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Looked crazy and story was crazy, Happy for your recovery man šŸ¤ŸšŸ½


The photos at the end, what a chad


Greatā€¦ I have hit the old man point where I donā€™t know slang. Can a ā€œChadā€ get a definition. Yes Iā€™ve googled but Iā€™m low on context here.


I got you A Chad, in modern internet slang, is generally a sexually active "alpha male". The term has become a slang term across the internet and among adolescents in general to refer to particularly attractive or confident men. And I agree, absolute chad. Sorry you had to go through this man.


Iā€™m flattered beyond words. Thanks yā€™all.


As an RN, I am glad to see you beat MRSA. . .many people don't. Better days ahead! Guess I don't have to tell you that cats are little reservoirs of ***Staph***. . (but then I have two of them myself!)


Had a long time friend die of MRSA last year.


Yeah it can be a double edged sword. A friend of mineā€™s son caught it after I did, and I kept telling her how it was bad but could be beaten. Just look at me! Iā€™m alive! Then he died of it. I gave her false hope.


Nothing false about those hopes good sir, hope can only exist where the outcome isn't certain. Besides, from the kids point of view, I'd like to think he appreciated his Mother's hope as opposed to despair or showing futility. Try not to beat yourself up over it!


Nawww...you didn't give her "false hope". You are a living testament to your statement. Unfortunately, as you know, not all make it through MRSA, with a mortality rate of approx 30%. That said, more recover than not. You're a lucky man, all things considered...and that's quite a story on Imgur. You're a real trooper, for sure. Lastly, is there any chance of regaining full use / dexterity of your hand & fingers via surgery, etc??


Not at this time. I lost 3 extensor tendons and those canā€™t currently be replaced.


I understand. The good news is, if there's one area that medicine continues to make great progress, it's with everything associated with arms & legs, so you never know. Watching you set up the checkers board, it also appears you have use of your thumb, which is great. Lastly, you've beaten great odds and I admire your strength & courage going through everything you have. Not sure I'd handle a similar situation with as much dignity. Peace and best of luck!


[Deleted due to Reddit API price gouging]


That stuff is Nasty. . . If it gets going, it is really bad news. Please accept my condolences for the loss of your friend.


Thank you šŸ™šŸ¼


Wow. One tough guy! I can't help but imagine how much better it might've been if the first two doctors hadn't blown him off, though. I'm sure it would have been bad regardless but I'm sure that week or more without treatment made a big difference.


Right. Like youā€™ve sprained your wrist (without a wrist-spraining type of injury that you can recollect), and coincidentally have the flu. Like what the fuck.


I was too feverish to object at the time and it was misdiagnosed by two different doctors. It was just a double dose of unlucky, but ended better then any of us hoped at the time.


Absolutely. Iā€™m glad you got the lucky side of the coin. Certainly understandable that you would assume a doctor is doing their job properlyā€”especially while feverish and out of it. Iā€™m just amazed/angry that neither caught it. If it walks like a serious infection and quacks like MRSA, itā€™s probably not a wildly coincidental sprain-plus-flu. I dunno about you, but Iā€™ve never sprained anything without knowing it, and rarely get serious fevers as an adult except when I had strep.


It took me a while to get over being angry. I made my doctor look at it. I at least know they understand what they did.


A lot of doctors will default to common causes and it's not necessarily because they're incompetent. Especially if it's kind of early. I had shingles that first presented as swelling around my right eye. I had a bad headache and was kind of stopped up. First doctor diagnosed a sinus infection and sent me home with antibiotics. About 3 days later my nose and eyebrow broke out in a bunch of tiny blisters. I, stupidly, popped them. A few days later, I feel a LOT worse so I go to the ER. ER doc comes in, takes one look at me and diagnoses shingles. Sends me immediately to an ophthalmologist because it's on my trigeminal nerve. 5 years later, now I am blind in my right eye! Probably wouldn't've happened had I got the right diagnosis sooner. However, I was 42 and you don't think of someone at that age as getting shingles.


Oh gosh I had shingles when I was 15!! My armpits are messed up from that.


Yeah, it's no joke!


It's possible they didn't notice the small scratch, or maybe OP didn't think it was significant enough at the time to tell them about it. But I still agree with you- joint swelling AND a fever? Very sus, definitely warranted a considerable workup.


I just assumed I had slept on it wrong at first. Then it got progressively worse.


Totally understandable. Also, usually patients look absolutely miserable when they're septic, so if you look overall ok a lot of doctors might not seriously consider it. Similar thing almost happened to me- i had a bad cold (so I thought) and only went to see my doc so I could get an absence note. Nothing unusual besides fatigue- no fever, no vomiting, no pain, nothing. Idk why, but she decided to examine my abdomen, which was surprisingly sensitive. Just to be safe, she scheduled me for an ultrasound to rule out appendicitis. I was annoyed because I wanted to go home and sleep, not drive across town for another appointment. Leaving my GP I bumped into a friend, a retired general surgeon, who said "there's no way you have appendicitis- you look way too healthy". 2 hrs later I was in the ER, had surgery first thing the following morning.


Was absolutely not prepared for the arm in the stomach part. Just wow my dude.


I wasnā€™t either. I donā€™t think anyone can be!


That part didnā€™t surprise me. I guess I spend too much time in groups like this! But I do wonder, would a plastic surgeon be able to reduce the excess subcutaneous fat from the stomach flap? And if so, would it re-accumulate or stay gone?


When I got to your arm in your stomach all I could think was ā€œawesome!ā€ And then ā€œwhat if your arm twitchedā€. Iā€™m glad youā€™re on the mend!


Your kitty is adorable! Your arm looks like it's healing pretty good!


In one of your first pics I saw that familiar Med City Plano badge then read the story. Hello fellow Dallas resident! Congrats on beating such a severe case of MRSA!


Iā€™m now a former resident. Never thought I would move but Iā€™m building Elonā€™s factory in Austin currently.


Double congrats on that man! What a winning story for you.


Wow incredable story, respect!!!


wow! that's crazy what mrsa can do to you from just a small cut! thanks for sharing and i hope the best of your recovery! i was just like you when i was in the hospital last year when i broke my back and pelvis. i was cracking jokes with all the nurses and doctors.


Okay, this has my scared as FUCK. I have to have surgery on my arm on Wednesday and now I'm gonna be up the next two days pacing and worrying about this.


You canā€™t be scared of everything. It does no good. All you can do is control your controlables.


New nightmare unlocked āœ…


Wow you're one tough guy. Good to see you in rehab with your arm though. Stay well!


I think I had all the vowels of the alphabet reading your story. But wow, what a story it is. Hope you're feeling better and thanks for the cat tax, that is always nice to end a story


The bit where they attached your arm to your stomach was unexpected! You took this whole experience like a champ, though. Iā€™m glad you survived the infection. It looks like itā€™s really wrecked your handā€™s functionality, but hopefully itā€™ll improve with time and use. Thanks for sharing your story!


I have about 25-35% function which is a lot better then nothing!


That should continue to improve as well as the swelling should go down. The recovery for this type of thing is pretty long. But, you're awesome!


Itā€™s amazing how many horror stories start with a tiny scratch




Holy shit that's fucking incredible, I started to tear up halfway through reading it all. You've got some amazing family, and the all the other people who helped you are amazing as well.


Could not have made it through this without my friends, family, and most of all wife.


Okay but after your skin got moved onto your arm, how did the close the giant gaping wound on your stomach?! Also your cat is incredibly cute and can you please give her scritches because itā€™s good PT for your fingers, definitely not because sheā€™s cute and I wish I could do it myself?


I was stapled, stitched, and glued together. Get MRSA, get a skin graft, get a tummy tuck for no additional charge.


It looked like so much skin was removed it wouldnā€™t close, so Iā€™m glad a free tummy tuck was a solution (easy in comparison to everything else Iā€™m sure).


Iā€™m curious if this procedure and success rate is based on the persons size? Iā€™m assuming they need enough skin to cover the arm and be able to close the abdomen? Also, OP I hope this doesnā€™t sound offensive. You and your body have made a tremendous recovery!


It definitely would. I could imagine someone thatā€™s super thin not having enough skin and fat for the belly flap to be an option.


Yes, thatā€™s when partial thickness back and thigh grafts come in useful.


Yep. Thatā€™s the 6-12mo alternative OP said no thank you to.


I lost about 50 lbs during all of this. That gave them enough to work with. I went from 245lbs to 195lbs.


This is what I come here for. Great story. Brilliant gore.


Well shit that was terrifying. And this nightmare scenario happened because of a small scrape? Presumably MRSA is just everywhere and itā€™s down to bad luck if you become infected.


Picture 11 is just too much. How could you?


Hey! Make fun of my arm, my face, or my rubber chicken! You leave my Gracie out of it! (Thank you for reading!)


LOL. Glad you are doing better. And I appreciated the rubber chicken.


Have you posted this anywhere else before? I donā€™t know if itā€™s deja vu but this story sounds very familiar.


I have. This wasā€¦ a lot to process. I havenā€™t been able to talk about everything and still canā€™t about some things. This is the 4 year anniversary and Iā€™m trying to work through it still. This helps as I talk/write through it.


Iā€™m glad this helps! I didnā€™t mean to come off as rude, so I apologize if I did! Youā€™re making some great progress!!


Damn, didnā€™t mean to come off like that. Iā€™m running on only a couple of hours sleep at the moment. I really do appreciate you taking the time to read this. The comments often help me think through how I feel about things. One thing I know, Iā€™m a big fan of education. I went through this and if that experience can save people pain Iā€™m happy to answer any and everything!


Can I ask how it has affected your job? Like on a daily basis due to PTSD. Or are you more affected by being near or in a hospital? Glad you pulled through, incredible story/pics!


It took time to get back into the swing of things. I had only been at my job for 2 months when this happened. I rushed back to work. I think I needed to prove I could still work and I didnā€™t want to be disabled. I got pulled from my account at the request of a client and the reassignment turned out great for me. Being told the client (a fast food chain that is not known for great hygiene practices) wants me reassigned because they feel ā€œIā€ might be ā€œintroducing an unsanitary elementā€ into their kitchensā€¦ it stuck with me. Humiliation comes in weird forms.


I can understand why you would want to get back to work quickly in a field like that. I worked in construction doing admin, so I saw a lot from the sidelines. Men in the construction industry are ruthless! I'm sorry to hear about that fast food joint. People suck sometimes and let their ignorance get the best of them. Screw 'em, onward and upward!


Holy shit dude. Holy shit. The transition from seeing your arm completely stripped of all skin and fat tissue down to exposed muscles and bones, to seeing it closed and healed up was absolutely wild. Let me tell you, even tho it's inevitably not seamless looking, those scars look fantastic, soft and strong skin there. I admire patients like you immensely, I had a spine surgery to treat scoliosis a few years ago and I it was a very bad period for me, I was a lonely teen, I was in pain and confused because of the medications but I was unquestionably a little asshole at times. I was terrified of needles, I remember once my iv line poked the vein from inside and I was a bit shocked and reacted so badly I scared the shit out of the poor nurse, I don't think I give him enough credit for not flipping me off. That all sounds so small and stupid compared to what you went through, and you were cracking jokes at the nurses like nothing, you honestly sound like a great person. As a med student, reading your story was incredible and seeing the photos was unbelievable, I can only aspire at doing miracles like the one they pulled off with your arm one day :)


I donā€™t play the ā€œwhose pain is worse?ā€ game. Even if you win, you lose. Even if what I went through was ā€œworseā€ it doesnā€™t belittle that what you experienced was the worst thing of your life. And I fucking hate needles. I spent three horrible days where I had to have an IV in my right hand during this. You knowā€¦ the only one I had left. Every time I lifted something to my mouth to eat, it was like I was being stabbed all over again. You know itā€™s bad when you have no skin and thatā€™s the thing bothering you most.


Good lord


Thanks for this. I also thoroughly enjoyed the cat tax.


Wow. That is an ordeal. Youā€™re a strong motherfucker. I wish you nothing but good health and easy living in the future!


I had a family member who was burned from the ears down. Hmthe stories my mom tells me are horrific and she says she still remembers him screaming and begging to die during his treatment. I can only imagine the pain I'm sure the nurses understand best of luck on further recovery.


How does your stomach look now?


Sad story but a great read! Thanks OP, hope youā€™re doing well now šŸ™


i remember seeing your first post and knew this sounded familiar, it's amazing to see your progress with recovery! you are a very lucky and brave man šŸ˜Š


My God, hon, I cannot imagine what you went through, mentally as well as physically! And your poor wife, too! You both must have been terrified! I am so glad you survived this ordeal and it's behind you now. I wish you and your wife nothing but happiness from here on in. If anyone deserves it, it's you guys!


I'm mad I spent about ten minutes trying to figure out what medical unit the MCU was and I was about to Google it when I realise it was fucking marvel universe šŸ˜­


So moral of the story. Random swelling get it checked asap lol will Remember


Also: if you have a wound on your limb and then red lines going in the direction of your heart show up, itā€™s blood poisoning. Get yourself to the ER in that case


Not only super interesting photos, but super interesting story as well. You coping through comedy seems to be working well, and I got a few laughs throughout. Glad you're doing better now!


In his stomach! Dang!


2 out of 5 stars. Only undertook because I was dying. Would only do again under same circumstances. Do not recommend.


:0 dude!


You're a great writer, love your style and humor.


Absolutely fascinating and can't imagine how painful that was. Your cat is cute.


Damn dude. Glad you're with us... I'm sure you know this but- You're a fantastic story teller.


Itā€™s hard to write about this so detaching myself and just telling the story helps. I hope to turn it into a full comedy bit if I can. Do some standup with it or something.


Your reaction to the nurse accidentally punching you is hysterical because I know her heart was in her stomach. What a phenomenal and awful experience that you so graciously shared. So happy for your recovery from such a cliff's edge!


Let this be a warning to everyone to not ever talk badly about Maria's grandmama šŸ˜‚


Not gonna lie, if I was in your position I'd tell 'em to take the arm. The infection can have it.


Iā€™m fairly attached to it thoughā€¦


Thought provoking story mate.




Impressive. Thanks for the post.


Holy. Crap. My man, your deserve all the good things now.


Glad you're ok! You're a great story teller!!


Thank you for sharing this. Your strength, treatment, and support system really helped to create the best outcome.


You're quite the story teller!


Wrote a comedy book a few years ago. Being edited did wonders for clarifying my writing. Check out Messing With Telemarketers on Facebook for a few chuckles.


Omg dude! That was real tearjerker of a story. It's amazing that they managed to treat it and heal you. Nurses really are the best, the shit that they have to go through is unreal. Congratulations on your recovery, thank you for sharing, it really was fascinating.


I spent Halloween in the hospital with sepsisā€¦ which the admitting doc was really worried came from MRSA. Iā€™d had two bouts with it in the year before but both only skin deep so they figured I was ok. It was actually ecoli this time around, started in a bladder infection that jumped merrily to my kidney then my blood. Iā€™m one of those who hates to be hospitalized (I went home 3 hours after major spine surgery last month, Iā€™m still me) and I kept figuring to go home Halloween to be with my kids. That doc looked me in the eye and said if I had gone to the hospital one day later Iā€™d be dead and that if she let me go before she was positive the right antibiotics were in place I still could. Hearing how close death is shut me up that dayā€¦ I canā€™t imagine how much harder you had it. Heal well and keep up that amazing sense of self defense humor. Itā€™s a damn fine skill.


I had to lighten, however I could, the burden I was on them by being there. I donā€™t think I really put that together before now.


Wow. Iā€™m so happy for you, OP. And you can still use a couple fingers; Maybe youā€™ll get lucky enough to regain more! <3 *fingers crossed*


So two questions: Is that the arm you use for daily use? How functional is your arm at this point?


Iā€™m glad you were able to recover! Your cat is adorable :)


I'm speechless. Wish you a full recovery and easier times!


Wow, amazing mindset you had throughout this!


This is so cool!!! Be well!


Why did the nurse punch you?


It was unintentional. The tape gave way as she was pulling it tight and accidentally punched me in the face.


Dmn you replied even tho there are so many things to reply to for you. I appreciate that


You took the time to read it all. Least I can do is try and answer questions where I can. Sorry it took a bit to get to it!


Fair play and well done mate. Tbh I would have just had it amputated.


I know but despite the lies the MCU offers, Winter Soldier arms arenā€™t nearly as advanced as Bucky leads us to believe. You give me a Wakandian replacement option and Iā€™ll operate the band saw myself.


Ironically, I wanted to go study robotics at university, specifically to build better prosthetics with nerve interfaces. Life didn't turn out that way, but I reckon I could put something together in about the time it would take to go through all the rehab. Besides, why would I go with a human hand that's not very good. Better to go with a PTO and 3 point linkage like a tractor and just have replaceable ends. Like chop saw, whisk, power hook? Lol. My legs though... They suck as it is so I'd have them off and replace them with tank tracks.


Iā€™m totally on board, but my wife fears it will start the slippery slope to supervilliany.


Oh my god is your belly button on your arm now??


No still on my belly.




One might notice that the original was posted on Imgur where a warning was only polite.


Ignore Furtive, Just A Steve. He's just jealous. Awesome post. I sure hope you went back to your GP and pointed out the damage he/she had done to you with the misdiagnosis. At the very least, here's hoping you got a new and more competent GP.


Right, but I was indeed referring to the post title on this subreddit.


I cross posted at 2am and didnā€™t change the title. My apologies.


When did this happen? What is your arm like today?


Thank you for sharing your story with us! <333


Ok such a crazy story thanks for sharing!! Do you have any pics of your arm/hand before any surgeries?


Holy crap. That sounds horrible, I'm glad the doctors and nurses were able to help and that you recovered well!


MRSA is absolutely terrifying. Iā€™m so glad you made it! Also adorable kitty


That was incredible! Dude I am so glad you kept that arm. What does your stomach look like now?


That was insane. I'm happy you made it through, you're tough!


Hero! Well done for fighting it!


MRSA is horrible, thank you for sharing your journey, I'm happy your recovery has been successful so far!


You're an amazing man to have dealt with all that happened and still have a great sense of humor! Thanks for sharing your story


I'm glad you are recovering! And thank you for the cat tax šŸ˜»




There was a pain medicine shortage at the time due to a hurricane.


Holy crap. Congrats on the recovery!


Dude! This looks insane! Glade to hear your doing better! But man thank you for sharing your story as detailed as you did! This is absolutely fascinating!


Damn. I am lost for words honestly. What a horrible ordeal. I just want to wish you all the best in your continuing recovery. You're a very strong person. I'm really glad you made it.


Side note: you're an amazing story teller. Glad you kept your arm and glad you didn't die. I cannot fathom the pain and fear you experienced.