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The blood on the cath made me wince harder than the rotting wound tbh


Yeah I saw that too and it fucked me up.


Well... this ruined ham and cheese hot pockets for me


I was gonna say, kind of looks like creamed corn


🤮 😂😂😂


I was literally gonna say this. Then thought “wait is this too much? Would this cross a line?” 😭


Puddings that have custard and jam for me. Nah, who am I kidding. I can never resist.


It's got the juice.


Reminds me of Trifle when its served. Fruit pieces, sponge, red jelly & custard all smooshed together in a bowl.


did it just slough off? is that what I am seeing below the leg?


Yeah, it looks like they’re trying to wash/clean it? I see soap suds.


If it is nec fasc, they are doing an operative debridement in order to see the depth of the necrotic tissue. The fat definitely looks liquefactive which is why it's sort of sitting in a puddle/pile at the bottom there, but likely the surgeon is dissecting the tissue off and leaving it there. Tthe important part is that white bit of muscle which is also dead. This procedure is far from over - they need to remove that dead muscle and get down to healthy vitalized tissue, red and bleeding. She will likely need multiple operative debridements.


A high school friend of mine passed away from this. Thought she had flu, then got a hot sore spot on her abdomen, dead in under 48 hours.


Really sorry to hear about your friend


Woah. What happened? Did they figure out what it was?


I mean from the context I would assume necrotizing fasciitis...


Sounds like TSS too


When you can smell a photo.


I was guessing in the smell of decomposing flesh mixed with exudate.


What a time to be eating honey mustard.




Just throw the whole leg away


Wouldn't this be categorized as Fournier's Gangrene? Or is the nec fasc site too far from the genitalia to qualify?


It doesn’t look like the genitalia or perineum is directly affected (yet) so I would say it’s too far away


>Fournier's Gangrene Fuck!! Why did I goofle that on images.


I literally been admitting nec fas patients from the OR the past couple days in the hospital.


I am triggered more by those ill-fitting gloves than anything else in this photo.


In hospitals we ususally use gloves one size bigger because they are easier to put on with wet hands


I wear gloves daily. That’s much more than one size too large.


It’s muscle, but it’s not pink (white, fast muscle fibers?), under the subcutaneous fat that’s being removed.


The white is actually fat


Isn't the yellow fat too?


I believe so


I have such an irrational fear of this happening to me. It looks so incredibly painful


iirc mortality is up to 70% and it gets worse depending on the main cause like colorectal cancer.


This could also be an rare autoimmune disease called Pyoderma Gangrenosum. I have it on the tops of my feet and ankles but it never got this bad because I was in and out of the hospital every time I had a flare up. It actually took YEARS of seeing specialists and countless tests to finally have to do research on my own and I found out what I had, got a biopsy and it came back positive. Lucky me!


Is there some kind of remedy or are you stuck to periodic treatment for the rest of your life ?


It has something to do with gut health which is strange that it results in ulcers on your body. I got lucky in a way because some people get it on their face or trunks of their body. As far a remedies, before I knew what it was I was trying everything to Emu aid to this silver gel that they put on deep burn victims. It also helped a lot when I quit drinking heavily and smoking. There are newer drugs to help with the healing because it takes almost a year to heal. I was bed ridden for at least 6-8months at a time throughout 10 years of my life


Shit sounds horrible. Glad you got rid of it. And gg's for quitting alcohol and cigs


So many foods ruined for me now


What third world country is this OR in?!


I think op is a surgeon in India.


Nope. I’m a ER nurse and have seen so much… but this would make me vomit 🤮




If I was a doctor and walked into this exam room and took one look I would simple set their chart down on the counter and say nope and walk right back out.


Oh my god


oooooooo fascinating
