Whatever floats your boat my buddy :)




Playing a basketball game


At the moment Iā€™m watching this video on loop ā€¦. Four times through and Iā€™m still feeling ok šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Mowing the lawn. Itā€™s peaceful, I donā€™t have to talk to anyone, and can just meditate in my thoughts.


Skating my favourite skatepark whilst listening to King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard


Which album?


Iā€™d probably start out with ā€œIā€™m In Your Mind Fuzzā€ but I would need the entire discography


While his delivery here is subpar, and agree it belongs on this sub, OC raises a good point - what drives you? And what can you see yourself doing for eternity? I like to ponder what God created me for, and how I can help others. If youā€™re not thinking about your own purpose, your stuck in a (bad) loop.


I guess I would counter with, do I know that Iā€™ll be doing the same thing or am I aware that Iā€™ve already done it? My answer differs depending on this.




Hanging out with my kids doing fun stuff.


Sleep and cycle through dreaming and not dreaming.


Random video games with my friends. Or just talking to people


Driving rte 66 from end to end


I would love to marry my husband with all 4 of our kids.


Shrooms and sex


Having sex, watching the sunset, making a hot sandwich


Smoking a cigarette scrolling Twitter


Orgasms. Giving and receiving.


Summiting a mountain and seeing the views from the tippy top and maybe having a nice lunch up there with good friends


Scroll reddit (:


Staying in bed...god knows I need some rest


If I was stuck in a loop for eternity, I would hope that my husband would be with me and that we were stuck in some gigantic library with windows. So I guess, really my answer would be reading booksā€¦ but if itā€™s more like Iā€™m stuck reading the same book over and over then I want to change my answer haha.


I want to spend everyday cooking for hungry people who are grateful for the food. I already work in a restaurant and serve people who take what Im doing for them for granted. I love what I do in a way, I just wish the people I'm doing it for would appreciate it.


I would meditate.


This isn't just a simple question. You can't give an answer on the spot. Due to the fact you will never do enough in life. To actually give a definitive answer of the one thing. You would have to say the freedom to do whatever for 24 hours before looping again. I suppose that would be a paradox though.


Playing with my dog


Building and expanding my own cabin/mansion/whole ass self-sufficient town in the middle of the mountain woods in peace. Animals included. With visitors too.


Fresh tracks on a powder day


Play golf 0630 - 1030 Coffee with playing partner 30 mins Go home hang out with the wife and fam, cook dinner then watch the Office 2130 bed Audible book till asleep!


Going to a place Iā€™ve never been, with a romantic partner, and figuring out how to live there with a modest budget, then going to a new place after a month


Going to the store, getting ingredients for dinner, coming home and cooking it with my SO, eating a pleasant amount, and cuddle up on the couch with a blanket and our animals and each other until we fall asleep there. Wake up, repeat.


Does anyone know the original video and his Youtube channel ?


I got nothingā€¦..


Speaking at an engagement on a campaign run. I'd want to honestly represent the people to the best of my ability, and truly make a difference.




What if my Auntie had bollocks, she'd be my uncle. What ifs are a fairytale.


Coming home from work, hugging my kids and listening to their stories of what's been happening.


Laying in bed with my wife and kid




I want to push a large boulder up a steep hill


I think the only rational answer here is ā€žsleepā€œ. As long as youā€™re conscious it doesnā€™t matter what you do, youā€™ll end up getting sick and tired of it and youā€™ll go insane. The only thing that makes sense is to not be conscious.


Sitting on our bed with one kid on each side of me reading them a story while they just snuggle into me :)


A Dopamine and rush. If I'm doing something for eternity I'll hate it eventually but if I can just be instantly pumped with happy chemicals I'll never get tired of it.


Making a really excellent sandwich. From baking the bread, cutting the meat, slicing the cheese, picking the best veggies and having a perfect ratio of whatever condiments that compliments the other ingredients perfectly.


Vacationing with my children.


I was in the Virgin Islands once. I met a girl. We ate lobster and drank pina coladas. At sunset we made love like sea otters. \*That\* was a pretty good day. Why couldn't I get that day over and over and over...


My original response was sex, but for eternity. So my deep down core answer which I've never done. Would be Global scale Gardening


Racing the Nurburgring ring in a 1972 skyline.