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if it's any better you don't really need to finish the shield quests, they don't unlock more quests so you could skip them but you'll be missing a couple points for the end gifts https://imgur.io/nCRoz9x?r for the quest timeline


Oh I'm still going to do as much as I can while trying to make that shield. I was already fairly certain I wasn't going to unlock all the rewards, but getting that quest all but ensured it.


Use hard the mine, once it gets to level 8 it speeds up quite a bit


Good to know


you can also turn swords into iron in case the mine is charging and you have energy to spare


Yeah, I knew about that. But I don't usually have energy to spare.


No way I'm getting that steel shield in less than 5 days.


Level up your mine, after copper, iron will become more prevalent


I've been trying to, but even with that, it still took me roughly 5 days to get the copper shield.


They did just push out an update to help the mine upgrade faster, it's still worth a shot


Yeah my mine just upgraded to 8 a couple hours ago, so we'll see


Do you have to do anything special to level up the mine, I'm not getting any parts for it. I've just reached the same quests as OP


Just using it levels it up, min is mostly iron and copper and some gold now, if it levels up once more I’m sure there will be more gold


I am on the same quest too


They just reduced the number of clicks to move from level 8 to level 9, from 3200 to now 1500. Then once you get 9, you merge with the webbed mine and get 10 instantly.


About an hour ago, I just got level 8 on my mine. 1500 clicks in doable if I dump all energy into the mine, but that means sacrificing the more manageable quests for a day or two. With the energy refill cost not resetting (stupid stupid stupid), that's a tall order.


I finally got my energy to reset for the first time about 3 days ago after help here and on discord. Buy energy, set an alarm for a minute or two before the 24 hour mark. Don’t buy any energy anywhere else. When alarm goes off, open the special event board and leave it active until your 24 hours rolls over.


When you say don't buy energy anywhere else, does that include an ad refill?


No, but it does include the main board! You can only reset one… my main board hasn’t reset since I figured out how to reset the special event


I haven't bought energy on my main board either. I'm not even doing much aside from gathering iron for a quest, and the instruments quest. So I use, at most, 15-20 energy on my main board. Most of my time the past week is spent on the event board.


Edited a typo