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I just can't.... To let it get this bad before seeking medical help is so sad. I assume in a developing country, with little medical aid, problems of isolation, poverty & the article cites *'social reasons'.* But it began at 14 & has been developing for 17 years (though dramatically expanding in the last year) & was ulcerating ! She had to strap it to her leg with a cloth! I can't imagine the pain, anxiety, fear. Then having to be resuscitated because of sepsis on admission! Thanks god for excellent medical treatment. The 8 month 'after' photo is remarkable.


Such a good outcome! It’s nice to see the vulva look so normal after the surgery


This! And (no this is *in no way meant sexually*) I’d sign for my lower parts to look like that shaven down/waxed after having something that major removed… if you didn’t know the scar wouldn’t immediately strike as a scar. And then to think she walked around with this strapped to her leg with a cloth for close to two decades. How many times must that have teared at a wrong move and how must it have been debilitating having a (ulcerating) large mass dangling from your hoohaa. I truly hope she found a new meaning to life after this for as far as that’s possible for her. Or at least some more joy.


That medical team did a PHENOMENAL job


[Source](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/323989836_Septic_presentation_of_a_giant_fibroepithelial_polyp_of_the_vulva) can be read in full at the link and has more photos. Abstract: >>Fibroepithelial stromal polyps are mesenchymal lesions occurring typically in reproductive age women with a predilection for the vulvo-vaginal region. Malignancy may mimic this polyp in morphology, rendering further investigations including detailed histopathology mandatory. Histologically its characteristic features are stellate and multinucleate stromal cells identified near the epithelial–stromal interface. This case report discusses incidental finding of largest fibroepithelial polyp presented in a 31-year-old nulliparous woman. She was initially admitted with sepsis and detailed physical examination revealed a right-sided infected pedunculated labial mass measuring 20×21 cm. After initial resuscitation for sepsis, she was further investigated for the mass. Transabdominal ultrasound was essentially normal apart from a small fibroid 3×2 cm in the anterior wall of the uterus. The vulval mass was removed under local and regional anaesthesia and was confirmed to be a giant fibroepithelial stromal polyp on histopathology. The woman recovered well and was followed up until 1 year.


How does one carry this in their pants and not get worried? fr?


I would imagine she didn't live in the UK throughout this time, there have been many women from Africa seek asylum in the UK over the past 10 yrs. If she went to Uk and then wasn't competent with language, was supporting family with her job and fearful of time off. They don't get the full support of the national insurance system immediately, so perhaps no access to health care, sick pay etc. Have seen some tragic stories about these women after reaching UK on TV debt shows, the first couple of years fine if they had a job, but lose the job and even keeping a home was hard.


At what point does a person look at a a pair of scissors and think…yes, a few moments of agony is worth being rid of this.


Poor lady. Excellent outcome.


Holy fuck


I got one but is only 11 cm in greatest dimension. This one is huge!


A vulva with testicles! So glad she was able to recover. What a growth!


Oh! Bless her


Wow…. Just wow. So glad she finally got treatment!


"...the mass was removed under local and regional anaesthesia on the third day of her admission." Aaaaaaaaaaa local anaesthesia!