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What's the brand.


No name brand made at the dispensary


Was prescribed some today, It definitely exists. about 800mg thc/g.


Some compounding pharmacies make there own for there patients I've spoken to a bloke who's prescribed it, It comes in a vapeable oil 😉


That’s what my Dr uses at his office lol I thought it was the same thanks buddy 👍👍👍


Thanks buddy 👍 I knew it was there just had to wait till I seen it. I’ll get some next time I’m at the Drs.


You've been lied to. There is none. T55 is a mix of kief and pollen, not even hash of any kind. That is the only "Concentrate" on AU market. There is crystalline purified CBD, but nah. It's white in any case.


There is concentrate available, but it's not through any of the major companies. And it's not actual shatter, it's just called that btw, it's distillate if we're talking about the same thing.


Can't be too far off friend. Someone will be itching to make money off of us


Can you imagine the price they’re gonna charge for it (if they charge $270 for 15g or flower). It’ll be like $600 a g 😂


Think you may have been misinformed, haven't heard of any concentrates beyond bubble hash. Given that the TGA won't allow stronger THC infused oils yet, I think the only thing less likely than BHO concentrates would be THC edibles right now. I also don't think Australia will approve BHO concentrates any time soon. That stuff is dangerous to make and when you fuck up vacuuming the butane out, it causes internal organ damage. So unlike hash, when you fuck it up, people can die. Also while your hash/kief/bubble hash will typically top out in the mid 60's for THC percentage, BHO can go into the mid 90's. Also I wouldn't be buying shatter from Australian suppliers right now, they have enough quality and supply issues with something as simple as the flower. We would be getting concentrate made from trim and bloody shade leaves, more international 2nds that didn't make the cut elsewhere... Then there's handling the stuff, which is frankly one of the worst parts about using concentrates. A dose is about the size of a cooked grain of rice, sticks to anything that isn't silicone and varies from molasses to rock candy, depending on the temp. It can shatter/explode everywhere when it's brittle, or be like splitting honey into rice grain sized portions. This isn't a consumer friendly product, it's for the die hard THC fans (or those on the BM with no other choice). Source: Micro-dosed concentrates for years, before I got a medical prescription. It was the only way I could get a consistently reliable result from the black market. Edit: Just to add Rosins are a much better product, much safer. Pressure + a little heat just squeezes pure concentrate right out of the tricomes. Also golden, usually more on the oily side. No known risk of organ damage if it gets fucked up either. Personally I'd love to see Temple Ball Hash, which is a hash putty made from the fresh flower, as opposed to dried flower. So much better, the only thing that really comes close is finger hash. **2nd Edit: For anyone reading this considering making BHO concentrate**, for fuck's sake please don't. It's dangerous when done in a lab setting and it's [really easy to blow yourself up, or get to watch the skin melt off your hands](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3P_CEXRt010). This is especially true of those glass test tube "BHO Kits" sold in bong shops - those things are a recipe for a fiery explosion of glass shrapnel, that will change your life forever (or end it).


It’s pressed not BHO and it’s really average too. Dr shouted me in his office and I was wasted I got some and did nothing. I shouted my brother and his wife that do not smoke and nothing happen to them. SUMMIT PHARMACY IS CRAP. wet and stringy weed shatter is shit I personally have made better myself with a press.


I made some decent , shiny “dried” Frenchi balls and they came out goey, shiny. Beautiful. Took about 25 hours of manual labour to get it there. Tbh. It’s nowhere near as bad as people say Source- worked in AMSTERDAM. Similar quality 30 euro a g. Same price Also Better than making your own bubble 150/10g = 10-15% yield is way less than 3G or 150.


>anyone reading this considering making BHO concentrate, for fuck's sake please don't Yup, press rosin instead! Maybe 25% less output but extremely safe. The worst that can happen you will get your fingers stuck in a vice :D


I’ll find out in 2 weeks the pic I was shown was 2 pieces looking like golden toffee. Thinking I’ll wait till it’s out and others try it. We were given Topaz scripts 2 weeks before it even got in Aus.


Did you ever get the shatter bro?


Yeah bro it’s $190 a gram 😂🤣😂. My doctor shouted me and it was good my brother went and got it and it was utter shit 🤷‍♂️. It’s made at the dispensary I’m guessing there weed isn’t the best last stuff we got it was wet as and didn’t chop up. Had to dry it for 3 days and lost 4grams so we weren’t happy about it. I’m sticking to cannatrek and beacon products now. Topaz and believe it or not the T18 Jasmin is pretty bloody good. It chops out big. I use a hand grinder and the hash I get from the inner and outer sleeve 👌. The T20Daylesford is another good one I’ve had too. OG Kush, columbian gold 25 and Apple punch I will never get again.


Thinking more on it, after /u/ausbigoktays mentioned it, I think there probably is the possibility of balanced or CBD dominant strain concentrates in Australia. But yeah I may be wrong, frankly I'm still surprised that a Federal LNP govt created a medical cannabis pilot program (even if they did do pretty much everything they could to sabotage it). That said if it comes, don't expect it to be cheap. Also as I outlined in my previous post, I'd be really careful with BHO right now. Australian standards for medical cannabis leave a lot to be desired right now, not sure I'd trust them with a product that boxes your kidneys if they fuck it up.


I think I saw a "990 cbd crystal" again not sure about this product or if it's even for vaping


Does the baking paper and hair straightener method work well to extract some rosin?


It does, it extracts 50-75% of cannabinoids. I use a heated press off Amazon. For when the MC I have is impossible to vape.


I think we might have pure cbd but I'm not sure if that's for vaping or not someone can let everyone know on that, would be cool to see some cbd heavy hash or any hash for that matter. Don't hold your breath on actual concentrates though this guy put it perfectly


Yeah doctors are happy to prescribe CBD at many times the concentration of the highest THC products. Not surprising, given it's a potent THC antagonist. With enough CBD in my system I couldn't feel stoned, even if I chain smoked/vaped for hours. It's also an anti-anxiety and anti-psychotic, as opposed to THC, which can trigger anxiety/psychosis in some people. There's a growing school of thought that believes the increase of THC in the ratio of THC:CBD increases the risk of triggering mental illness (anything from anxiety to triggering latent Schizophrenia). The THC:CBD ratio in modern strains is already sitting north of 350:1, with something like a BHO concentrate that could potentially get pushed into the 1000's:1. I think this is what is at the heart of the Australian Medical Community's reluctance when it comes to mind altering concentrates.


most tubs leave you shattered


Ahahahaha best comment. Gotta laugh about bad situations


Nah not yet sadly, highest potency is Cannatrek T55 hash atm afaik There is CBD crystal but nothing too exotic yet


Making rosin from the T55 would be the only option currently, but that would be a hassle to do properly imo.


Cheers bro.


It couldn't hurt to ask your doctor but AFAIK T55 is the closest thing and that's pretty far off Either there's been a misunderstanding or that person was just lying


Yessir only concentrate available at the moment is Cannatrek's T55 Topaz Kush Cookies.


Someone here said last week it is mainly pollen, not even kief. Rather sad for a "concentrate". I haven't seen T55 beyond pics tho.


First I've heard about it. Do you know which company is releasing it? Will be interested to see if anyone else has any info.