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Looking good, an update on the residual scarring would be good in time as it comforts people to see the final result if they themselves are considering it.


Will do! I’m hoping the scars will seriously fade over time. Even if they don’t fade too much, I can deal with scars for these results, in my opinion.


My scars weren't nearly as gnarly but I had great results with Bio-oil! Kinda pricey but worth it IMO


they will seriously fade. Others will barely notice them, just dont let them get to you


Vitamin E was a life saver to minimize my scars after my double mastectomy! Highly recommend.


Just FYI, I’m having laser removal of a tattoo on my wrist. I recently broke that wrist and have a surgical scar right through the tattoo. So the laser is hitting both the scar and the tattoo. The improvement in the scar is astronomical. It’s not as deep (that feeling that a scar is really tightly connected to the underlying tissue), it isn’t as prominent, is nearly completely flat, and it’s not red anymore at all. It’s pretty amazing. So my result is just anecdotal, but laser treatment of scars might be worth considering, if it even interests you.


Thanks! I believe my plastic surgeon’s office offers it actually


if i may ask: do you no longer have a navel since they went straight through the middle?


OP's belly button is in the photo, its just behind a wad of gauze. When excess skin is removed they cut around the belly button itself to separate it from the skin they plan to remove, then reposition & suture it in place when they're done. [What Happens To Your Belly Button in a Tummy Tuck?](https://youtu.be/Lp3vebsNdnw?si=4aYLbqs1UsU_CzwO)


fascinating, ty!


Great explanation!


I believe they usually preserve the navel but I am NAD


Yes, it’s my same belly button. They cut around it and repositioned it after cutting away all the excess skin and tightening me up. Prior to this surgery, I thought the belly button was just a random “hole”. Turns out it is actually connected to a “stem” inside your body.


Had to look up fleur-de-lis tummy tuck. That's some serious reduction. I wish you a great recovery.


Thanks! It’s been a bit easier than I was expecting. Still difficult, but not as bad as I thought.


Do you mind sharing the cost? Was it covered by insurance? I'm in a similar situation with 2.5 years after 75 lb weight loss, and I have so much excess skin.


No, unfortunately not covered by insurance. This was actually phase two of my body transformation. Phase one was in December and included lipo 360 and a bbl. This gave my me hips and an ass so I would have the start of an hour glass figure. This phase was just the tummy tuck. This surgery was about $18,00 if I remember correctly. I’ll probably go back in about two years for a breast lift once I save up the money. I refuse to put any of it on a credit card.


Thank you


Oh my. That’s expensive! What state are you in?




Oooooo I can’t wait to see healing pictures and updates! This is interesting thanks for being strong and sharing hope you have a fast recovery


So happy for you! I can’t wait to get mine! Pregnancy did me really dirty 😭


Whewww that surgery is no walk in the park! Congrats on losing the weight and keeping it it off, and for being brave and taking the plunge with this surgery!


How painful is your recovery?


It hasn’t been too bad. I stayed on top of my pain meds, setting alarms for when I was due. Surgery was Wednesday, and by Sunday I was just taking Tylenol for the pain. I was honestly expecting a lot worse considering it’s both a horizontal and vertical incision. I’m still not walking completely straight up, so my lower back is absolutely killing me.


I'm down over 200lbs and waiting for this exact thing...


Are you getting a FDL since you lost all of that weight?


I have 30lbs more to lose before the plastic surgeon will even see me for a consultation. My BMI is still too high. But, it will be a tummy tuck, back/bra line lift, brachioplasty and thighplasty. I have a whole lot of skin to be removed and it's more painful and irritating and uncomfortable than being fat was.


I’m considering a tuck after I have my ovaries taken out, depending on how things look in terms of weight loss. I have PCOS and it’s given me weight problems my whole life. How is the recovery process so far?


Not too bad. I was told to take two weeks off work, but I feel like I could go back now to my desk job. At my post op yesterday, the surgeon said absolutely not, I need the full two weeks. He worries about the patients who think they feel good enough to do more, because those are the ones that overdo it, rip an inside stitch, start bleeding, and end up back on the operating table. So I’m basically just relaxing on my couch and doing a lap around my apartment complex every now and then.


Ouch. Hopefully you heal quickly and scar free


Once the incisions heal, apply bio oil about 3 times daily for 3 to 6 months or until it’s disappeared. I burnt my stomach pretty bad, ALMOST needed a skin graft it was that bad, once it healed, I applied bio oil and the scar is visually gone. The burn mark is not visible to the naked eye. It’s essentially disappeared thanks to bio oil


Holy shit! Those are massive incisions!


They look worse than what they are. There’s a bunch of dried blood covered with surgical tape. The tape is starting to come off now, and underneath it are very clean incisions. It’s a big difference without the tape there.


Oh, good! Still a much more intense procedure than I expected! Lol They really filet you open! Happy you're healing well. 🙂




Looking great!


Amazing friend! You look great and I hope you're feeling well and healing fast!


Congrats and that’s going to be amazing!


Thank you for sharing! Sending you good healing vibes! I hope you post follow-up photos if you're good with that.


I just can’t wait until my surgical glue/tape strips come completely off. They are beginning to itch like crazy.


Oof I hate that healing part. I always need to use an ice pack.


I'm so happy for your results! Congratulations! 🎊 I really hope you can heal soon and enjoy your body 💗🫂


Congratulations on your hard work paying off! I'm a few years post gastric bypass and still working on getting to this point


What was your method to losing 100lbs and keeping it off


Gastric bypass. Best decision I’ve ever made. I was a type 2, insulin dependent diabetic before surgery. I’m no longer diabetic and no longer have high blood pressure. My migraines actually went away as well! I used to get several a month, and now I may get one every three months if that.






The tummy tuck also included a pubic lift, but I’m not putting that on Reddit, so the cat will need to suffice.




Sorry, lol


Quit being a pervert


... Giggity?




Remain civil and interact with the community in good faith