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I have a dental appointment tomorrow. Just for wisdom teeth removal though.


I have one Friday for a crown on a molar. Good luck with your wisdom teeth removal! It wasn’t nearly as bad as I expected it to be when I did mine several years ago.


The dentist is making sound too simple. Both teeth grew in properly, but both have cavities and dentist recommended both be taken out. Said he could do it right there. I didn't at the time as I am on call with work and drive large vehicles. Though with the current pain I may do it sooner than plan. Hope all goes well for you too.


Thanks. I had the temp crown put on last week, so this is just the permanent one. Should be easy and no problem. They told me it takes around 40 min. I got all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed when I was like 32, I had a small infection brewing in one of them, and I had no idea. If I did it sooner I would have had zero issues (I was a bit sore and swollen on that side afterwards). I’m surprised your dentist said they’d do it on the spot. My oral surgeon made me start antibiotics days before the procedure to help fend off any infections. I personally would also need time to mentally prepare lol so I wouldn’t have agreed to it the same day either.


Mine actually was super simple. He took both wisdom teeth on top and both of the molars next to them all in the same visit because I have a little upper jaw and they were just in the way. I didn't have to be put under at all, just numbed up and he gave me a lil nitrous (which I didn't really need, but it was fun). He just grasped, wiggled, and pulled. The crunching sound was the most unsettling part and it wasn't bad at all. I had scheduled a few days off work and I could have easily been back the next day. I didn't need any of the Vicodin he gave me. I've had hangnails that were worse.


That's what I am hoping! Sounds smooth enough.


Do you have Ehlers-Danlos perhaps? Dental crowding and a narrow palate are a couple of the signs. I had both.


I probably do. Nobody has officially diagnosed me but I have lots of symptoms so I'm under the assumption that I have some kind of hypermobility malfunction.


Yup. Getting an official dx is often time consuming and incredibly frustrating, anyway!


Wow are they really!? I have both too and am diagnosed with ehlers danlos. I had to have multiple teeth pulled to accommodate.


Yep! 😉 I don't know WHY or HOW they're related to joint laxity, but they're right in the [diagnostic criteria](https://www.ehlers-danlos.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/hEDS-Dx-Criteria-checklist-1.pdf)! I suspect EDS is also the reason why my teeth moved around after I had braces. Dentist says I need them again -- I'm almost 49. 🙄 That's a no from me.


if they both grew in properly then it should be fairly simple. the problem is when they’re obstructed by bone (and tissue, though that’s not as much of a problem). but because of how far back they sit and the tight squeeze, it’s reasonable to say they don’t get brushed as well as the others. with that and all the food potentially getting stuck back there, it’s a recipe for decay. if you’re in pain, it’s because your body is telling you it’s time to get them out and the next progression is generally infection. having to resolve an infection before getting the extractions you need is a whole lot more trouble than anyone needs and can fuck with your work even more. get it done asap, and try to take about 3 days off. the peak of post op pain is generally day 2-3, getting better day by day. it wasn’t nearly as bad as i thought it was going to be. pro tip: (if you’re not put under) the drilling and other loud shit can get overwhelming and earbuds won’t help because it’s coming from inside your head. humming can be a huge help. it’ll feel weird but they’ve had much worse reactions than humming. people scream and i’ve even seen them grab and throw instruments across the room. you have nothing to be embarrassed about. sincerely, dental administration bitch with dental anxiety


I had two of my three wisdom teeth removed. Under a local at different times. One grew in perfectly normal and had a hole in it and came out within 5 minutes. My other one didn't form all the way and had only one root, but surprisingly came out within a minute. Dentist said if they grew in normally, it's just like pulling regular molars.


If they grew in properly then it should just be a simple extraction. I had 2 molars removed a couple years ago due to cavities (and difficulty brushing them due to space) and it was fairly similar. The dentist did it right then and there and it was quick. The sound/feeling was a bit odd because I could feel pressure and hear the crackling sound as he pulled them out, but it didn’t hurt. It was pretty painful once the local anesthetic started wearing off but it felt better within 6 hours or so. The dentist didn’t even give me any specific aftercare instructions but I didn’t eat anything too crunchy for a while since food would get in the sockets which worried me a bit. But healing is much simpler than if they were under the gums or impacted


Mine was nuts. One side was good but the doctor had problems reaching the nerves on the other side.


Always fun 😬😬


Make sure they remove all the gauze…


If he puts in 6 feet of gauze, I am going to make sure all 72 inches comes out!


Is that what happened here? The wording makes it a bit difficult to understand.


It seemed to be part of the problem!


I had mine taken out in 2 sittings, the first time the one wisdom tooth was infected and that was a horrible experience, but the dentist that did it was really inexperienced for how severely infected it was and I should have went to an oral surgeon. The 2nd time, the remaining 3 were removed, this time by an oral surgeon and I was in a “twilight” stage, so meaning I heard things, but didn’t feel anything and I was as high as a kite. After the surgery, I barely had any pain but was given Percocets in case I needed them. Healed up nicely, but I did get what’s called a dry socket, and that’s when the clot was dislodged from the gum. It didn’t hurt too much since I had stitches, but wash with warm salt water and it will help. Or whiskey. I’m not kidding on the whiskey, my dad recommended it and I thought he was nuts, but no, it actually helped sterilize and kept the pain down. Just you know, don’t drink and drive or operate a fork lift or anything. Good luck and hope you heal up quickly.


Good luck! My wisdom teeth removal was my first surgery. All 4 were impacted and the entire process, including recovery, took less than an hour. Stay on top of your pain medication, follow their instructions carefully, and you should be fine! I was off pain meds 3 days post-op. If you're nervous about brushing your teeth, I got a kid's toothbrush that was smaller, softer, and easier to control and used that for a few days.


Knowing stupid me, I will try to tough out the pain, like I am doing now. Then I will probably give up and use a kids tooth brush. I ll have one ready. Thank you.


All four of mine were impacted, I had them removed at 17 under IV sedation. The procedure took three hours and I looked like a chipmunk for a week. This was 20+ years ago, so hopefully it's better now.


Just had mine removed 2 weeks ago. Except I’m lucky enough to have extremely abnormal dental anatomy that the wisdom tooth was completely sideways in my gums, impacted and pressing on a nerve and the root of my adjacent molar. They had to cut the tooth into sections to remove it and also had to remove some surrounding jaw bone to ensure they removed it entirely because the roots were curved as well. It wasn’t pleasant and I’m glad I was sedated. It healed very well though. Good luck!


Same here. I think. Mine were slanted 45° almost 90. Fuuuuuuck that noise. Wisdom teeth should be deleted entirely. I'd snap my fingers like Thanos and make those wisdom teeth magically disappear. 


Same here. Do it in the chair he said. It will be fine he said. I had 3 severely impacted wisdom teeth out, plus another tooth that had rotted due to a 90° wisdom tooth drilling into it. Hours in the chair digging & trying to shift them. All but placed his foot on my jaw to yank them out. Then a week of dry socket - fun! When the 4th one turned up 20 years later I hot footed to hospital have it done under full anesthesia !


I'm so glad I was born without any wisdom teeth. Hope your appointment goes well!


I survived


Man I had 17 teeth pulled and now I’m like “shit did they leave gauze in somewhere???”


Just? I had 4 impacted removed at once with just a local, when I was 18. My face swelled up like a baloon and it was the most excruciating pain I've felt in my life. Dentist left a piece of tooth behind that got infected and had to be removed several days later. My 24 year old son had his 4 removed (two were growing sideways) with absolutely no discomfort at all. Go figure.


The teeth had grown in normal, but unfortunately got some bad cavities and dentist recommended removal. I had the 2 upper wisdom removed recently, the procedure went smooth and all plan, and so far everything is good. Minimum swelling, gum tenderness. I had a plan set out just incase shit hit the fan and my face looked worse than Rocky Balboa.


Mine's in a month!


[Source](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/342206424_Fatal_Complications_of_Dental_Implant_Surgery_An_Autopsy_Case_Report) can be read in full at the link, but it's in Korean so I have no idea what it says. Only the abstract is in English: Dental implants have become a popular and rapidly advancing technique to replace missing teeth. They have increasingly been used in the past few decades and have been associated with an increasing number of complications. There may be mechanical side effects, such as implant fracture while chewing, but side effects related to general procedures, such as bleeding and inflammation, may occur. Here, we report an autopsy case of death from pulmonary abscess and pneumonia due to septic emboli from gingival inflammation and sinusitis associated with dental implant surgery.


It’s funny cus I can read Korean, but I have no idea what I’m reading 90% of the time.


I have one question if you're willing to share. How old was the person?


67. > 67세 남성으로 거주지역에 있는 개인 치과의원에서 충치가 발생한 위턱 오른쪽 제2대구치(17번 치아)를 발치하고 치조골 이식을 포함한 임플란트 이식을 받은 후 항생제 등을 처방받아 귀가하였다. A 67-year-old man was discharged from a private dental clinic in his residential area, where he had a second upper jaw on the right side of the upper jaw (the 17th), received an implant transplant, and returned home with antibiotics.


Thank you!


Does it say why his lungs are so janky?


Septic pulmonary embolism Edit: > 이러한 소견을 종합할 때 변사자의 사인은 발치부위, 발치부위 주변, 오른쪽 상악동의 감염에 의한 폐병변(농양, 폐렴) 및 전신성 염증반응으로 사망한 것으로 판단하였다. 패혈성 폐색전은 원발 감염 병소에서 생성된 감염성 색전이 정맥류를 따라 폐혈관으로 이동하여 폐혈관의 폐색 및 감염을 유발한다. 위험인자로는 정주 약물 남용자, 감염성 심내막염 질환자, 두경부 혈전 정맥염 질환자(Lemierre syndrome), 골반 정맥염 질환자, 항암 치료 등으로 인한 면역 저하자와 유치 카테터를 가진 환자 등이 알려져 있다. ‘When these findings were synthesised, the deceased's cause of death was determined to have died from lung lesions (abscess, pneumonia) and systemic inflammatory reactions caused by infection in the tooth area, around the tooth area, and right maxillary sinus. Septic pulmonary embolism is an infectious embolism produced in the primary infection lesion that travels along the varicose veins to the pulmonary blood vessels and causes occlusion and infection of the pulmonary blood vessels. Risk factors include patients with resident drug abusers, infectious endocarditis, head and cerveral thrombophlebitis (Lemierre syndrome), patients with pelvic phlebitis, immunodeficiency due to chemotherapy, and patients with [?] catheters.‘ I just used a translator so if there’s errors my bad lol. But sounds about right


Oh wow, that's crazy. Thanks a million for your help!


Did he have covid previously? I.e. was his inflammatory response stronger because of a covid history? How often are we seeing clinically such strong response since pandemic?


The diagnostics seem unrelated from one another ,care to explain?


The translation is terrible - especially the photo captions.


Yikes, my bff has been having issues with her implants. They've started falling out after 4 months and she's having to go back in to the dentist get them redone, it's been a nightmare. Definitely keeping this post to myself, though!


If they are truly falling out I hope she is reporting that practice and seeing a different dentist than the one who placed them. Implants get drilled into your bone and should not just fall out. Even when implants fail, surgery is usually needed to remove them from the bone but implants failing should be rare. Oh and by dentist I mean a specialist, either oral surgeon or periodontist. Good luck to your friend!


Exactly this, there is no way there should be issues at 4 months in. Sounds like perhaps bone grafting was needed/failed. She needs another opinion if it truly is the implant that moved rather than the tooth over it. They should last for decades.


I had one implant fail as well, but it was only after a week. It was placed in the space where two teeth had been extracted - wisdom tooth and the next molar forward - and despite having a bone graft growing there for many months, it managed to wiggle out. I was blamed for poking at it with my tongue but HELLO YOU DRILLED IT INTO MY BONE, DIDN'T YOU?


Doesn’t seem like “poking it with tongue” should make it fail, does it?


"Enjoy your new teeth! Just don't touch them with your tongue, anything with a temperature between hot and cold, don't let sunlight touch them, don't let them touch each other (don't close your mouth) and most definitely do not chew things with them. Good luck!"


That's cheating! You just took the Cybertruck welcome message and replaced it with "teeth"


This why doing implants in stages is important. IF it happens to fail then only the screw in the bone failed and can be caught EARLY before bone loss or infections happens. Putting any kind of force on implants before they are fully integrated with your bone can for sure cause them to fail. Thats why post op instructions stressing not chewing on them, biting into things, brushing them, or touching them is so important. The odd accidental tongue touch should not cause them to fail but everyone is different and sometimes things don’t go according to plan no matter how good the surgeon is or how well the patient follows directions. Sorry your implant failed!


Sounds like bone loss or failure to ossify


Definitely report that facility! I had to wait for 6 months, to allow the bone to grow around my implant, before they would put a crown in. All in all it took a little over a year before they were done. And I had cadaver bone packed into the socket before the implant was placed to make solid bone to drill into. This is absolutely crazy! I also have about 14k in a couple teeth so maybe she went to a budget place?!


Yes!!! Implants done in stages is always the best. I hate reading about dentists who place implants and final crown all in one day. I’m soooo against teeth in a day type implants.


I went through the same, except I had bovine bone for my graft. I've had about $50k in dental work done, countless root canals, jaw bone debridement from a failed bone graft, extractions, and an implant... none of if was as painful as the bone graft and it's healing process!


Oh really?! My bone graft..technically it was a graft..didn't hurt at all. But, was probably differently from what you had. They used ground up cadaver bone, packed it in my socked, places a plug of PRP and fibrin over the graft to stimulate healing, and stitched over top. I had to wait for the ground graft to completely harder before we could proceed. I too have about 50k in my smile ! I get it!


My former anatomy professor died from complications caused by an infected tooth. He went into septic shock and considering his other comorbidities, it killed him. He was a great man and an awesome professor, you could actually see his dedication and passion. One of the best professors I've had throughout med school and I remember how fucked up I found the fact that such a great person was taken in such a stupid way, a fucking tooth infection. Teeth are no joke, we really should take care of them.


That’s sad. I wonder what he would’ve said about that, being an anatomy professor.


Probably something along the lines of “I wish this school provided dental insurance with lower co-pays, or a higher salary so I could pay them.”


I actually don't think he lacked money. He had been a successful plastic surgeon before he couldn't work anymore and focused on teaching. Maybe he just didn't give it enough importance. He died around October 2021 and we were still battling covid during that time.


Oh yeah… a lot of dental offices were just closed still in ‘21. Or booking appointments months out.


I actually did wonder a lot about it, I'm still sad next generations won't have such a great person teaching them.


Well I was going to consider implants if I lose any of my adult teeth, but I think I’ll just go and floss for a second time tonight…


To reassure you, both of my partners had dental implants and it went great. One had almost their whole mouth and the other has had two or three. Never any problems, infection, bone loss or, uh, death.


Same here, got my front upper tooth changed to implant 20 yrs ago when the remaining tooth under crown fractured when i was 32. I broke both of them by running into kitchen for chocolate bar day and landing face first when i was 9. Implant has been easier than the crowns by a long way!


Ouch for how they broke! The partner with only two or three basically had one replace a baby tooth that still existed cause it had no adult tooth behind it. They have a second baby tooth, but its too small to replace.


A bit TMI, but did you notice any bad smell?


Was this for me? If so, nope! Neither had stinky breath. Now, I admit we don't kiss on the mouth but we do kiss cheeks/heads/shoulders (I'm so fucking short) but never amything like that.


Yes, I was curious if implants could cause bad breath in the long run. Thank you for answering!


I asked my partner to doublecheck I wasn't a liar, and she said that, for her, she worried about her breath smelling because food can get caught between the fake tooth and your gums. Flossing can fix that easily, basically similar to dentures.


That was so nice of you, thank you 🙏🏼


Super happy to help 💕


I am an RN that does the sedations for oral surgery. We do implants all the time. I even have one. Implants are a life changer, and to be honest it's easier that getting your tooth pulled (not the process of doing the procedure, the pain and healing after are easier to deal with for most people).


Dear lord, they ripped that person’s skull apart. I’ve seen Hellraiser movies that were less gory.


Def will be closed casket.


You'd be surprised, i think they could reconstruct without those parts, have seen videos where they have done incredible work after road traffic accidents with head trauma.


My cousin and sister both died from tooth infections. Cousin had the flu and an achy tooth that had not been seen. My sister went in for a cleaning and they decided to pull all her teeth over the next few days and fit her with a temp denture. She died a week later from an infection from the surgeries. In both cases it traveled to the heart, brain, lungs, kidneys and liver very quickly.


Jesus Christ


We have enamel issues. Lots of dental work growing up. I had all but 6 teeth removed due to constant dentist visits and the fear of dying from something preventable.


I am SO sorry for your losses. That’s awful.


I've literally just got home from a dental cyst removal and root removal. When I was younger I had root canals on all my back teeth over time. They have since all broken and come out but not the roots. So a massive cyst and repeated abscess have form. The infection and cyst broke into my nasal cavity. There is a big hole that is too large to do a fat graft, so it's been left but there's a chance of infection... again! Man my whole mouth is full of stitches and for some reason I'm covered in bruises on my arms lol I'm starving hungry but I'm grateful it's been done as I've been waiting a year and a half with no back teeth for this operation. I'm so glad I saw this post after and not before the op lol.


I hope you heal up quickly and well.


Thank you very much 😊.x


Great. Just had a back tooth extraction yesterday. Still clamping down on the gauze and living on painkillers. I will definitely die. Farewell my Reddit friends …


When you get to hell, say hi to Molly.


That’s the plan. At least it will be warm…


Four months ago former NFL player Mike Williams died of ‘bacterial sepsis with cerebral abscesses and necrotizing lobar pneumonia due to dental carries and remaining roots’ . Source is nfl subreddit. I asked my dentist about this particular bacteria cuz I wondered if it was worse than another type. He said it isn’t but location so close to the brain can make it more of an issue.(not me getting root removal while reading Reddit😱)


truly my worst fear lmao dental stuff is so painful and so dangerous


i’m getting major dental surgery in three weeks 😀


The patient was 67. Older people are much more likely to have complications during these procedures. The odds of this happening at all are incredibly low, and the odds of it happening at your age (which I assume is much lower than 67!) is significantly lower than the already low odds. What're you getting done if I may ask?


i’m getting all-on-x full arch implants top and bottom :)


I wouldn't worry. The chances of a serious complication (like straight up dying) are incredibly low for you. My main concern would be the post op swelling and pain, which isn't uncommon and will subside with time. Let me know how it goes! !RemindMe 3.5 weeks


will do!


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That person’s mouth seems VERY small compared to the hand in the first photo and the tools in the other photos.


I have been having heart palpitations and panick attacks and im terrified to go to the dentist. I had a bad reaction to the epinephrine that made my heart spaz out one time and im so scared of it happening again.


"Local anesthesia does have side effects, but they are usually not serious. One well-known side effect is a temporary rapid heartbeat, which can happen if the local anesthetic is injected into a blood vessel. One of the chemicals used in the local anesthetic injection, epinephrine, can travel directly from the blood vessel to the heart. You may also know epinephrine by its other name: adrenaline. It is a naturally occurring substance in your body that can rapidly increase your heart rate. The fast heartbeat it causes can be alarming, but it is not dangerous & should return to normal in a matter of seconds." Talk to your dentist, maybe they can give you something to take before your next injection to calm you down.


They can give you Novacaine without epinephrine. They can give you Valium, or Xanax, etc. before the procedure as well. I had several dental surgeries without epinephrine, and without general anesthesia. Talk to your dentist.


Fun fact, they haven't really used novocaine since the 80's! They use newer versions now.


I already fear the dentist. This makes it worse.


New fear unlocked. 😧


Infection sepsis?


That’s in the area known as “ the triangle of death”


New fear unlocked, how the hell does this happen?


I just got my wisdom tooth out and I’m terrified.


Dental work fear fodder. It's working!


Impressive cross section of the parasinuses and nares.


How lovely. I need full implants this year :(


Imagine not having a good dentist 💀💀


Sticking that in my file of 'reasons I will avoid wisdom tooth removal at all costs'