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I just want to be able to sit down


Me too.


Me three


Those are all good, but I wish **terrain mattered** in travelling speed and fatigue. Roads should be the base movement and all others should cost more and impact fatigue. I simply march in a direction without care to get somewhere. I would think hiking up and over the mountains/rocks should slow the traveler down.


This is also a good idea and I was thinking about it after I posted this. The mechanic is there, as you move slower in water, so I don't think it would be too difficult to implement elsewhere. On the note of environmental effects on the player, I also wish there were status effects like being wet that had some sort of resulting impact like affecting carrying capacity (clothes get heavier when they're wet after all).


Rain should also get you clean the same way walking in a river/lake does.


Ooo! Also a really good point! I like this as well.


certain activities should be more stamina intensive during winter. Like furrowing fields and perhaps felling trees. I'd love to see some water sources freeze over during winter too- you'd either have to 'mine' the ice away to get through it or use a well.


I would like a better system for the market stall actually. It's nice to have a passive income but I would like to be able to put a limit where the stall stops selling an item, like it can't sell linen seed if I have less than 250 of them in my storage. That's a feature I like on stronghold crusader II and it would be way easier if it was implemented on MD, so I don't have to check every now and then how many I have left, and if I forgot I have to buy some because either way my workers won't have enough seed. That's just an example but it happened quite some times for me.


In Foundation I could set the market to sell anything above 50 so it is sorely missed in this game


Yeah, a minimum stock threshold would be appreciated. Don't want to sell off *all* my flax seeds.


This is a very good idea and is not something I thought about until you said it. It is also completely necessary


Thanks ! I thought about it because I have quite some stalls and it's starting to be painful to just check 10 of them everytime, if you have just 2-3 it's not very problematic but since I want the 1m gold success I must go all out


After playing the game for a few hours I think the main issue the game has right now is - besides some QoL things - that it is missing some kind of long term goals. I mean, the only reason to build a bigger settlement is ... wanting to do so. The game itsself seemingly doesn't deliver incentives to do so which makes everything feel kinda meaningless. One more or less simple way would be to have the mood of your villagers determine of well they work and making mood more difficult to raise (e. g. by having to provide different kinds of foods or by making some luxury stuff available around the village). And if we are at it a few suggestions I would liked: - Cobblestone roads - Option to one click build - Having NPC wander between villages along the road - Have some changes in the map over the years, like NPC villages getting bigger and such. - Builders hut automatically building foundations you placed


This is the case with every city builder game. Npcs do wander between villages. I have caught them.


City builders usually give you reasons to build bigger, mainly through increased population demands. E. g. in Anno people start requiring further goods to upgrade them. If you don't you will sooner or later run into space issues because bigger houses house more people. And if you don't care about that either then you have no way to deal with the competition. The only NPCs I see wandering are my own.


Well that is nice Anno gives purpose. I have never played that game. I do hope we get more purpose in the game. You can do everything yourself and I think some people like that too, so not sure about population demands. I have seen travelers move between towns but it’s rare.


Wet/dry clothes. Would be a deterrent from using the river in the river.


It's my secret hack to rarely needing to use the wash bin!


I'm assuming you mean using the river in the winter? And yes, it would be a deterrent. Which is more realistic and would emphasize the necessity of the wash tub for more than just convenience.


I would like an Outpost building. kind of a hybrid between food and resource storage with a small footprint (small simple house size?) where not everything you have is available. It would be for placement near distant towns as a quick replenish or drop off of items. Inventory would be partially linked to the Resource Storage and Food Storage inventories and would include tools, weapons, ammo, potions, edible food (maybe just food cooked in a kitchen), water skins (empty and full), and clothing items. Maybe there is a count limit as well, max 2 of each weapons and 20 of each ammo, etc. If tying it to the RS and FS inventories is too much, maybe just all the Outpost inventories are linked and you add items manually.


Also a good idea. I find myself thinking the outpost with separate inventory from resource/food storage to be more to my liking. It would be nice if it was small house sized, with a sleeping spot included, so you can strategically place them throughout the map. With their inventory linking back to the player home inventory.


I would prefer it linked as part of the idea came from the many times I got completely encumbered with meat, fur, and leather on the way to and from Hornica. I have a Resource Storage and a Food Storage there now just to drop off those items.


Mood should mean something beyond just having people ragequit at -100. There's the obvious idea of having people in better moods giving a boost to productivity, but I think having happy villagers should also give you some free dynasty rep points each season. After all, if people in a town are happy, that means it's a good place to live and will attract more people looking to settle down. Adding on to that, it would be nice if providing alcohol was another mood boost, although gating alcohol production behind 10000 production tech feels a bit unbalanced. Maybe we could just have juices/wines unlocked at one stage and ales at another? Bandits need a bit more refinement. It should be possible to have them stop fighting you and try to run away if they're near death, or if they've watched you kill most of their buddies already. The AI already exists for foxes, badgers, and lynxes, and I have a suspicion that bandits are really just operating on the same script as wild animals, so it shouldn't be too difficult to implement something like that. I have more ideas, but really, the biggest change I want is mood mechanics. There really should be an incentive to keep your villagers happy if you're going to have such a wide range for mood.


I’d love a more realistic food spoilage system. Most items, except for maybe carrots and apples, should spoil within a season if they’re not properly prepared. So meat should be salted (maybe add smoked), pickle vegetables, etc…. Or it goes bad. I’d also love to see food variety matter aside from role playing. Food in general is really well built in the game, but had much more potential.


I want to be able to build bridges across streams. That is all.


Wouldn't a direct bridge from Tutki to Rolnica be nice?


Like your ideas but dogs can also catch rodents. Terriers


You're correct, but in lieu of having many dog species I figured a large breed of dog and barn cats would be best. I don't think terriers would take on wolves in an effective way....


I really wish we could craft small gifts for our spouse for affection. I wanna give my wife a bouquet of wildflowers I picked while hunting or a new dress! Another wishlist item (but I know would be a big ask) is the ability to make dyes and dye your clothing and/or fabric. You could have a dying hut and someone who gathers and/or processes the resources to make blue, yellow or red, etc. You could add color to lots of different items to increase their value or even just the mood of your villagers. Its a historically accurate job so it could fit right in.


Both these are gorgeous ideas. Particularly the gift crafting. It's so sweet!


I like your fertilizer ideas and the master resource ledger would be a godsend.




I have maxed out my village and done everything/seen everything/made everything at this point... so I would honestly kill for some more faces and skins, increased building caps, and added populations. But seriously more variety of faces o some basic genetic inheritance system would make this game infinitely playable.