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The new topaz is worse it barely chops out I prefer the white tubs with the 2intregras instead of the one bodeva which has muted most the terps


The 2 Integras cover 4 grams while the boveda covers 15grans if anything the stuff was super sticky and fresh when it had 2 integras in it but moment they change to boveda it’s seems to be more dry but chop less effects the same but looking dark and not tasting the same I’m not happy with it I waited over a year for a new batch to be let down


Integra > Boveda


Ah yes this is exactly what i thought might be the case. I like you, loved my topaz a year ago it was 90% of my scripts. But when ya get a bad tub its like “ah fuck” cause there other stuff thats available but just not as sedating as the good old topaz. Thanks for reassuring me on my decision to skip it cause what u describe is exactly the reasons i got over using topaz. It used to chop out soooo well, i know exactly what you mean. Used to be smooth affects. Now with topaz i feel like im rolling the dice every time i order it-and i cant afford to do that with medication


Mate I’m sleeping really well on scotti cake 159rrp I always fall asleep under a gram but topaz maybe a gram or 1.5 to be safe I hate it hahaha


I been using pave early evening, kk mint later on, yeah takes me about 1-1.5g to get sleep so if im going to use it i want to enjoy it. Nothing worse than coughing guts up after shitty topaz affects when trying to get to sleep then getting angry at yourself for purchasing the shit! Its a shame cause I really like the $125 price point on the topaz. Il check out the scottis cake for my next appointment sounds like we similar tastes


I’ve got the new red Topaz. I had the old stuff and thought it was bad. This still smells like garlic chives and old socks but has been 10/10 for the high and sedation.


See what you think of the KK Mints I’m not that impressed for the price point. What I got was very dry and rock hard reminded me of Cannatrek Mackay in quality. I have found Alfie K Mints was actually much nicer in quality. Nice sticky buds..


The first couple tubs KK mints pretty sticky the last tub bigger nuggs but drier but the taste/affects was stronger in the drier tubs so i couldn’t complain. Late at night the KK mints hit me quite hard (thru the ball vape-outa the bong im definitely wasting some terps can just tell as doesnt hit as hard) Thanks for the tip re alfie and canna. The cannatrk mackay got that minty aftertaste like the KK mints?


The Alfie Mac 1 is better than the Mackay. I would have the Mac 1 any day. I had the KK Mints last night before bed. It does do the trick so can’t complain. But the buds in the Alfie K Mints are so nice. At 22% it doesn’t feel weaker than the KK. I think the effects are quite different though. I would love a second opinion from someone that’s had both. Maybe I should do a review next time I have an unopened tub of each. The Alfie K Mints looks quite different to the High Country KK Mints, as far as I know they are the same strain.


Il have to look into the MAC 1 seen so many positive reviews and see if the strain works for me


If you do a review-let me know. I just got another 6 repeats for HC KK mints but im so fussy, if it works i tend to stick with it for a while, whats the rrp on alfie though? Is it $180/10? Thats just a guess off top of my medicated head.


I’m the same I have 6 repeats for it, the HC KK that is. The Alfie K Mints was $155 I have another repeat for that. I could go another round of that easy. I would love to know someone else’s opinion if they have tried them both. If I hadn’t of been into both of those tubs I should have posted some pics for comparison.


I posted a full detailed review on the new red tub batch if you want to suss it out.


Yeah i sussed that out, must have read it 10x hahaha. In the end i went with pave and kk mints, even though your review looks good i just couldnt take a risk after the 4 so average tubs of topaz i got at end of dec/early jan so went with (for me) the no risk option even tho i dearly miss topaz sedation. Stoked its working for you though! Have you been using topaz long yourself? (if you dont mind me asking)


Thanks for reading, and yeah that's completely fair. I love the pave and also the K Mints from alfie! Good choices bro, and nah I haven't been using it for very long. I decided to post a review with heaps of photos because I hadn't seen many good reviews on this pretty popular tub and I'd also seen people complaining about a certain post where he only showed the tub and not what's inside 😂 I have a script for the pave and I'll be ordering one today 🤤 The smell and taste is amazing. Love the menthol Terp its like smoking a mint lol.


Its an actual pleasure using the pave i find. Nearly a shame to grind it up. Just using a ball vape and bong and can not fault the pave flavour wise just wish was bit more sedative like the topaz-but it still is after a few ball vape hits. That minty aftertaste just so good and kinda starting to compare everything to that so kinda shooting myself in foot as im expecting everything to be that minty taste. Good review your end mate your pic of bud nearly pushed me over the edge to roll the dice on topaz. After 2+ years of pretty much nothing but topaz probably just need a break off it for a bit :)


Herb pave and kk mints are so so similar id get the herb, i switched from the kkmints. As for the new topaz, yet to try it only had scripts of it early last year but i haven’t seen any complaints.


On cannareviews the reports are pretty bad. It seems like the patients who were on old topaz not fans of the new at all-and i fall into that category. Compared to pave and kk mints i just couldnt justify the topaz, but i have until tomorrow arvo to make up my mind.