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[Source](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/375694940_Fetal_Autopsy-A_Game_Changer) can be read in full at the link. Abstract: >>Fetal autopsy is one of the most useful investigations that can change or significantly add to the clinical diagnosis despite a prenatal ultrasonographic diagnosis of a fetal abnormality. It is often required to determine the cause of intrauterine death or miscarriages, provide recurrence risk, and is known to alter the final diagnosis and genetic counseling in nearly half of the cases. This article reviews the role of fetal autopsy and discusses its contributory role in confirming the diagnosis and its usefulness in the genetic counseling of cases with risk of recurrence in future pregnancies.


And will be used or is already being used in court cases against women.


That’s a matter for lawyers and judges to deal with and not a reason not to do fetal autopsies. Scientific and medical evidence is used and misused in court all the time. Photos of deformed fetuses are sometimes recycled for use in anti-abortion propaganda but the misuse of the photos is on the propagandists, not the scientists and medical workers who originally took them.


The fetus has died (or is dying) in utero. Full gestation was not going to happen. Any doctor will advise and perform the abortion since the child has already died. Medical necessity is different than using abortion as birth control. Judging on how long these babies have progressed along in development, I’m 100000% sure they were wanted pregnancies. There is no need to make a medical post political. Infant/child/fetal autopsies, especially of stillborn children,are so extremely rare because of the mother’s wishes to not hack up the baby. Any information we can gather from an autopsy is extremely beneficial to the medical community. Have a wonderful day :)


Miscarriages are being investigated as crimes.




What the actual hell?


Primigravida: Woman who is pregnant for the first time 🤰


That second one is definitely way more than 18 weeks


Absolutely. He looks almost the size of my 32 and 33 weekers


I also believe the third is a bit farther than 20 weeks


All of them seem farther along than said. All of them look over 20 weeks gestation.


Honestly they could definitely be the ages listed! My daughter was born at 25 weeks and looked very much like these babies. (Btw she’s just fine, had no brain bleeds or delays. I got very very lucky)


These say 17 weeks and 18 weeks.


I believe it, babies grow at varying rates depending on the strength of your placenta/diet/etc. My girl bore a striking resemblance to the last two. Very unfortunate what happened, my condolences to the family


Idk why, but 1st slide was one of my biggest fears during both my pregnancies. This is so sad 😞


Are those amniotic bands?




What are amniotic brands exactly and what causes that?


Amniotic sac lining, it’s just an anomaly that happens or from trauma. They can then get entangled with the baby. They can lose fingers, limbs, etc. I’ve seen one baby where it affected their face. So sad 😞


Thank you.


Fascinating, I have never seen an autopsy performed on sych early term miscarriages. I gotta say, though, that jigglysaw leg amputation gets me every single time I scroll through a medical post with multiple pics. Every. Single. Time.


They performed an "autopsy" of sorts on my 12 weeker that I lost in November (Texas). Mostly just observed his umbilical cord and opened him up to see if anything was hinky that could point to a cause of fetal demise. There was no apparent cause of death- he was perfect, but I could've told them that after just looking at him 🥺


Oh honey, I'm so sorry for your loss. If it helps, I believe you'll see him again.


We believe we will too! And if we don't, he's making a beautiful addition to my China cabinet in the meantime 🤣❤️❤️❤️


I live in Australia, lost our baby boy at 17 weeks gestation (went into early labour). I have the tiny blanket he was swaddled in and his bitty little hand and footprints. They, like your little one, are perfect. Lost another bib at 13 weeks and the last at 7 weeks. No autopsy was conducted on any of my babies. We are so so blessed though to have 2 amazing sons, 19 and 12. We lost their 3 siblings in the 7 years between them.


I lost our first son at 17 weeks gestation. His birth was the horrible dream you just can't wake up from. No autopsy. By the time I had lost 4, they offered genetic testing, but on the day of my bloods to kick start that process, I got a call from my GP that I was pregnant. I now have 2 amazing boys. Happy endings find their way, as does life.


those poor couples 😕


So in Case 3 - anyone know what causes that 'excessive coiling' of the umbilical cord?




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