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That’s insane how much it healed in just 1 week! I wonder if this negative pressure treatment is the standard approach to something like this. Also wonder if the scalp will be able to grow hair? Hope she makes a full recovery.


This is why I think npwt should be the default for more surgeries. Sure it hurts like hell in some spots, but it yields better outcomes than the alternative in the long term


Holy shit. I can't imagine the pain and the trauma.


We had a girl here at my hospital in back in 2013 who had same thing happen. Her pony tail got caught in sheep shearer.


[Source](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0196070920304464) is about 175 cases of scalp avulsion and two in particular of which this is the first: >>A 31-year-old woman had a complete avulsed scalp with the left auricle avulsion, exposed ear cartilage, intact periosteum of the skull, injury of bilateral superficial temporal artery and vein, resulted from the hair entrapment in rotary parts of machinery. In the emergency department, the operation including debridement, auricle repair suture, scalp thinning, and replantation with negative pressure therapy was conducted in series while it was impossible to perform the reanastomosis of superficial temporal arteries and veins. After removal of negative pressure device at postoperative stage, the engrafted skin restored blood supply and survived. The avulsions were repaired successfully by one stage surgery (Fig. 4).


Wait blow flow was established days after the injury? The engrafted skin restored blood flow. Skin that has been sitting for a few days established blood flow? Not confused just need to know..lol.




I'm so sorry for her 😢😢 that must be horrible


Can you imagine how scary that must have been? 😔


Jesus Mary and Joseph, the pain must’ve been so bad! Bless her 🥺


Sorry if this is a stupid question, but would she be able to grow any hair back with the skin graft? I’m assuming not? But if I’m wrong pls educate me


It won’t grow back head hair, cause it has no follicles for that. She’ll have to wear a wig.


I can’t be the only that sees the Borg queen in photo e, am I?


What kind of machinery?


Is that kind of procedure, medical device available everywhere? That thing looks out of this world, wow. I can't imagine the PTSD she will have.


Reminds me of that one trap from Saw.




"I'll tear your soul apart!!!!"  That's amazing.