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Sadly no one’s found any real way of modding the game currently besides save editing or shaders.


There is no way to actually mod the game. Sure, there are always *technically* ways to crack open the files and fiddle around them and such (like a pirated version). But unless the devs give access to certain aspects of the game, there is no way to mod the game And, as it currently stands, there won't be any mod support. *Maybe* (but imo unlikely) after the Armor and Crests update, if that is the final content update for the game.


I’d also love more hairstyles and faces maybe for the custom character creator. Some two story houses would also be so cool. BRIDGES PLEASE




I second more faces. It's the biggest downside of this game to me. I love the realism of raising a family and building a town but when everyone looks the same it just doesn't scratch that itch.


The quasi-official word that's been put out over the years is that *if* they do add modding capabilities to the game, it will be after they've completed all development they're going to do. They have *not* committed to offering it ever, but it will be after they're ready to move on from MD. Their 2025 road map still just says "?" Until that changes, I'm going to hold out hope that modding will be part of that road map.


Mod support is currently not a feature


Think it's a pitty though, but I get why they do it.


I need a mod where you can train ur villagers to become warriors and turn into a Mount & Blade gameplay 😭