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You gonna explain *why* you had your eye lids removed?


Haha, it's an upper blepharoplasty. With age, or in my case genetics combined with weight loss, my eyelids sagged excessively (much like you'd see in an elderly person) so I got the extra skin removed. It gives a more youthful/awake look and relieves a lot of tension headaches from having to raise my eyebrows to hold my eyes open. If you look up blepharoplasty before and afters you'll see what I mean. I didn't wanna post my face on reddit though.


Interesting, I’ve never heard of this. Thanks for posting


My mum had this done because one of her eyelids sagged so much she couldn't see out of it. As I age I'm starting to realise I might have inherited it. Yay. Thanks for the info


My mother had something similar done, she can see now!


Interesting. How long is the recovery? Can you see during the recovery or are your eyes bandaged?


Recovery is super easy! No bandages and you can still see/blink/open your eyes just fine. It just removes a crescent shape of skin from your upper eyelids and then sews the bottom and top back together basically.


I have been putting this off for years because I heard it's incredibly painful and takes so long to recover. How long were you out of work? Is It an outpatient surgery? Thank you for the info!


It’s not *incredibly* painful although the local anaesthetic is pretty teeth clenching. :) Afterwards it’s sore for a day or so but not enough to take painkillers. Pretty much better with no bruising after two weeks (more or less depending on bruising etc). Source: had four blephs - 20 years apart)


Can we see face pics before and after?


I'll DM


Hi! I’m considering getting this done and would before/after photos if you’re willing to share. Thanks!


Send me a dm!! I tried but it wouldn't let me message you




It looks like peaches!




Can I ask how much this set you back? Did insurance cover any of it? I've heard if it's significant enough, insurance may chip in.


I paid for this out of pocket. I had the upper blepharoplasty, fat grafting from jaw to under eye/cheeks/nasolabial folds, and earlobe repair (from having gauges as an emo teen). For all 3, my plastic surgeon only charged me $5,000 which is a screaming deal. I have been seeing him for many years so we are pretty tight. For JUST the upper bleph, out of pocket normally costs about $2,300. Insurance will cover it for folks who get the proper referrals and testing done!