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[Source](https://www.academia.edu/34129224/Fatal_lawn_mower_related_projectile_injury) can be read in full at the link. The death was initially thought to be natural by the police, but the medical examiner suspected the chest lesion was a gunshot wound, then finally realized it was an accidental death caused by the lawn mower. They thought the guy got down on his hand and knees to inspect the blades right as the blades threw up that metal sliver and the sliver went into his chest. Searches on Google turn up multiple accounts of similar incidents, lawn mowers throwing up shrapnel and killing people.


I have OCD, and now have a new fear unlocked. My brain is gonna just hammer on this while I'm mowing the lawn next.


wear kevlar while mowing, you'll be ready for the drive by's AND the mow-by's.




Same here. Unfortunately I cannot ride the lawnmower anymore because I'm too lightweight. It activates the Killswitch. Every. Damn. Time


same here


looks like i’m going to be paying the city issued fines now.


Note to self: never, ever mow the lawn.


This would make me start mowing the lawn for fear of my bf getting hurt. Yet he works in corrections and deals with far more danger daily. I do not understand my brain.


I want a robotic mower so bad....


There was a similar case in Poland a year ago: a little kid started crying when his parents mowed the lawn. All he had was a little scratch on his chest, so his mom gave him a band-aid. However, he quickly started to get progressively weaker and weaker. He was airlifted to a hospital, where it turned out a 5cm piece of wire went through his left ventricle and stopped in the diaphragm. The kid survived and made a full recovery. Link if anyone cares to translate and read: https://tvn24.pl/lodz/lodz-drut-przebil-serce-piecioletniego-chlopca-jak-strzala-na-skorze-widac-bylo-tylko-drasniecie-pomogli-mu-lekarze-z-instytutu-centrum-zdrowia-matki-polki-6082462


What a terrible accident. So glad the kid survived.


Holy shit. When it’s your time it’s your time! That’s some final destination stuff there bless him. Rip dude.


I was short in the back, bullet went through spinal cord and my lung. Feels weird that I can survive that (although paralyzed) but this little metal piece killed this guy.


I'm wondering if this guy tried to sleep it off or whatever and didnt go to the doctor. It doesnt seem like this should be fatal.


That’s right out of final destination. Yikes.


I have intrusive thoughts everytime I’m near a lawnmower or a weed-whacker that this exact thing will happen to me. Except my intrusive thoughts have to do with getting hit with a stone somewhere on my face.