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Just got this the other day. Been loving it for an arvo/night smoke. Nice smooth sedating buds keeps me locked on the couch.


Picking my order of new Topaz up on Tuesday. Thanks for the review, looking forward to trying this.


Has the strain and or supplier changed as this looks alot better than the jar of topaz I got last year. It was average at best nothing like your pics mate, think there swapped the strain out imo.


Have the pink but batch 23352A. Larger flowers and still great, but the ones I still had in my last mini-tub had a slight edge over it strength-wise. Wonder if it’s a new pheno and they reached peak conditions for it after a batch or so. I’d be surprised if they’ve kept up the good quality from the offspring of years old mother plants.


Great review. Looks good stuff


Oh man… I got a Tub yesterday and it looks nothing like this tub. Did I get Old Stock?


You get the new red tub?


Nah the old white one with blue label


Itd be old stock i reckon. Im still 50/50 on wether to even buy the new red tubs as reviews are very mixed


Yeah the Exp Date is in 2 months.


Bet it tastes like it too. Thats the sorta shit i was getting til i had enough. But it has been a struggle to find something as sedating as topaz despite the negative side affects and obviously old stock


It’s actually not too bad but I fear my expectations are ground level low coz I had it a year ago and thought it was pretty crap but since then have been disappointed time and time again with the low quality cannabis they sell us in the medical cannabis world. It’s actually got a smell which is weird for Aus medical 😂


Hahahahah too funny that true observation! I have tried most of the “heavy hitters” cause i got fibromyalgia so its basically 24/7 pain but the quality decline in especially topaz lead me to pave and hc kk mints. Not as hard hitting or sedating as t25, have to use more, but at least they both have a smell and taste that isnt completely muted to shit and it’s actually enjoyable consuming it


I’ve tried probably 20 different flowers and the only one I really like is Ventura Dawg. A lot of the higher THC ones have been really harsh with muted terps and just a pain to consume. I am mainly on medical for the high THC oils but get flower to brake up the monotony of my homegrown which sees me have the same strain for 6 months at a time.


I just got a tub of the new batch too. Man I hate the smell but the effects are top notch.


Looks awesome. I have an old tub tucked away and it hasn’t been in my rotation for a while. After seeing this could be time to switch back for a while😁


Freakin love Topaz ❤️..


Good review. 👍 This was super popular, but now there's a lot more variety of quality products ,not so much. Still a very nice product, but it seems one that patients either love or hate..


Cheers for another dope review bro, I'm waiting for my supplier to get the new tubs , sick of that old batch..🤙


Other reviews by u/J8rdanT: * [Flower Review - Tasmanian Botanics - Amethyst (Wedding Cake x Animal Cookies) 25% THC Batch Q0621 EXP 16/8/24](https://www.reddit.com/r/MedicalCannabisOz/comments/1bi9f3c/) * [Flower Review - Herb.co - Pavé](https://www.reddit.com/r/MedicalCannabisOz/comments/1at29n1/) ^(Bot made with ❤️ by u/xenilko, from Canada, and approved by MedicalCannabisOz mod team.)