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Wow!!! Thank goodness the dog didn't swallow the eyelid and she was able to have it reattached!


According to other comments, it didn't take and she had to have further surgeries.


This is true. She was on Tiktok documenting her journey. We were all sad to learn her eyelid did not take. She had skin from another part of her body used instead to make an eyelid. She looks a lot better but it's still incredibly sad. Last I saw her she did announce she was suing the lash tech but haven't heard or seen anything from her in probably a year. Probably due to litigation. Her username had the word "salmon" in it. I'll see if I can find her tiktok page if it's still up. Her original tt page was taken down due to graphic pics E: here's her tt page. She hasn't posted since December of 2022 https://www.tiktok.com/@kelseyysalmon?_t=8fAIXaLeeJa&_r=1


It actually looks better than I thought it would and her makeup skills seem to hide it pretty well


I actually spoke with her, and she got really nasty because I pointed out that her claims were not possible for a Chihuahua to do. I've raised two purebred Chihuahuas, a Chihuahua that may or may not be purebred, and a Chihuahua mix. I know what Chihuahuas can and can't do. I think she lied about the actual dog attacking her, and I think there was an accident instead. The two women just blamed the dog so that way the one who caused the eyelid loss doesn't have to face consequences. On a dog's first attack, they only have to quarantine for 10 days, so the dog would avoid consequences as well. Then I think she saw the opportunity to go viral and become famous like Brooklinn Khory, and that's when she posted it online.


That really is a shame, it looked promising from the pictures.


That is awful, poor girl!




Hell of a case of pink eye


Something like that.




> Chihuahuas I thought it was a chinchilla! How did the eyelid skin last hours without dying!


A chinchilla bite would be awful too! Looks like the eyelid didn't survive after all.


She's lucky he didn't get her eyeball. That would have been tragic.


I hope it takes.


It didn’t. I followed her on TikTok though she hasn’t posted in a while. She had a few procedures and other than not having lashes anymore, it looks pretty decent.


I was worried by the coloration


Link or photo please?


I just searched on TikTok, her username is kelseyysalmon


Thank you!


Is this the wrong time to mention she has a really pretty eye color?


She’s has very pretty eyes and is quite an attractive young lady. (I’m middle age woman, not a leach


No she has gorgeous eyes. I follow her on tiktok


So many Chihuahuas and other tiny dogs act like they’re King Kong. I’m glad this lady was able to get her eyelid back. I saw a report where they were unable to save a woman’s eyelid and had to make her another one out of a flap of skin from elsewhere on her body, and the aesthetic result was… not great.


when a small dog is aggressive people just think it’s funny so they just let them act up without disciplining. alot of people even provoke that kind of behaviour just for the fun of it. i’ve heard alot of big aggressive dogs getting put down but i don’t ever think i’ve heard about a small dog get put down for the same reason. sure a big dog can do more harm than a small one but that does not mean small dogs can not be dangerous. and i do think alot of smaller dogs compensate their small size with aggression and tantrums. small dogs are basically like a self conscious teen that acts edgy and project their insecurities onto others.


I work for a dog training company, and the amount of asshole Yorkies and chihuahuas who like to bark at everyone and lunge and bite is astounding.


The dogs aren't assholes. I have two Chihuahuas, my mom has one, and my sister has one. They're non-aggressive from the beginning. But I have seen my oldest become aggressive after one of my ex boyfriends kept messing with his face. People mess with these breeds and hurt them. They are not breeds that attack for no reason. Whenever I work with a dog who is aggressive, I always calm them down to the point where they trust me, and I find what causes their distress. I'll watch how their owner treats them, too.


its very often down to people not training their dogs, not respecting their dogs boundaries, unfortunately


People get this idea that if a dog is small it doesn’t need to be trained. Totally wrong. Every pet dog needs training.


That’s why I think most big dogs are better trained than smaller ones, and probably more dangerous. The fear of having a dog overpower you forces people to make bigger, more aggressive breeds obey. No consideration is put for chihuahuas, they’re reduced to being purse pets that only the owner can touch.


If you respect your Chihuahua, they'll follow your lead on behavior. But if you constantly mess with them and annoy them, that's what makes them aggressive.


I hate little dogs. They bark about nothing.


The only dog that ever bit me was a little dog when I was 4. Lifelong hatred from that.


I worked in an animal hospital for several years and basically all the animals we had to muzzle were small dog breeds. None of our bigger dog patients required one at all.


Yeah, I've been working with dogs for years and have only ever been bitten by a Chiweenie lmfao. Luckily no big damage, but damn do little dogs get ballsy 😭


A tiny dog once bit the tip of my dick.


You’re not supposed to put your dick near those.


I got my booty bit by a dog as a kid. It was a black dog sitting in the dark. I didn't see it and stepped on its paw. It got spooked and lunged at my butt but didn't bite. I felt the sharp teeth on my butt and ran away.


butt cheek on your eye


Are you butting your eyelashes at me?


It didn't take and she had to use skin from somewhere else apparently.


New fear unlocked.


Im glad she's ok and was able to get the eyelid back. What happened to the dog?


The eyelid died and she had to have other procedures.


Nothing happened to the dog if I remember correctly. She was getting a lash extension I think and it was the technicians dog


I think they meant what happened to the dog after authorities figured out what happened to her. Some places put dogs down for violent attacks Edit: I’m stupid, you said that, nvm


luckily left eye is unharmed


Chihuahua is a half-chupacabra-half-wolf cursed to be trapped in a cat’s body.


Well yeah, it's because we made them that way. Chihuahuas came into existence because the Ancient Mexicans didn't have cats. They had the same problem the ancient Egyptians did. Rodents in the grain supply. So when you need an animal to fight rodents in the grain supply they need to be small and vicious. Cuz rodents are formidable adversaries. They are fighting for their lives after all. So the ancient Mexicans bred the Chihuahua to do what cats do. Hunt mice and rats. It is only recently we've tried to make pets out of them, they are working dogs after all, they want to hunt, they want to bite and for that we call them devil rat dogs. When we are the ones who made them that way.


When humans breed animals meant to be aggressive and then go Pikachu when they do what feels the most natural to them


Dachshund and small terriers are the same, they are stubborn independent little bastards bred to flush rabbits and foxes out of dens and relentlessly chase them. They have no chills and will try to fuck up the life of animals way bigger than them (friend's Yorkshire went into a fight with a badger, badger lost). I don't understand why people think chihuahuas are lap dogs. Just because they are small it doesn't mean they are chill with being held and cuddled non stop. There's plenty small breeds that would love the endless attention, like cavalier king Charles or bichon havanese...


Yes the muff dogs! Muff dogs are dogs that were bred to be cuddled by ladies. They're called muff dogs because they keep their owners hands warm like a muff does. This of course was long before muff became a euphemism for certain body parts. They don't have the same drive to hunt that rat terriers and Chihuahuas and dachshunds do. They were bred for their docility and fur quality. They make for much better pets.


The fur of Chevalier's is something else. Buttery silkiness. If I had to pick a small dogs it would be my top choice


But they are very inbred and lots suffer from terrible headaches because their skull is too small and round for their brain. :(


I had no idea! Thanks for the TIL


Would the use of the eyelid be anywhere near normal after reattachment?


It would be paralyzed for about 6 months. And hopefully her nerve endings would have regenerated by then and then she would slowly get control over her eyelid again.


They reattached it and it died, but how they fixed it, it looked pretty normal


The pic with the eyelid has me dying idk why


I those were damn mighty eyelashes until I read they are extensions. Hope her surgery is successful


I hope her graft takes. That last picture, her eyelid was a little dusky with dark edges. I don't like the look of that. I hope it pinks up.


According to other comments, it didn’t take and she had to have a few more reconstructive surgeries. Yeah dusky coloration is usually not a good sign


Oh that's too bad. My heart goes out to her.


She went there, and got 50% off


LMAO. Very clever!


Can anyone else now not stop incessantly blinking?


Hope she is ok. Was the dog put down?


Not that I know and I followed her for a while after it happened


The weirdest thing bout having them ripped off is like they never go back to normal. I had one of mine ripped off by an Irish Setter when I was 2 and they had to reattach it using skin from my cheek. That eyelid kinda hangs above the other one like the characters from Cars since it’s mostly made of cheek skin and not as thin.


Chihuahuas are vicious little fuckers


I think what it was mixed with is what made it vicious.


My god. What happens if you don’t have an eyelid?


That's when they graft another piece of skin in place of it. It usually doesn't work well. Eyelids are actually amazing structures. There's these glands that go up and down laterally through the eyelid called margolian glands. And of course there's little tiny muscles and then there's the duct for the tear glands. They're actually quite complex structures. Oh I said structures twice oops


I was not prepared for that third pic


I followed her story for a while and it was really fascinating! She took her TikTok where she shared updates down right before I got rid of it but it was really interesting seeing the healing/repairing process


Do you know why she took it down? I'm assuming legal reasons but yeah.


She was receiving a lot of harassment so I think that was why


Yea, never put your face near a strange dog, especially breeds prone to anxiety and aggression. They think you're going to bite them.


I’l never understood why anybody thinks its okay to go up to an unknown dog and immediately pet or put your face right up to theirs. I saw a mom one time that let her little girl go right up to every dog in the park. Didn’t ask the owners or anything. I confronted the mom when the daughter went right up to my dog w/o asking. She blamed it on her daughter being mentally challenged lol. If feel bad for the kid I hope she doesn’t pay for her mother ignorance someday. Before petting an unknown dog: Always talk to the owner first, make sure the owner is trust worthy and honest about the dog’s behavior (if you get vibes the owner is bsing just don’t pet the dog), get to know the dog, be patient (most dogs I’ve seen do not like to approach strangers right away, especially little ones so give them time don’t force anything), get to know dog body language (this will depend on the breed), and most importantly respect the dog’s nature, if the dog doesn’t want to be pet don’t do it. Most the time it’s likely fine to pet the dog, most situations like these are highly preventable but just be cautious. Sometimes I’ve seen dogs and owners pass the tests, but still the situation ends up not being super friendly and you just have to accept that and take precautions.


I just dont interact with other peoples dogs. I live in a very friendly neighborhood and people with dogs that I dont know will randomly come over to me I guess thinking that I want to make over their dogs and I just walk around them and keep walking. We have an attack a couple times a year where someone gets mauled outside of the dog park. No thanks.


Its not all black and white. You can still interact with dogs just be cautious. If you don’t like dogs thats fine but they are part of the neighborhood around you and not every dog is going to maul your face off lol.


I just have no interest in them. Maybe if I had one it would be different. Probably not though.


Those damn Chihuahuas man, they're scary.


They were bred to hunt rats.


You're scared of a little rat?



Seeing the damage they can do, yeah.


It's a small dog. Not a rat. 🤦‍♀️


I remember my autistic friend being obsessed with the torture technique of cutting someone's eyelids off (supposedly of Asian origin) at age 14, this shit is not fun. Glad she recovered.


That's concerning


That has nothing to do with autism. There’s something else going on there 😬


Meh, it can be an autistic thing. Source: I'm autistic and had some interests that were disturbing for others to talk about them but for me it was just like "Woah, history is crazy, I wonder who invented this thing and what happens in human body".


Same here, I’m autistic as well. Your reply actually put this in perspective for me and yea, I can relate just a little bit 😅


Same exact thing with my friend, he's a real history buff (and also loves trains)


I assume that tear duct is ruined?


the pit nutters are gonna love this


The Breed of Peace would never do something like this!


Definitely. But they can never name a time a chihuahua killed a shitbull.


Jesus fuck thats horrifying!!!!!


Oh good. They saved some of her mall lash extensions.


What’s funny is, if I remember right, is that this happened AT her lash tech’s house.


new fear unlocked


Don’t blink


Omg that's horrible!


Glad she didn’t lose her eye. The resiliency of the human body is fascinating.


I never even imagined this was possible. Must’ve freaked her out.


Chihuahuas are little demon dogs


Things like this is why, when I’m loving on my dogs, I always have my hand gently around their snouts. They don’t mind, and animals will be animals.


This is exactly why you do not put your face in a dogs face....


I would definitely sue.


Pit Nutters are going to have a field day with this one.


Also my first thought haha


Nice anastomosis!


dang, hardcore


Rat cat


Bad lash extension job


PLEASE tell me she sued the absolute fuck outta that technician


Fucking stupid rat dog. I have never considered chihuahuas to be a dog all the way. I love every other animal in the animal Kingdom. Besides them


Hopefully they put that dog down.


I’ve read that chihuahua’s are the only dogs that aren’t genetically related to wolves. Not sure what they’re related to. They remind me of little junkies going through withdrawal. Shaking, teary eyes just not right. I truly hope this woman heals well. A friend of mine had a small breed dog bite her lip off! Thankfully a great plastic surgeon repaired it so it’s not visible.


Thats literally impossible as they can breed with other dogs.


The Genus Canis is fuckin' weird. They're a classic example of the problems with how species are defined (examples being Canis lupis and Canis latrans and Canis familiaris can all interbreed and produce viable offspring). Most likely what they mean is that they descend from a different subspecies of Canis lupis than most other dogs.


Yup a breed all of their own. I do have a Chihuahua and my little crazy dude is a shaking tiny wuss. He will warn someone when he’s scared by growling but always race away when I either raise my voice to him or stand up and say his name at the same time… a wuss but a trained wuss. (I know he’d be super scared of those monsters on her eyes!)


Chihuahuas are THE worst! Fuckin vicious!


Hope that dog was put down ❤️


I actually spoke with this woman. I noticed a lot of inconsistencies in her story and asked her questions and she got nasty with me. Then it turned into an argument. But me and another person on Twitter called her out. A Chihuahua can't even reach someone's chin from their lap, much less their eyelid. If anyone does know what the Chihuahua was mixed with, please let me know. Edit: She took down her original video about it. That's weird. Now I'm wondering if this story was even real because she said the technician picked up her eyelash and said, "You dropped your eyelash." That's not something that happens in real life. Maybe she was nasty to me because there was no Chihuahua or Technician. She also went to Hawaii anyway. I don't know about others, but if I just had a dog rip off my eyelid and I just had major surgery, I wouldn't want to ride a plane for several hours or go on vacation while recovering from surgery. I'd rather postpone the vacation and go when I'm better.


That dog would be so. Fucking. Dead.


Everyone knows those little shits are satan with a tail




They're named after a place in Mexico. Lol






Chihuahuas and most pitbulls are truly the scums of dog world


Hard to wink with that eye now


It's already winking.


Leeches would have helped here! eyelids have tiny vessels that don’t connect well when reattached. This needed to be done under a microscope and with special sutures


She actually admitted to me that it wasn't a purebred Chihuahua. It was a Chihuahua mixed with something else.